Manajemen Kursus (English)

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Course Management

Course for Leader Trainers

Course Management




Course for Leader Trainers

Course Management (cont’d)

Essential tasks for a Course Leader

-Before the course
= On commencement of the Course
-During the course
= At the end of the course
-After the course

Course for Leader Trainers

Steps in developing a training course

 Identification of needs
 Establish aim of the course
 Set course objectives
 Decide course contents
 Select methods
 Drawing up course programme
 Implementation and evaluation

Course for Leader Trainers

Essential Tasks of a Course Leader

Before the Course

 Fixes the date & time schedule of the course;

 Recruits course staff and fixes pre-course sta
ff meeting;
 Assembles the staff team and delegation of re
 Ascertains the course objectives and contents
are in line with the Association’s obligatory req
 Draws up course plan and budget;
Course for Leader Trainers
Before the Course (cont’d)

 Books venue and seeks the necessary funding f

or the course;
 Publicizes the course and ascertains training ne
eds of participants;
 Assembles trainers and facilitators to define c
ourse and objectives, plan programme, assign s
pecific sessions;
 Obtains approval from the Training Commission

Course for Leader Trainers

Before the Course (cont’d)

 Allocates participants in groups and brief

facilitators on the background of the participants;
 Informs the selected participants of the details
of the course
 Makes a final check to ensure all pre-course
preparation has been carried out as planned, and
takes necessary action; and
 Prepare & conducts the pre-course briefing for
the participants if required.

Course for Leader Trainers

Before the Course (cont’d)

 Modifies the course design and course

 Assists course trainers/staff to prepare their
sessions and training aids;
 Invites guests speakers, if required;
 Prepares personal talks and sessions;
 Checks applications and finalizes the
participants list

Course for Leader Trainers

On commencement of the course
 Set up the training venue and other physical
 Registration & Distribution of course
 Welcome the course, introduces course staff
and Trainer-on-Duty;
 Make known course rules, course routines;
 Identifies the aims and objectives of the
 Integration, get participants to familiarize
with one another

Course for Leader Trainers

During the Course
 Provides leadership and creates an atmosphere conductive
to learning;
 Co-ordinates the staff through leadership of regular staff
 Leads individual sessions;
 Anticipates programmes ahead and adjusts timings;
 Supports and counsels staff and/or participants as require
 Identifies new training needs and adapts programme to tr
y to meet them;
 Ensures that support materials and back-up resources are
available as required

Course for Leader Trainers

During the Course (cont’d)
 Acts as “trouble-shooter” and adjudicator, if required
 Receives and host guests and outside speakers;
 Conducts regular evaluations and adapts programme
 Summarizes course and give valedictory address;
 Ensures religious observances occur;
 Ensures clearance of site after use

Course for Leader Trainers

At the end of the course

 Conducts an evaluation of the course with participants;

 Presents certificate of appreciation to staff and helpers;
 Presides over the presentation of certificates of
attendance to participants;
 Invite Chief Guest for the closing ceremony;
 Ensures that the site is cleared and cleaned

Course for Leader Trainers

After course
 Returns all loaned gear and equipment
 Conducts evaluation with staff members
 Correlates session reviews and evaluation sheets from
 Sends thanks you notes/letters
 Records details on training files
 Finalizes accounts and prepares statement of accounts;
 Prepares course report and records recommendations
 Submits course report to the Training Commissioner
 Returns course files

Course for Leader Trainers

Thank you

Course for Leader Trainers

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