Project Work Viola Vera

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Kazakh Ablaikhan University of International

Relations and World Languages

Faculty of Translation and Philology
Department of Simultaneous Interpretation

Foreign investments in
Kazakhstan: problems of
attracting and efficiency of
their usage
Done by: Baranova Vera, Kalinina Violetta
Checked by: Aldabergenova A.A.

Almaty, 2023
Attraction of foreign investments into the economy of Kazakhstan is an
objectively necessary process. The world experience of many countries shows
that the influx of foreign capital and the state regulation of its use have a
positive impact on the economy.
The strategy and tactics of increasing the efficiency of the Republic's economy
depend on how successfully Kazakhstan's economy integrates into world
economic ties.
Kazakhstan welcomes FDI
Foreign investments and exports are crucial drivers of Kazakhstan's
economic growth. The government focuses on attracting FDI by
improving the investment climate and reducing administrative barriers.

January 8, 2003, The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On

investments» provides guarantees for foreign investors, the main of
which are:
1) the national regime, foreign investors have the right to use
conditions no less favorable than domestic investors;
2) government guarantees on behalf of the republic;
3) guarantees against changes in legislation and the political situation;
4) guarantees against expropriation, etc.
What can FDI do for Kazakhstan?
Increase the efficiency of export potential, overcome its raw material
orientation and develop import-substituting production;

Strengthen the country's export expansion and strengthen its position in

foreign markets;

Raise the scientific and technological level of production with the help of new
technologies, methods of management and marketing of products;

Increase tax revenues to the state budget;

Promote the development of backward and depressed areas and create new
jobs in the national economy;

Use modern production and management experience through training and

retraining of personnel;

Achieve economic independence of Kazakhstan

Current situation: why foreign investors
are interested location
of state

Human Favorable
capital environment

Rich raw Protection
material investors’
base rights

Political Investment
stability incentives
Current situation
What more can be done?
To stimulate the flow of foreign investment and financial control over their use, it is
necessary to:
1. improve the effectiveness of the mechanism of state regulation of the process of attracting
foreign aid, which includes the organizational structure for managing foreign investments
and a wide arsenal of legal and economic means used by specialists of this structure;
2. improve the system of insurance and reinsurance of risks;
3. establish high-quality and timely information support for foreign investors;
4. implement a number of other measures, but most importantly — the investment policy of
the Republic of Kazakhstan should be flexible, pragmatic and appropriate to the ongoing
internal and external economic realities.
Foreign investments and exports are crucial drivers
of Kazakhstan's economic growth. The
government focuses on attracting foreign direct
investment (FDI) by improving the investment
climate and reducing administrative barriers.
Geopolitical crises and regulatory uncertainties
impact investment opportunities. To remain
competitive, Kazakhstan must enhance its
investment climate and address challenges like
political instability and trade policies.

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