Social Engineering

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Social Engineering


Educational and skill

Empowering Minds, Transforming Futures:
Education for All, Skills for Success!
The Social Business Model Canvas is a tool used to help
entrepreneurs and organizations design, analyze, and
refine their social business models. It's an adaptation of
the traditional Business Model Canvas, tailored
specifically for enterprises focused on creating positive
social impact while still being financially sustainable.

The educational and skill development initiative helps

students , job seekers get introduction to social business
model canvas.
The Social Business Model Canvas is a tool used to help
entrepreneurs and organizations design, analyze, and refine
their social business models. It's an adaptation of the
traditional Business Model Canvas, tailored specifically for
enterprises focused on creating positive social impact while
still being financially sustainable.

The educational and skill development initiative helps

students , job seekers get introduction to social business
model canvas.
• Students and Learners: This segment includes individuals seeking to acquire new
knowledge, skills, or qualifications for personal or professional development. They
could be students from various educational levels (school, college, university) or adults
looking to enhance their skills for career advancement or personal enrichment.
• Job Seekers: Many individuals are seeking to improve their employability by acquiring
specific skills or certifications. This segment may include unemployed individuals,
underemployed workers looking for better opportunities, or individuals transitioning to
new careers.
• Marginalized or Underserved Communities: These communities may face barriers to
accessing quality education and skill development opportunities due to socio-economic
factors, geographic location, or discrimination. Initiatives targeting this segment aim to
provide equitable access to education and empower individuals to improve their lives
and communities.
• Empowerment: Providing individuals with access to education and skill development
opportunities empowers them to unlock their potential, pursue their passions, and
achieve their goals.
• Employability: Equipping learners with relevant skills and knowledge enhances their
employability and career prospects, leading to economic empowerment and social
• Lifelong Learning: Promoting lifelong learning opportunities encourages continuous
personal and professional development, adaptability to change, and resilience in the face
of challenges, contributing to individual fulfillment and societal progress.
• Online Learning Platforms: Utilize dedicated online learning platforms such as
Coursera, Udemy, or Other Academy to host courses, lectures, tutorials, and interactive
learning modules.
• Webinars and Virtual Events: Host webinars, virtual workshops, and live streaming
events to deliver educational content, facilitate discussions, and provide opportunities
for interactive learning and Q&A sessions.
• Physical Events and Workshops: Organize in-person workshops, seminars, training
sessions, and networking events in relevant locations to provide hands-on learning
experiences and opportunities for face-to-face interaction.
Customer Relationships (Beneficiary
• Personalized Communication: Tailor communication to the specific needs and
preferences of beneficiaries. This could include using their preferred channels (such as
email, SMS, or social media) and addressing them by name.I
• Interactive Learning Platforms: Create interactive and engaging learning platforms that
encourage participation and collaboration among beneficiaries. Features like forums,
discussion boards, and interactive quizzes can enhance engagement.
• Responsive Support: Provide timely and responsive support to address any questions,
concerns, or technical issues beneficiaries may encounter. This could involve setting up
help desks, providing online chat support, or offering dedicated support staff.
• Government Funding: Seek grants, subsidies, or contracts from government agencies
that prioritize education and skill development initiatives aimed at improving
employability and economic mobility
• Corporate Sponsorship or CSR: Partner with corporations willing to sponsor programs
as part of their corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives. They may provide
funding or in-kind support such as facilities or equipment
• Scholarships and Financial Aid: Establish scholarship programs or offer financial aid to
individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds who may not be able to afford the full cost
of participation
• Sliding Scale Pricing: Implement a sliding scale pricing model where participants pay
fees based on their income level or ability to pay, ensuring that the program remains
accessible to those with limited financial resources.
• Educational Content and Materials: Developing or acquiring high-quality educational
content, including textbooks, workbooks, multimedia resources, and lesson plans, to
support learning objectives.

• Qualified Educators and Trainers: Recruiting skilled and passionate educators who are
knowledgeable in their subject areas and experienced in delivering effective instruction
and support to learners.

• Technology Infrastructure: Investing in technology infrastructure, such as computers,

internet access, learning management systems, and educational software, to facilitate
online learning and enhance educational delivery.

• Financial Support: Securing funding and financial resources through grants, donations,
social impact investment, or revenue-generating activities to sustain educational
programs, cover operational costs, and ensure affordability for learners.
• Curriculum Development: Designing and creating educational content tailored to the

needs of the target audience, considering factors such as age, background, and learning

• Training and Instruction: Delivering educational programs or courses through various

mediums such as in-person classes, online platforms, or workshops to impart skills and

• Assessment and Feedback: Evaluating the progress of learners through assessments and
providing feedback to help them improve their skills and understanding.

• Teacher Training: Providing training and support for educators or facilitators to

effectively deliver educational content and engage with learners.

• Community Engagement: Establishing partnerships with local communities, schools, or

other organizations to enhance access to educational opportunities and support learners
outside of formal settings.
• Educational Institutions: Partnering with schools, colleges, and universities to access
their facilities, resources, and expertise in curriculum development, as well as to recruit
students for programs.

• Technology Providers: Collaborating with companies specializing in e-learning
platforms, learning management systems, or educational software to enhance the
delivery of educational content and improve the learning experience.

• Content Creators: Forming partnerships with subject matter experts, curriculum

developers, or educational content creators to source high-quality learning materials and
resources for the programs.
• Program Development: Costs for creating educational content, curriculum, and
materials, including hiring curriculum developers, subject matter experts, and
instructional designers.

• Training and Support: Expenses for training educators and staff involved in program
delivery, such as workshops, professional trainers, and ongoing skill development.

• Technology Infrastructure: Costs for hardware, software licenses, IT support, and

customizing e-learning platforms to deliver content effectively.
It's crucial to establish clear, quantifiable metrics and indicators to assess the effectiveness
and impact of the programs. These measurements not only help in understanding the impact

on individuals and communities but also guide improvements in the programs and provide
accountability to funders and stakeholders.

Here are key metrics and indicators to consider:

• Number of individuals enrolled in educational programs
• Completion rates for educational programs
• Number of graduates who secure employment
• Increase in graduates' average income

• Percentage of graduates who obtain jobs in their field of study
• Growth in graduates' self-reported confidence and motivation
• Reduction in recidivism rates for formerly incarcerated participants (if applicable)
This social business plan proposes a strategic approach to combating poverty by empowering underprivileged
individuals through education and skill development. By providing targeted, market-relevant training and fostering
partnerships with local NGOs, educational institutions, and corporate sponsors, the initiative aims to create sustainable
job opportunities and improve economic outcomes for participants.The business model focuses on inclusivity,
accessibility, and practical impact, ensuring that learning leads directly to employment and that participants receive
support throughout their educational journey and beyond into their professional lives. With a strong emphasis on
measuring impact through detailed metrics, the initiative can continually optimize its offerings and expand its
reach.Ultimately, the success of this social business will hinge on its ability to adapt to changing economic landscapes,
maintain strong partnerships, and keep the participants' needs and successes at the core of its mission. With a structured
approach to both implementation and evaluation, this business can serve as a valuable model for social change, making
a tangible difference in the lives of many and contributing to a more equitable society.
• SAHIL RA2211032020009

DUTTA RA2211032020010

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