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Benefits of using technology for
formative assessment in the

1. Immediate Feedback:
Technology can provide instant feedback
on students' performance and address
misconceptions in real-time.
2. Customizable Assessments:
Providing a more tailored and
personalized approach to learning.
3. Accessibility:
Technology-based assessments are
accessible to a wider range of learners.
Benefits of using technology for
formative assessment in the

4. Efficient Grading:
Technology can automate grading and data
analysis, freeing up teachers' time for
more targeted instruction and
individualized feedback.
5. Collaboration:
Technology can facilitate collaborative
learning and peer-to-peer assessments.
6. Engagement:
Technology-based assessments can be
more engaging and interactive for students
Challenges of using technology
for formative assessment in the
1. Technical issues:
The technology may not work correctly, or the
school's network may not support the required
software or website.
2. Dependence on technology:
Over-reliance on technology for formative
assessment can take the place of other
methods of evaluation.
3. Teacher training:
They may not feel comfortable with the device
or software, thus resulting in a decrease in its
Technology tools and Strategies for
Formative Assessment
Online Quizzes and Tests: With online quizzes and tests, students can get immediate
feedback on their performance, allowing them to identify areas of weakness and work
on improving those areas.
Examples of apps for formative assessment in the classroom:
Clickers and Polling Tools: Clickers and polling tools allow
instructors to engage students in real-time, and can help to
gauge understanding of content.
Collaborative Learning Platforms: Collaborative learning
platforms allow students to collaborate with their peers in real-
Digital Portfolios: Digital portfolios allow students to collect
and organize their work in a central location. Instructors can
review student work and provide feedback throughout the
learning process.
Limitations of Using
Technology for Assessment

While technology can bring about many

benefits in assessment, there may also be
potential limitations and concerns that need
to be addressed to ensure fair, valid, and
reliable assessments. Here are some
limitations and concerns along with possible

 Technical difficulties: Technical
problems like software glitches,
internet connectivity can impact
reliability and validity if not
addressed in a timely manner.
 Solution: It's important to check all
equipment and software before the
assessment to ensure everything is
in working order.
▹ Technical literacy: Some
individuals may lack the
technical knowledge to use
digital assessment tools,
leading to issues with
accessibility and fairness.
▹ Solution: Ensure that all
participants receive clear 9
instructions and training on
how to use the technology
before the assessment.
▹ Cheating: With digital assessments, there is a
higher risk of cheating compared to traditional
assessments where proctors can monitor
students in person.
▹ Solution: Use tools like lock-down browsers,
webcams, and proctoring software to help deter

▹ By addressing these limitations and concerns,

assessment administrators can ensure that
technology is used to provide fair, valid, and
reliable assessments that accurately assess
student learning outcomes.

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