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Subject – Object Agreement

(part 2-Phrase)

Yaqutina Marjani Santosa , S.Pd., M.Cs

Learning Objectives

1. Students are able to make simple sentences

2. Students understand subject – object agreement
3. Students understand the meaning of phrase and apply
4. Students are able to make sentences using independent and dependent
A phrase is a group of words Modifier + Head + Modifier
that does not consist of Pre – M Post – M
subject and verb. Phrases
can be in the :
Modifier (M) → Yang menjelaskan
1. noun phrases Head (H) → Yang dijelaskan
2. adjective phrases
3. verb phrases Biasanya modifier yang digunakan
4. adverb phrases hanya satu saja
5. gerund phrase
– minum kopi → drinking coffee
6. to infinitive phrase H M H M
7. participle phrase
8. prepositional phrase
9. exclamatory phrase.
Noun Phrase
noun phrase tidak dapat diawali oleh kata
1. Noun
depan. Urutan kata utama (noun head) dan
kata penjelas tersebut memiliki aturan tertentu.
example : students, people
Berikut rumus urutannya: D O Car Ad Sub Si 2. Determiner + noun
example : the house, a building
Berikut ini adalah keterangannya: 3. Quantifier + noun
D = Determiner, seperti the, a , an example : some kids
O = Ordinal number seperti first, second, third, 4. Determiner + adjective + noun
a/an, the some, many, much, those, these, example : my beautiful cousin
that, this, dan lain sebagainya. 5. Quantifier + determiner + noun
Car = Cardinal number seperti, one, two, three. example : all these babies
Ad = Adverb seperti very, rather, quite, fairly, 6. Quantifier + determiner + adjective + noun
too, absolutely. example : both of my smart friends
Sub = Subjective seperti beautiful, pretty,
expensive, luxurious dan lain sebagainya.
Si = Size seperti small, big, large, narrow dan
lain sebagainya.
Adjective phrases
adjective phrase yaitu gabungan beberapa kata untuk
menjelaskan kata benda (noun) atau kata ganti (pronoun)

Example :
You always eat something that is very healthy
Adjective phrases
menyatakan pendapat/pemikiran tentang smart, beautiful, important, delicious,
1 Opinion
sesuatu easy, good
menyatakan seberapa besar atau kecil
2 Size small, little, big, large, huge
ukuran suatu kata benda
3 Shape menyatakan bentuk dari suatu kata benda flat, long, round, short, square, fat, thin
4 Condition menyatakan kondisi suatu kata benda clean, hungry, wet, sleepy
menyatakan seberapa tua atau muda
5 Age new, old, young
suatu kata benda
menunjukkan warna dari suatu kata
6 Color pink, white, green, black, blue
benda benda
7 Pattern menggambarkan pola suatu kata benda flowery, plaid, zigzag
Chinese, English, American, Indonesian,
8 Origin menunjukkan asal
Greek, British
menyatakan suatu benda terbuat dari
9 Material wooden, silk, cotton, gold,
apa/materi pembentuknya
menjelaskan fungsi penggunaan suatu
10 Purpose swimming, sleeping, wedding
kata benda (berupa present participle)
Verb phrases
1. Hanya main verb atau kata kerja pokok
Example : He tries so hard.
2. Auxiliary + present participle
Example He is trying so hard.
3. Auxiliary + past participle
Example : He has tried so hard.
4. Modals + main verb
Example: He could try harder than this.
5. Modals + auxiliary + past participle
Example: He should have tried her best.
6. Modals + auxiliary + auxiliary + past participle
Example : It must have been noted by now.
7. Modals + auxiliary + auxiliary + present participle
Example: They would have been waiting for you if they knew you came.
8. Modals + be + present participle
Example: He must be singing for you right now.
9. Do/did + main verb
Example: She did understand your explanation.
Adverb phrases
An adverb modifies or describes a verb, an adjective, or another adverb

Adverb of time (yesterday, tomorrow, tonight...etc)

Adverb of manner (badly, quickly, kindly, quietly.. etc)
Adverb of degree (very, totally, absolutely, extremely..etc)
Adverb of frequency (always, usually, often, sometimes, rarely, never..etc)
Adverb of place (below, above, between, behind, through.. etc)

Example :
They couldn’t do anything during the storm.
Gerund Phrase adalah phrase yang head-nya berupa gerund (v-ing
yang dibendakan). Gerund berfungsi sebagai noun dan dapat
menempati subject dan atau object

Head (H) + Modifier (M)

Gerund M of Gerund

Example :

minum kopi → drinking coffee


I enjoy watching movie

I am watching movie
To infinitive Phrase
To infinitive phrase adalah phrase yang headnya berupa to infinitive
( to+v1). To infinitive berfungsi sebagai noun dan dapat menempati
subject dan atau object
Head (H) + Modifier (M)
to infinitive M of to infinitive

Example :
minum kopi → to drink coffee

I enjoy to watch a movie

I watch a movie
Participle phrase
Participle phrase adalah phrase yang headnya berupa participle (v-ing
atau verb 3). Participle phrase berfungsi sebagai adjective, adverb dan
Head (H) + Modifier (M)
Participle M of Participle

Example :
Drinking coffee , Ethan becomes strong.
H/Pcp M of Pcp
Prepositional Phrase
Prepositional phrase adalah phrase yang diawali oleh preposition (kata

Preposition + Object of Preposition

noun/pronoun/noun phrase/Gerund

Example :
Emily sleeps on the floor.
Subject Verb Preposition Object of Preposition
Prepositional Phrase
Exclamatory Phrase
Exclamatory phrase adalah phrase yang diawali dengan exclamatory
word. Exclamatory word adalah how dan what

How + Adjective/Adverb + Subject + Verb + !

What + (a/an) + adjective + noun , + Subject + Verb + !

Example :
How kind Emily is!
What a kind student, Emily is!

1. They live in that old farmhouse on the hill

a. Gerund phrase
b. Prepositional Phrase
c. Participle Phrase

2. To make money is our aim.

a. Participle Phrase
b. To Infinitive Phrase
c. Gerund Phrase

3. We jumped in the lake.

a. Gerund Phrase
b. Prepositional Phrase
c. Participle Phrase

4. What an expensive car, it is!

a. Participle Phrase
b. Exclamatory Phrase
c. To Infinitive Phrase

5. How lucky Ethan is!

a. To Infinitive Phrase
b. Participle Phrase
c. Exclamatory Phrase

6. Your suitcase is on top of the wardrobe.

a. Participle Phrase
b. Gerund Phrase
c. Prepositional Phrase

7. Playing football is fun.

a. Exclamatory Phrase
b. Prepositional Phrase
c. Gerund Phrase

8. The girl eating banana is my sister.

a. Prepositional Phrase
b. Exclamatory Phrase
c. Participle Phrase

9. How beautiful you are!

a. Participle Phrase
b. Exclamatory Phrase
c. To Infinitive Phrase

10. I enjoy making pizza.

a. Prepositional Phrase
b. Gerund Phrase
c. Exclamatory Phrase

11. The turtle walks very slowly

a. Adverb Phrase
b. Exclamatory Phrase
c. Adjective Phrase

12. Old people may need to see a doctor every year.

a. Adverb Phrase
b. Exclamatory Phrase
c. Adjective Phrase

13. the blonde kid that we saw yesterday

a. Adverb Phrase
b. Noun Phrase
c. Adjective Phrase

14. I enjoy watching the rain drops

a. Verb Phrase
b. Gerund Phrase
c. Adjective Phrase

15. She took the beautiful orange-coloured cat

a. Adverb Phrase
b. Noun Phrase
c. Adjective Phrase

16. There are many abandoned ships in this port.

a. Adverb Phrase
b. Noun Phrase
c. Adjective Phrase

17. My father buys a new shiny car.

a. Adverb Phrase
b. Noun Phrase
c. Adjective Phrase

18. I like a small Japanese house

a. Adverb Phrase
b. Verb Phrase
c. Adjective Phrase

19. I will water our garden at about 5 o’clock this afternoon

a. Adverb Phrase
b. Prepositional Phrase
c. Adjective Phrase

20. Harry must go to hospital to check his condition

a. Adverb Phrase
b. Verb Phrase
c. Adjective Phrase

21. I will water our garden at about 5 o’clock this afternoon

a. Adverb Phrase
b. Prepositional Phrase
c. Adjective Phrase

22. Harry must go to hospital to check his condition

a. Adverb Phrase
b. Verb Phrase
c. Adjective Phrase
23. I hate walking on the mountain
a. Adverb Phrase
b. Gerund Phrase
c. Verb Phrase

24. Being a father is not easy

a. Gerund Phrase
b. Verb Phrase
c. Adjective Phrase
25. I hate walking on the mountain
a. Adverb Phrase
b. Gerund Phrase
c. Verb Phrase

26. The fair-skinned man with a blue shirt and black

shoe is my brother.
a. Noun Phrase
b. Verb Phrase
c. Adjective Phrase
27. The car in front of me ran the red light
a. Adverb Phrase
b. Prepositional Phrase
c. Verb Phrase

28. I give her too much

a. Noun Phrase
b. Adverb Phrase
c. Adjective Phrase
29. My Mom is washing the clothes now.
a. Adverb Phrase
b. Gerund Phrase
c. Verb Phrase

30. I have to speak to you very clearly.

a. Noun Phrase
b. Adverb Phrase
c. Adjective Phrase

Make 3 example of

1. noun phrases
2. adjective phrases
3. verb phrases
4. adverb phrases
5. gerund phrase
6. to infinitive phrase
7. participle phrase
8. prepositional phrase
9. exclamatory phrase.
Terima Kasih


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