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Topics: Galilean relativity and Einstein's special

theory of relativity; Lorentz transformation equations,

Length contraction, Time dilation and mass-energy
relation, Photoelectric effect, Compton effect; de
Broglie matter waves and its success in explaining
Bohr's theory, Pauli's exclusion principle, Constituent
of atomic nucleus, Nuclear binding energy, Different
types of radioactivity, Radioactive decay Law; Nuclear
reactions, Nuclear fission, Nuclear fusion, Atomic
power plant.
Modern Physics

Reference Books

Physics for Engineers by Giasuddin Ahmed (Part-2)

Concept of Modern Physics by Arthur Beiser

Theory of Relativity by Satta Prokash

B. Sc. Physics Volume III BY C. L. Arora

Modern Physics

Modern Physics

Constituents of nucleus
Properties of nucleus
Binding Energy
Binding Energy Curve
Size of Nucleus
Density of Nucleus
Pauli’s Exclusion Principle
Modern Physics

Atomic Nucleus

Electron :  1 . 6  10 C : Thomson : 1897
Proton :  1 .6  10 C : Rutherford: 1909

Neutron : 0 : Chadwick :1932

Modern Physics

Basic properties of Nucleus

Primary constituents of nuclei.

Nuclear mass.
Nuclear charge
Modern Physics

Symbols for Nuclides A


X is the chemical symbol

Z = Atomic Number = number of proton
N = neutron number = number of neutron
A = Z + N = mass number = Total number of protons and
For example arsenic – 75 is represented by 33 As
Modern Physics
Binding energy

The energy needed to break up a nucleus of Z protons and N


Let mn and mp be the masses of the neutron and the proton.

M = Zmp+Nmn­.

The mass defect m = Zmp+Nmn – M(A, Z)

The energy equivalent to mass defect is E = (m)c2
= (m)×931.49 MeV/u
Modern Physics

The B.E. of the deuterium:

B. E. = 1mn + 1mp – M

= (1.00866 + 1.00782 – 2.014102) amu

= 0.002378×931.49 MeV
= 2.2151 MeV
Calculate B.E. of the Helium: M= 4.002603 amu
Modern Physics Binding energy curve
The binding energy curve per nucleon is plotted as a function
of mass number A.

The curve rises steeply at first, shows a zigzag at ~ A 30, and then
more gradually until it reaches a maximum of 8.7 MeV at A = 56
Modern Physics

Pauli's exclusion principle

“No two electrons in the same atom can have

the same values for the four quantum numbers.”
Modern Physics

Problem: Calculate the binding energy when (a) one

neutron and one proton combine to form a deuteron (b)
two neutrons and two protons combine to form an α-
particle. Given that, mass of neutron = 1.00893 amu;
mass of proton 1.00813 amu; mass of deuteron =
2.01473 amu; mass of α- particle = 4.00 389 amu.
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