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Content Standard: The
learners demonstrate an
understanding of issues
regarding the use of power
and environmental
Performance Standard: The
learners shall be able to
formulate a position regarding
an issue on the use of power or
environmental conservation.
At the end of this quarter, the learners are
expected to:

1. Identify issues relating to the use of power and

environmental conservation (EsP10PI-IVc-14.1)
2. Explain that harmony, development, and holistic growth
are attainable if everyone will exercise proper use of
authority and of the environment (EsP10PI-IVd-14.3)
At the end of this quarter, the learners are
expected to:

3. Take a position on issues concerning the use

of power and care for the environment
1. How can proper practices in
governance help save the
2. How does taking a stand against
morally wrong actions help save
one’s society?
Breaking Barriers: You are in school
studying because you are preparing
yourself for the future. You will
participate in building your
barangay, town, province, your
country, and ultimately, a better
There are many negative things
happening in society, but some of the
most alarming news involves several
of our elected officials, like
congressmen and senators, who are
involved in scam activities.
Therefore, it is not wrong to presume
that corrupt practices are likewise
committed at the local level, by some
governors, mayors, and even officials
at the barangay level.
It is also saddening to see the
environment deteriorating
because of the negligence of both
the government and its citizens.
Thus, there is an urgent call, an
urgent need, to put a stop to these
graft and corrupt practices.
Iron Lady of Asia
What is graft? What is
corruption? What are
the differences between
the two?
Graft, as defined in the American
Heritage Dictionary of the
English Language, is the
“unscrupulous use of one’s
position to derive profit or
advantages.” It is the misuse of
power, caused by corruption.
It is also the acquisition of money,
position, and others through
dishonest or questionable means. It is
also committed when one takes
advantage of their position to obtain
fees, profits, and pay for work not
done or services not performed.
Corruption, on the other hand, is
the moral degradation which is
the result of graft. It is the act of
doing something which is morally
incorrect or the process of being
evil and/or wicked.
It is improper consideration to
commit a violation of duty and
impairment of integrity,
virtue, or moral principle. It is
done in collusion with others.
Graft and corruption are
unresolved problems of society in
all periods of time. To be able to
thwart these practices, every
citizen should strive to be honest
in the performance of his/her
The issues of graft and
corruption have existed since
ancient times and have continued
to perpetuate to this age. Graft
and corruption have always been
based on weak moral
The issues of graft and
corruption have existed since
ancient times and have continued
to perpetuate to this age. Graft
and corruption have always been
based on weak moral
So, what can you do?
If all the members of the family are
honest and true to one another, what
a great community you can have. If
all the communities in the whole
country will be honest and true to
one another, what a great nation the
Philippines will be.
As a student, you can do a lot to start
a new generation of a graft-free
nation. You can practice honesty even
in little things such as the following:
1. When asking your parents for
money, give the true reason why you
need it and tell them the true prices
of the articles you buy.
2. Refrain from taking or claiming
things that belong to others, or which
are public property.
3. Return the money you have
received by mistake.
4. Return promptly all things that
you have borrowed.
5. Do your best to keep promises and
6. Locate the rightful owners of
articles found.
7. Refrain from cheating by copying
somebody else’s work, even with
permission to do so.
8. Do not take advantage of your
position and always practice fairness
when dealing with other people of
lower position or rank.
9. Be accurate in giving reports.
10. Pay your debts promptly without
being reminded.
What else can you add to this list?
These are simple ways that you can
practice in everyday life. Do not
hesitate to do what is right. Serve as
an inspiration for other youth like
you to do what is right.
Moral Issues in the society:
1. Legalization of Jueteng
2. Political Dynasties
3. Collusion/Conspiracy
4. Tax Evasion
5. Illegal Logging
Moral Issues in the society:
6. Climate Change
7. Nationwide Smoking Ban
Are you aware of your
sexuality? Are you
happy to be a male/or
a female?
Sexuality is a part of one's
personhood and should not be
thought of merely as a concept
separated from one's feelings,
values, and relationships.
One important step toward
evaluating your sexual
attitudes is to be aware of the
myths and misconceptions
that you may harbor.
Have you questioned the ways in
which your attitudes affect the way to
feel about yourself sexually? Is your
sexuality an expression of yourself as
a complete person? Or do you
completely avoid talking about
Recognizing the dignity of
sexuality is recognizing the
wholeness of a human person.
Your sexuality can be an
expression of your total self. It
can enhance and vitalize you.
Only when you have finally
identified and accepted your
sexuality will you truly become
confident in facing different life
challenges. Why?
Because being proud of what you
truly are means that you are strong
and you are not fazed by the
misconceptions about people like
you. You respect people because you
want to be respected too. You refuse
to be abused.
• Refers to the attitudes,
feelings, and behaviors
that a given culture
associates with a person’s
MAMAWA biological sex.
Gender Identity
• Refers to the internal
awareness of where the
individuals belong in the
feminine and masculine

Gender Identity Terminologies
Cisgender Is a male or female that identifies with the sex that was
assigned at birth.
Genderqueer The binary conceptualization of gender, male or female,
does not accurately describe and individuals gendered
outlook or self-concept.
Intersex Described a variety of medical conditions wherein an
individual’s reproductive anatomy or genitals do not fit
the binary definition of male or female.
Transgenderman Female to Man (FtM) - Is a man whose sex is female, but
he lives and identifies as male.
Transgenderwoman Male to Female (MtF) – is a woman whose sex is male,
but she lives and identifies as female
Gender Expression

• The manner by which

people express
themselves and behave

Sexual Orientation
• Refers to the stable
pattern of attractions or
sexual interest that one
has to a member of a
particular sex.

Sexual Orientation Terminologies
Asexual Refers to absence of physical or sexual attraction to
another human being.
Bisexual Male or female who is attracted to both males and
Gay Gay males are self-identified men who are
emotionally, physically, romantically and/or sexually
attracted to people who identify as male.
Lesbian self identified female who are emotionally, physically,
romantically and/or sexually attracted to people who
identify as female
Heterosexual An individual who identifies as either male or female
and is attracted to opposite sex.
Queer It describes an individual's self concept of their sexual
orientation identity.
Find out the meaning of the following:
1. Sex – biological and physical
characteristics assigned at birth
2. Gender – socially constructed roles
3. Sexuality – one’s personhood; a
fundamental aspect of human identity
and encompasses both biological and
social dimensions.
4. Heterosexuality – sexual attraction
between different genders
5. Homosexuality – sexual attraction
between same gender
6. Bisexuality – attracted to both
7. Transsexuality - individuals whose
gender identity does not align with
the sex they were assigned at birth
8. Demisexuality – sexual attraction with
someone close to you
8. Pansexuality – sexual attraction
regardless of gender
9. Asexuality – absence of sexual
attraction to any gender
10. Queerness - nonconformity to
traditional understandings of sexuality
and gender
11. Sexual Abuse - unwanted or non-
consensual sexual activity or behavior
inflicted on a person such as rape, incest,
12. Feminism – a movement that
advocates for gender equality and the
rights of women
Whether you are heterosexual,
homosexual, or queer, do not take
any kind of abuse lightly. You
must know when to stand up and
Most people think that abuse
only applies to women. Most
cases do, but there are seldom
occasions when men and queers
experience being abused too.
Sexual abuse, human trafficking,
extortion, and such are all kinds
of abuse that any person can
However, because of different notions
like "men who cannot defend
themselves are weak" or "queers are
a joke," many victims hide in the
nooks of their anxiety and often just
let fate decide of them.
This is the reason why everyone must
open their eyes and understand that
regardless of one's sexuality, every
person is capable of being abused, of
being vulnerable, and of being hurt.

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