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Ethiopian Civil Service University

Department of Project Leadership

and Management

Enhancing Project Sławomir Wawak


Quality Through
1 March 2024
Journal name:

Effective Team
International Journal of Information
Systems and Project Management
Volume: 12

Management Issue: 5

Purpose and Audience
Auth o ri ty
Accuracy and Reliability
Future Research
In t ro d u c t i o n
The study titled "Enhancing project quality
through effective team management"
investigates the relationship between team
m a n a g e m e n t a n d p r o j e c t q u a l i t y.
It explores the key factors contributing to high-
quality project outcomes and examines the role
of employee involvement, commitment, and
i n n o va t i o n a c r o s s va r i o u s i n d u s t r i e s .
Purpose and Audience

Purpose Target Audience Publication Source

To explore and inform the  Project managers, The article was published The article is a primary
relationship between team  team leaders, and in the International Journal source as it presents
management and project  organizations of Information Systems and original research
quality, identify key contributing aiming to enhance Project Management, findings and data
factors, and advocate for a project indicating that it is a gathered through an
human-centered management p e r fo r m a n c e . scholarly journal. online.
approach for improved project
Sławomir Wawak,
• Associate Professor at Krakow
University of Economics, Poland.
• specializing in project management
and related fields.
• He has published over 80 papers
and 4 books on these topics.
• As a consultant, he participated in
o v e r 3 0 i m p l e m e n t a t i o n s o f q u a l i t y,
i n f o r m a t i o n s e c u r i t y, a n d p r o j e c t
management systems.

sponsored by Science sphere organization.
It provides a platform for research in project
management and information systems.
Accuracy and Reliability

Bibliography Information Quality

The study on enhancing project quality
L o r e m i p s u m d o l o r sit a m et,
c o n s e c te tu r a d i p i s c i n g elit.
The article appears to be free of
through effective team management
Duis v u l p u t a t e n u l l a at ante errors and demonstrates a high
rhoncus, vel efficitur felis provides valuable insights based on
empirical data analysis. The journal
standard of editorial quality in
P r o i n o d i o odio.
provides online access to articles, terms of research design, data
indicating potential copyright collection, analysis, and result.
protection. The journal may hold the
copyright .
Statistical techniques like Spearman's rank
correlation coefficient and Chi2 test were used for
Information data analysis in the study, ensuring a rigorous,
objective and unbiased approach to the research.

The information provided in the text is mostly

factual, presenting findings from empirical
Text studies.

The sources primarily use a logical flow in

presenting arguments related to the
Arguments relationship between team management and
project quality.
The publication date of the article was 1 March

The publication date of an article can be crucial to

assess the relevance and timeliness of research

It determine if the information is up-to-date and

aligns with current practices and knowledge.

Regarding whether it should be current, it

depends on the context of your inquiry.
The article adequately covers the relationship between team
management and project quality, emphasizing key factors like
communication, planning, roles, stakeholder requirements, and a
supportive work environment.

The article presents original ideas by exploring the

relationship between team management and project quality,
Everest Cantu the significance
Everest Cantuof a human-centered
Everest Cantumanagement Juliana Silva Olivia Wilson
approach for high-quality project outcomes.
Conclusion, Recommendations and Future Research

Recommendations Future Research
The study underscores effective
team management's crucial role  Supplementing quantitative  explore the role of
in project quality, backed by data with qualitative insights. organizational culture and
statistical analysis and a sizable leadership styles in shaping
sample. Acknowledging  should provide a more detailed
team dynamics and project
limitations, the article could discussion of the limitations,
delve deeper and integrate including how biases in the
qualitative insights for a sample population might have
comprehensive understanding of influenced the results.
team management dynamics.
Thank You!
Reviewed by



Yared Fantahun

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