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Sustainable Fisheries

• Aquaculture/ Aqua farming:

 Farming of: Fishes , crustaceans, molluscs, aquatic plants, algae and other organisms.
 Cultivating of freshwater and saltwater population.
 Under controlled conditions.
 Contrasted with commercial fishing.
• Fisheries Management:
 Under regulation of governments and NGOs.
 By providing license, guideline, quotas of catch and boundaries for local and commercial fish
 Undertake annual ‘Health checks’ on the status of fish recourse. (for future )
Unsustainable Fisheries
• Illegal Fisheries:
• Poor fishing management: Unregulated and unreported fishing.
• Border intruder (National marine park and other countries border)
• Mycelium's products (Fish Net):
 Biodegradable (from fungi structure).
 Reduce plastic waste and cases of entangled marine organisms.
• Invasive species as a bait:
 Control and maintain the invasive species population.
 Control and maintain the local ecosystem.
• Usage of frequency/radio wave/ SONAR/ electro transmitter as repellent:
 Attach the devices on commercial fishing ships.
 For juvenile, endangered and threatened marine life:
o Avoiding encounter during commercial fishing activities.
o Maintain the population.

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