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Who’s this?




Bed/bed/ Help/help/ Friend /frend/

Check/tʃek/ Leg /leɡ/

Bed You should go to bed early.
Help Can you help me?
Friend We are best friends.
Check The teacher is checking attendance.
Leg Unfortunately, his leg is broken.
Each student chooses one role in the situation below and acts it out :

A: How can I help you, Mr.Jeff?
/haʊ kæn aɪ help ju:, ˈmɪstər ʤef/
B: I want to check in.
/aɪ wɑ:nt tu: ʧek ɪn/
A: Did you book a room?
/dɪd ju: bʊk ə ru:m/
B: That’s right, I’m here with a friend.
/ðæts raɪt, aɪ æm hɪər wɪð ə frend/

Have/hæv/ Cat/kæt/ Fat/fæt/

Happy/ˈhæp.i/ Map /mæp/

Have I have a pen, I have an apple. Ah, apple pen.
Cat The cat's fur is very soft.
Fat That lady is not fat, she is chubby.
Happy I'm so happy because you came here.
Map Google map is very useful for tourists.
Each student chooses one role in the situation below and acts it out :

A: Brad, do you have a cat?
/bræd, du: ju: hæv ə kæt/
B: Yes, he’s a bit fat but very happy.
/jes, hi:z ə bɪt fæt, bʌt ˈveri ˈhæpi./
Ladies and gentlemen,
I believe you all want to master English.
I know you can learn English by yourself.
But when you do it alone,
Sometimes you may fail.
Sometimes you may doubt yourself.
Sometimes you need support.
That is the reason why you need a team.
The team will help you fix your mistakes.
The team will support you through hard times.
The team will give you advice to make you better.
No individual can achieve success alone.
You need a team to make your dream work.
Ladies and gentlemen
/ˈleɪdiz ənd ˈdʒen.t̬ əl.mən/
I believe you all want to master English
/aɪ bɪˈliːv ju: ɔːl wɑːnt tə ˈmæstər ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ/
I know you can learn English by yourself
/aɪ nəʊ juː kæn lɝːn ˈɪŋglɪʃ baɪ jɔːˈself/
But when you do it alone
/bʌt wen juː du: ɪt əˈləʊn/


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