Substance Use Assignment Aaron 8C

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By Aaron
What type of Drug is Alcohol? Where Does it Come From?

Alcohol is a depressant, which means that it

inhibits the function of the central nervous
system. An example of this can be when it slows
down the reaction time of a person, or when it
influences the mood of a person and makes them
feel down or aggressive. Alcohol is a natural
substance, and it comes from yeast fermenting in
grains, fruits, and vegetables. An example is wine
and vodka, wine is made from the sugars in
grapes. And vodka is made from the sugars in
How does this Drug Affect the Human Mind and Body?

Alcohol affects the mind by

interfering with the way you talk
and what you would say. It also
affects the way the brain looks and
works. How it affects the body is if
used excessively it can give you high
blood pressure, heart disease, a
stroke, liver disease, and digestive
problems. It can also give you
cancer of the liver and mouth.
What form does Alcohol come in? How is it used?

Alcohol comes in the form of a

beverage. It is used by drinking it in
a small glass cup or bottle. These
could be a beer bottle, a wine glass,
and a shot glass.
Current Statistics of Age Groups

31.3% of 18-20 year olds use Alcohol

62.2% of 21-25 year olds use Alcohol

61% of 26-29 year olds use Alcohol

58.6% of 30-34 year olds use alcohol

The Long and Short-term Side Effects of Alcohol
Long-term: Short-term:
● Hangover.
● Weakened immune system.
● Lowered inhibitions.
● Learning and memory problems.
● Altered behavior, like risky or
● Mental health problems, like
violent behavior.
depression or anxiety.
● Accidents or falls.
● Social problems.
● Alcohol dependance.

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