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Introduction to Cloud

Cloud Computing Concept
• Def: Cloud computing is a model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient,
on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable
computing resources that can be rapidly provisioned and released
with minimal management effort or service provider interaction.
• For example: networks, servers, storage, applications, and services.
• Is virtualisation done at a large scale with very powerful hardware
managed professionally in big physical data centres.
Enablers of cloud Computing
1. Capacity Planning
• Capacity planning is the process of determining and fulfilling future
demands of an organization’s IT resources, products, and services.
• There is a constant need to balance peak usage requirements without
unnecessary over-expenditure on infrastructure.
2. Cost reduction
• A direct alignment between IT costs and business performance can be
difficult to maintain.
• The on-going ownership of internal technology infrastructure can
encompass burdensome responsibilities that impose compound impacts on
corporate budgets
Enablers of cloud Computing
3. Organizational Agility
• An IT enterprise often needs to respond to business change by
scaling its IT resources beyond the scope of what was previously
predicted or planned for.
• An IT enterprise often needs to respond to business change by
scaling its IT resources beyond the scope of what was previously
predicted or planned for
Enablers of cloud Computing
4. Clustering
• A cluster is a group of independent IT resources that are interconnected and
work as a single system.
• System failure rates are reduced while availability and reliability are
5. Grid Computing
• A Grid computing differs from clustering in that grid systems are much more
loosely coupled and distributed.
• As a result, grid computing systems can involve computing resources that
are heterogeneous and geographically dispersed, which is generally not
possible with cluster computing-based systems.
Enablers of cloud Computing
6. Virtualization
• Virtualization represents a technology platform used for the creation
of virtual instances of IT resources.
• A layer of virtualization software allows physical IT resources to
provide multiple virtual images of themselves so that their
underlying processing capabilities can be shared by multiple users.
Characteristics of cloud computing
• On-demand self-service
• A consumer can unilaterally provision computing
• capabilities, such as server time and network storage, as needed
• without requiring human interaction with each service provider.
• Broad network access
• Capabilities are available over the network and accessed through
standard mechanisms that promote use by heterogeneous thin or
thick client platforms
• Resource pooling (Multitenancy)
• The characteristic of a software program that enables an instance of
the program to serve different consumers (tenants) whereby each is
isolated from the other
• A cloud provider pools its IT resources to serve multiple cloud service
consumers by using multitenancy models that frequently rely on the
use of virtualization technologies
• Rapid elasticity
• Capabilities can be elastically provisioned and released, in some cases
automatically, to scale rapidly outward and inward with demand. To
the consumer, the capabilities available for provisioning often appear
to be unlimited and can be appropriated in any quantity at any time.
• Measured service
• Resource usage can be monitored, controlled and reported, providing
transparency for both the provider and consumer of the utilized
• Ubiquitous Access
• Ubiquitous access represents the ability for a cloud service to be
widely accessible. Establishing ubiquitous access
• for a cloud service can require support for a range of devices,
transport protocols, interfaces, and security technologies.
• To enable this level of access generally requires that the cloud service
architecture be tailored to the particular needs of different cloud
service consumers.
Service Delivery models

• Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

• The capability provided to the consumer is to provision processing,
storage, networks , and other fundamental computing resources .
Example: running CPU/memory intensive application using Amazon IaaS
• Platform as a Service (PaaS)
• The capability provided to the consumer is to deploy on to the Cloud
infrastructure consumer-created or acquired applications using
programming languages, libraries, services and tools supported by the
provider. Example: building and deployment of application using Google
Cloud Platform.
• Software as a Service (SaaS)
• The capability provided to the consumer is their applications running
on a Cloud infrastructure. Example: opening word/PDF using Google
Apps without installation of MS Office/Adobe
Specialized variations of the three Cloud
delivery models
• Database-as-a-Service (DaaS):
• It is a database that is delivered to clients via a Cloud computing
platform. Access to it is provided as a service.
• Database service stake care of scalability and high availability of the
• Communication-as-a-Service (CaaS)
• It is an outsourced enterprise communications solution that can be
leased from a single vendor. Such communications can include voice
over IP (VoIP or Internet telephony),instant messaging(IM), collaboration
and videoconference applications using mobile devices etc.
• Integration-Platform-as-a-Service( IPaaS )
• It is a Cloud service that provides a platform to support application,
data and process integration projects, usually involving a combination
of Cloud based applications and data sources, APIs and on-premises
Deployment model
• Represent the exact category of Cloud environment and are mainly
distinguished by the proprietorship, size and access.
• The deployment model matches any of the workload requirements, it
is necessary to know the four deployment models ( private, public,
hybrid and community clouds ).
• Public clouds
• Is a type of Cloud hosting in which the Cloud services are delivered
over a network which is open for public usage
• Private cloud
• Is the platform that is implemented on a Cloud-based secure
environment that is safeguarded by are wall which is under the
governance of the IT department that belongs to the particular
• Community Cloud
• Cloud hosting in which the setup is mutually shared between many
organizations that belong to a particular community, i.e. banks and
trading firms. It is a multi-tenant setup that is shared among Several
organizations that belong to specific group which has similar
computing apprehensions.
Cloud computing Technologies and
• A cloud platform is a set of computing resources and services that are
delivered over the internet, allowing users to access and use them
remotely without having to manage the underlying infrastructure.
• Cloud platforms typically provide a range of services, including
computing power, storage, and networking, as well as tools and
frameworks for building, deploying, and managing applications and
• The wrong choice of Cloud computing platform to use could negatively
impact everyone involved, so it is important to look at the choices
carefully and consider short and long term issues in our decision.
Service Providers
• Amazon Web Services (AWS) - AWS is the most popular cloud
computing platform, offering a wide range of services such as
compute, storage, databases, and analytics.
• Microsoft Azure - Azure is a cloud computing platform that offers
similar services to AWS, as well as tools for building, deploying, and
managing applications.
• Google Cloud Platform (GCP) - GCP provides a suite of cloud
computing services, including compute, storage, and databases, as
well as tools for machine learning and data analytics.
• IBM Cloud - IBM Cloud offers a range of cloud computing services,
including infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS), platform-as-a-service (PaaS),
and software-as-a-service (SaaS) offerings.
• Oracle Cloud - Oracle Cloud provides a comprehensive suite of cloud
computing services, including infrastructure, platform, and software
• Salesforce - Salesforce is a cloud-based customer relationship
management (CRM) platform that provides a wide range of services for
sales, marketing, and customer service.
• Heroku - Heroku is a platform-as-a-service (PaaS) offering that allows
developers to build, deploy, and scale applications in the cloud
• Digital Ocean - Digital Ocean is a cloud computing platform that provides
developers with virtual machines (VMs) and other infrastructure services
for building and deploying applications.

• Kubernetes - Kubernetes is an open-source platform for managing

containerized workloads and services, often used in conjunction with cloud
computing platforms to manage and orchestrate applications.

• Docker - Docker is an open-source containerization platform that allows

developers to package and deploy applications in lightweight, portable
Apache Cloud Stack
• Cloud Stack software pro-vides an open and flexible Cloud
orchestration platform for private and public.
• orchestration, user and account management, native API and
Amazon Web
• Services (AWS) API translator. Apps written for Cloud Stack can run in
• Alongside resource accounting of network, compute, storage
resources, multi-tenancy and account separation.
Eucalyptus Systems
• An open-source provider of Cloud management software with strong
technical ties to Amazon Web Services.
• One of the advantages to deploying the Eucalyptus Cloud platform is
the ability for a company to move seamlessly from a private Cloud to
a hybrid model by bursting into the Amazon public Cloud as needed.
Microsoft Hyper-V Software and
Microsoft System Center
• It is referred to as Microsoft Cloud OS, a set of technologies, tools and
processes built on the Windows Server operating system with Hyper-
V software, the Microsoft System Center and the Windows Azure
platform. Together, these technologies provide a consistent platform
for infrastructure, applications and data
Challenges of Cloud Computing
• Cloud computing introduces many challenges for system and
application developers, engineers, system administrators and service
• Security
• Lack of Resources
• Governance
• Vendor Lock in
• Migration
• Integration
Jobs in Cloud Computing
• Cloud Solutions Architect:
Responsible for designing and implementing cloud-based solutions that meet business requirements.

• Cloud Engineer:
Involved in deploying and maintaining cloud infrastructure and services, ensuring optimal performance and

• Cloud Developer:
Focuses on developing applications specifically for cloud platforms, utilizing cloud services and

• Cloud Security Specialist:

Specializes in ensuring the security of cloud environments, implementing security measures, and
monitoring for threats.
Jobs in Cloud Computing
• Cloud Administrator:
Manages and maintains cloud infrastructure, including provisioning resources, monitoring performance,
and troubleshooting issues.

• Cloud Consultant:
Provides expert advice and guidance on cloud strategies, implementations, and best practices to

• DevOps Engineer:
Works on the intersection of development and operations, automating processes and managing
infrastructure in cloud environments.

• Cloud Data Engineer:

Focuses on managing and optimizing data pipelines, storage, and analytics in cloud platforms

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