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Tourism and Hospitality 2

Learning Objectives
1. trace the evolution of transportation and travel;
2. discuss the historical development of transport systems;
3. explain the selection of transport mode;
4. discuss the role of international rail transportation;
5. identify the reasons for the growth and decline of ship travel;
6. explain the importance and scope of the bus/motor coach industry;
7. describe the impact of private car ownership on the tourism industry;
8. enumerate the dynamics of the worldwide car rental industry; and
9. discuss the role of the airline industry in the development of tourism.
Transportation &
Travel Evolution
The evolution of
transportation and travel
encompasses a vast array
of changes and
advancements throughout
history that have
transformed how people
and goods move from one
place to another.
1. Pre-Industrial Travel System Era
This was the period before the
widespread industrialization
in Europe and North America.
It was before the development
of railways on the two

There were almost no regular

scheduled transportation
service. There was little travel.
2. Early-Industrial Travel System Era
Road improvements such as railways,
canals, steamship services were brought

Common carriers come into existence and

began to offer regular scheduled
transportation services.
3. Mature Railway System Era

Characterized by railways which

expanded their operations by running
hotels and providing other travel-
related services.
Travel agencies and tour companies
were formed.
4. Express-Travel System Era
Expressed service increased. Trains
and other forms of transportation did
not stop at every station/terminal but
only at the major ones.

"Expressed service" typically refers

to a premium or expedited
transportation service offered within
the framework of an express-travel
5. Automobile-Based Travel System Era

This influenced of the privately

owned automobile was enhanced in
North America and Europe from the
1920s onward.
6. Modern-Tourism Travel System Era

Car ownership continued to grow at a

fast rate.

Mass air travel was another World

War II occurrence.
7. Post Mobility Adjustment Era

Began in 1973 to 1974 as a result

of he oil embargo generated by the
Organization of Petroleum
Exporting Countries (OPEC) and
the resulting increase of fuel price.
Historical Development of the Transport
Year Mode of Transport Speed (miles
per hour)
6000 BC Caramel Caravan 8
Year Mode of Transport Speed (miles
per hour)
1600 BC Chariot 20
Year Mode of Transport Speed (miles
per hour)
AD 1784 First English Mail Coach 10
Year Mode of Transport Speed (miles
per hour)
1825 First Steam Locomotive 13
Year Mode of Transport Speed (miles
per hour)
1890 Improve Steam Locomotive 100
Year Mode of Transport Speed (miles
per hour)
1931 Land Speed Record 350
(Bluebird: Sir Malcolm Campbell)
Year Mode of Transport Speed (miles
per hour)
1938 Land Speed Record 350
(Napier-Railton car: John Cobb)
Year Mode of Transport Speed (miles
per hour)
1938 Piston Aircraft 400
Year Mode of Transport Speed (miles
per hour)
1952 United States Liner 41
(New York to Le Harve)
Year Mode of Transport Speed (miles
per hour)
1958 Jet Fighter Aircraft 1300
Year Mode of Transport Speed (miles
per hour)
1958 Boeing 707 and DC-8 Aircraft (DC-Douglas Commercial) 600
Year Mode of Transport Speed (miles
per hour)
1961 Spaceship (Vostok 1 Orbiting) 17,560
Year Mode of Transport Speed (miles
per hour)
1967 Rocket Plane 4,534
Year Mode of Transport Speed (miles
per hour)
1970 Fighter Bomber (Mirage IV) 1,450
Year Mode of Transport Speed (miles
per hour)
1970 Commercial Aircraft: Concorde 1,320
Year Mode of Transport Speed (miles
per hour)
1970 Boeing 747 626
Selection of Transportation Mode
There are many reasons why people select one transportation mode over
another. People belonging to different travel segments have different value

Factors Affecting the Selection of Transportation Mode:

-Cost -Comfort -Terminal Facilities/locations
-Traveling time -Availability -Status & Prestige
-Safety -Frequency of trips -Departure/Arrival Times
-Convenience -Ground Services
Modes of Transportation
Travel by Train

Trains are vehicles that run on

railway tracks and are powered by
locomotives or electric engines.
Train travel is a popular means of
transportation for both short and
long distances in many parts of the
Modes of Transportation
Travel by Ship

Travel by ship refers to the act of

journeying from one place to
another via a water vessel.
Historically, sea travel has been
one of the primary modes of
transportation for both goods and
Modes of Transportation
Travel by Automobile

The act of journeying from one

place to another using a motor
vehicle. It is a common mode of
transportation used by individuals
and families for various purposes
such as commuting to work,
running errands, going on road
trips, or traveling long distances.
Modes of Transportation
Travel by Bus

Travel by bus refers to

transportation using buses as the
primary mode of conveyance.
Buses are large motor vehicles
designed to carry passengers along
predetermined routes, typically on
roads or highways.
Modes of Transportation
Travel by Motor Coach

It involves flying from one

location to another using airplanes.
Air travel is one of the fastest and
most efficient modes of
transportation for long distances,
allowing people and goods to
reach their destinations quickly
and safely.

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