Student Mindset: A Presentation For Students

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* It is how you see your learning
There are two types
of Mindset:
• Growth
• Fixed
Do you know which Mindset you have?
Let’s see- complete this questionnaire and find out!

Do you agree or disagree with the following?

1. Your intelligence is something very basic about you that you

can’t change very much.
2. You can learn new things, but you can’t really change how
intelligent you are.
3. No matter how much intelligence you have, you can always
change it quite a bit.
4. You can always substantially chance how intelligent you are.
If you agree with questions 1 and 2, you have a more fixed

If you agree with questions 3 and 4, you have more of a

growth mindset
Someone with a FIXED Mindset:
- Avoids challenges
- Gets defensive
- Gives up easily
- Sees effort as worthless (why should I
- Ignores useful feedback
- Feels threatened by the success of
- Believes that intelligence is fixed and
cannot be changed no matter how hard
they try
Someone with a GROWTH Mindset:
- Embraces challenges
- Doesn’t give up when things get hard
- Sees effort as what it takes to succeed
- Learns from criticism
- Learns lessons and becomes inspired by
the success of others
- Believes that intelligence can be developed
- Wants to LEARN with effort
How do I help myself have a GROWTH
- Don’t give up- keep trying! Learning takes time!!!
- One failure doesn’t mean total failure!
- You don’t have to be better than anyone but yourself
- When you hit a roadblock- ask yourself these
- What do I already know?
- What do I need to know?
- Who could help me?
- What resources do I have available to me?
Creating a growth
Mindset is up to
you! Don’t give up,
keep working,
learning takes
time--- but it is
worth it!

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