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“Needs Analysis” Group 4

 Hana Devina Yolanda 22220023

 Inne Ardian Pramesti 22220107
 Irhamni Janataini Mubsiroh 22220004
 Jingga Intania Cahya Indah 22220062
 Rahmi Nuraeni Hasani 22220115
 Rida Latipah 22220045
 Siti Juariah 22220034
 Zia Fajriyah Mughni 22220129
Needs Analysis Analysing Learning Needs

Target Needs Answer The Task

Lear ning Needs Conclusion


All courses are based on a perceived There is always an identifiable need of

need of some sort. Otherwise why would English some sort. What distinguishes ESP from General
English is not the existence of a need as such but
find its way on to a school or college timetable:
rather an awareness of the need. If learners,
someone at some time must have decided there sponsors and teachers know why the learners need
was a need for it. is the difference between ESP and English, that awareness will have an influence on
General English? in theory nothing, in practice a what will be acceptable as reasonable content in the
great deal. It is often argued that the needs of the language course and, on the positive side, what
General English learne. potential can be exploited.
Thus, although it might appear on the
This is an assumption that owes more to
surface that the ESP course is characterised by its
institutional inertia and the weight of tradition than
content (Science, Medicine, Commerce, Tourism
to any reality, but it is a powerful force etc.), this is, in fact, only a secondary consequence
nevertheless. In fact, this is the weakest of all of the primary matter of being able to readily specify
arguments, because it is always possible to specify why the learners need English.
needs, even if it is only the need to pass the exam
at the end of the school year.

More the need for a common approach. Probably, the most thorough and widely
The answers to the analysis will probably be known work on needs analysis is John Munby's
different, but the questions that need to be asked Communicative Syllabus Design (1978). Munby
presents a highly detailed set of procedures for
are the same. Nevertheless, for the time being, the
discovering targetsituation needs. The work marked
tradition persists in General English that learner a watershed in the development of ESP. With the
needs can't be specified and as a result no attempt development of the CNP it seemed as if ESP had
is usually made to discover learners' true needs. come of age. The machinery for identifying the needs
Thus if we had to state in practical terms of any group of learners had been provided:
the irreducible minimum of an ESP approach to All the course designer had to do was to
operate it. We can make a basic distinction between
course design, it would be needs analysis, since it
target needs (i.e. what the learner needs to do in the
is the awareness of a target situation - a definable target situation) and learning needs (i.e. what the
need to communicate in English -that distinguishes learner needs to do in order to learn).
the ESP learner from the learner of General
Probably, the most thorough and widely known work on needs analysis is Jhon Munby’s
Communicative syllabus design (1978). The CPN Consisrs of range of questions about key
communication variables ( topic, Participants, medium, ets) which can be used to identify the target
language needs of any group of learners.

What are target needs?

Target needs is something of an umbrella tern, As Richterich (1984 P. 29) “ a need does not exist
which in practice hides a number of important independent of a personal. It is people who build their
distinctions. It is more useful to look at the target images of their needs on the basis of date relating to
situation in terms of necessities, lacks and wants. themselves and their environment.”
A target situasion analysis framework:
 Necessities 1. Why is this the language needed?
 Lacks 2. How will the language be used?
 Wants 3. What will the content areas be?
4. Who will the learner use the language with?
5. Where will the language be used?
6. What will the language be used?

In the target situation Using the analogy The learners' motivation in the target
of the ESP course as a journey, consider the situation will not necessarily carry to the ESP
starting point (lacks) and the destination classroom. It may be more appropriate to look for
(necessities) although we have also seen that texts that are more interesting or humorous in
there might be some dispute as to what that order to generate the motivation needed to learn
destination should be (wants). What the analysis English (Hutchinson and Waters, 1983). Herbolich
cannot do, however, is show how the expert describes a scheme in which Engineering
communicator learnt the language items, skills students at the University of Kuwait had to build
and strategies that he or she uses (Smith, 1984). a box kite and write a manual explaining how to
construct it.
The whole ESP process is concerned The mechanism should be (1) relatively
not with knowing or doing, but with learning. The new to the students; (2) related to a field of
needs, potential and constraints of the route (Le. Engineering; (3) a device which allowed the
the learning situation) must also be taken into attainment of new lexis; (4) a device which
account, if we are going to have any useful actually would operate; and 5) enjoyable to
analysis of learner needs. construct and test.

All the other reasons given derive from the needs of the
learning situation - the need for a task that is enjoyable, fulfilling,
manageable, generative etc. The project, in effect, is guided in
terms of its general orientation by the target situation, but its
specific content is a response to learning needs. They may be
very good at their subject, but poor at English.
For all manner of possible reasons learners may be well
motivated in the subject lesson or in their work, but totally turned
off by encountering the same material in an ESP classroom. In
The target situation, in other words, is not a reliable indicator of
what is needed or useful

To analyse learning needs, we can use a Analysis of target situation

similar checklist to that used for target needs is concerned with language use.
situation analysis: But language use is only part of the
A framework for analysing learning needs story. We also need to know about
1. Why are the learners taking the language learning. Analysis of the target
course? situation can tell us what people do with
2. How do the learners learn? language. What we also need to know is
3. What resources are available? how people learn to do what they do
4. Who are the learners? with language. We need, in other words,
5. Where will the ESP course take place? a learning-centered approach to needs
6. When will the ESP course take place? analysis.
A target situasion analysis framework:
1. Why is this the language needed?
2. How will the language be used?
3. What will the content areas be?
4. Who will the learner use the language with?
5. Where will the language be used?
6. What will the language be used?

A framework for analysing learning needs

1.Why are the learners taking the course?
2.How do the learners learn?
3.What resources are available?
4.Who are the learners?
5.Where will the ESP course take place?
6.When will the ESP course take place?
Do you have any

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