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作 红 沈 周 汝 先 剧 一 楼 文 根 视 视 梦 央

。 学 从 岭 昌 生 。 部 梦 学 据 剧 台 》 视
家 文 、 、 导 由 古 》 名 中 制 和 是 版 年
参 等 曹 王 演 王 装 摄 著 国 作 中 中 《 首
与 多 禺 蒙 , 扶 连 制 《 古 中 国 央 红 播
制 位 、 、 周 林 续 的 红 典 心 电 电 楼 的
Module 3 What lessons can literature teach us ?

Unit 3 More than just a good book.

Enjoy and translate
Row, row, row your boat ,
Gently down the stream.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,
Life is but a dream.
划呀划呀,划着你的小船 , 划、划、划小船,
缓缓地顺流而下。 顺着小溪慢慢下。
多么快乐呀 , 真开心,真开心,
生活就像梦一样。 生活不过是一场梦!

Everyone has his own understanding of

Read and match

A Tranquil Night Autumn Evening in the Mountains

After fresh rain in mountains bare
A bed, I see a silver light,
Autumn permeates evening air.
I wonder if It's frost around. Among pine-trees bright moonbeams peer;
Looking up, I find the moon Over crystal stones flows water clear.
bright; Bamboos whisper of washer-maids;
Bowing, in homesickness I'm Lotus stirs when fishing boat wades.
drowned. Though fragrant spring may pass away,
(许渊冲 译) Still here's the place for you to stay.
(许渊冲 译)
Read and match

Autumn Evening in the Hills

Through empty hills new washed by rain , Thoughts in the Silent Night
As dusk descends the autumn comes; Beside my bed a pool of light—
Bright moonlight falls through pines , Is it hoarfrost on the ground?
Clear springs flow over stones; I lift my eyes and see the moon,
The bamboos rustle as girls return from washing ,I bend my head and think of home.
Lotus flowers stir as a fishing boat casts off;
Faded the fragrance of spring , (杨宪益、戴乃迭 译)
Yet friend , there is enough to keep you here.
(杨宪益、戴乃迭 译)
Fill in blanks with new words.

Last week, my English teacher told us to ________translate

a famous Chinese poem into
English. Even though my English is very good, I found it very difficult to
_________ thecomplete
task. The Chinese poem is very short, but my __________ is very
long! Maybe when my English is better, I can try to do another _______ that is
more accurate. I learnt that there are many things that are easy to say in one
language, but not easy to say in another! That is why when people who know two
languages talk to each other, they often _____the two languages up!

complete mix translate translation version

Listen and fill in blanks.

• A Dream of Red Mansions is one of China’s Four __________ Novels.

because the author ______mixed

• It is very difficult to ________, poetry
a lot of _____ and
allegory into the story. So most early ____________ of the book made many
changes, or made the book ________.However, there are several _________ and
accurate translations.
Listen, read and complete the chart.
of all time
(in the West)
A Dream of
Red Mansions poetry
1978-1980 version
best by Gladys Yang and
Yang Xianyi
Read and tick True or False.
1. A Dream of Red Mansions is the best of China’s Four Great Classical Novels. F

2. The book tells a story with allegory and pictures. Most of the later translations of the book made
a few changes.

3. No Complete versions of A Dream of Red Mansions have been published. F

4. The most accurate translation of the novel was completed in 1979. F

5. Gladys Yang and Yang Xianyi translated the novel into English. T

6. Only people in the East believe that the novel is one of the greatest of all time. F
Read and think. What is the meaning of the
underlined words?
A Dream of Red Mansions is one of China’s Four Great Classical Novels.

Many people in the West think that A Dream of Red Mansions is one of the greatest novels
of all time.

Because of this, most early translations of the book made many changes ,or made the
book shorter.
Even so, there are several complete and accurate translations.

We can use even so to introduce a surprising

or unexpected fact related to what you have
just said.
Match the sentences 1-4 with the sentences a-d.
The book is really long. Even so, she still thinks she should

I am really tired. work harder.

Even so, I read it twice.
She is top of the class.
Even so, I still want to dance.
The book is very old.
Even so, it is still popular today.
Turn and talk with a partner. Try to find many ways to
follow the sentence below using even so.

China’s Four Classical Novels Even so, they are worthy of reading.
are very long.
Even so, we teenagers should try hard to read
the completer version.

It is difficult to translate the Even so, it is necessary to translate them to spread the
Chinese classical books. traditional Chinese culture. .

Even so, translators are still working hard to

do the job.
Yan Fu was the greatest enlightenment thinker in
modern Chinese history. He introduced and translated
the works of Adam Smith, T.H. Huxley, John Stuart
Mill, Herbert Spencer and others into Chinese.

Yan Fu is famous for his three-facet theory of translation;

namely, faithfulness ( 信 ), be true to the original in spirit;
expressiveness ( 达) be accessible to the target reader; and
elegance ( 雅 ), be in the language the target reader accepts
as being educated.

Yan Fu
Know more about translators.
小白兔 , 白又白 , 小老鼠 , 上灯台 ,

两只耳朵竖起来 , 偷油吃 , 下不来 ,

哭着叫着喊妈妈 ,
爱吃萝卜爱吃菜 ,
1. Read the passage.
2. Find more information about the famous
translators’ work.

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