Group 6

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E DPresented
by: GroupO N 1
What is Qualitative Research Design?

QualiTaTive research design is a research

meThod ThaT focuses on answering The
"whys" and "hows" of a phenomenon.
IT is ofTen subjecTive, and findings are
presenTed in wriTTen form.
Here are some types o f Qualitative Research Design:

1.) GROUNDED THEORY — I t is an inductive type

o f research-based or grounded in the observations
o f data from which i t was developed; i t uses a
variety o f data sources, including quantitative
data, review o f records, interviews, observation
and surveys.
Four Important Characteristics
o f a Grounded Theory are:

1.F i t
2. Understanding
4. Control
2.) ETHNOGRAPHY — This type o f research
focuses on describing the culture o f a group o f
people. A culture is the shared attributes, values,
norms, practices, language, and material things o f
a group o f people.

There are Two Additional or Specialized Types

of Ethnography

1. Ethnology- the comparative study of cultural

2.Ethnohistory- the study of the cultural past
of a group of people
3.) CASE S T U D Y — I s a form of qualitative
research that is focused on providing a detailed
account of one or more cases.
Robert Stake classifies case study research
into three types:

a. Intrinsic Case Study

b. Instrumental Case Study
c. Collective Case Study
4.) PHENOMENOLOGY — a form of
research in which the researcher
attempts to understand how one or
more individuals experience a
you !

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