Thermal Physics

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Business Studies
Year 11
Mr. Azeez

Kinetic particle
model of You will be successful when
You should be able to distinguish the
properties of the three states of matter.

LO 3
Describe the relationship A Why is this important?
between the motion of What’s next?
particles and temperature You can understand the terms
related to the changes of states of
LO 2 matter and then describe the
relationship between the motion
Understand the terms for B of particles and temperature
states of change of matter
How can I challenge myself
Distinguish the properties of today?
solids, liquidsLoand
1 gases and How can you identify the
describe the particle material as a solid / liquid/gas
arrangement in these states
Compare the properties of the states of matter.
Solid Liquid Gas

Students will be able to explain whyActivity:
profit is important to a business.
States of matter




Distinguish the properties of solids, liquids and gases and describe the particle arrangement in
these states
Particle model :
• The particle model can explain the existence of the solid,
liquid and gaseous states.
In solids the particles are close together and the attractive
and repulsive forces between neighbouring molecules
balance. Also, each particle vibrates about a fixed position.
Particles in a solid can be arranged in a regular, repeating
pattern like those formed by crystalline substances. Owing
to the strong intermolecular forces, solids resist
compression and expand very little when heated.
Distinguish the properties of solids, liquids and gases and describe the particle arrangement in
these states
Particle model :
• The particles in gases are much further apart than in
solids or liquids and so gases are much less dense and
can be squeezed (compressed) into a smaller space.
• Owing to the high speed and the large distance
between particles in a gas the interaction between
them is small.
• Gases have no shape and their volume is determined
by the volume of the container.
• They are easily compressed, and expand much more
than solids or liquids when heated
Distinguish the properties of solids, liquids and gases and describe the particle arrangement in
these states
Particle model :
• In liquids the particles are slightly further apart
than in solids but still close enough together to
have a definite volume.
• As well as vibrating, they can at the same time
move rapidly over short distances, slipping past
each other in all directions.
• As the temperature increases some particles may
have sufficient energy to escape from the surface
of the liquid resulting in evaporation of the liquid.
Distinguish the properties of solids, liquids and gases and describe the particle arrangement in
these states
Two states of matter are described as follows.
In state 1, the molecules are very far apart.
They move about very quickly at random in
straight lines until they hit something.
In state 2, the molecules are quite closely
packed together. They move about at random.
They do not have fixed positions.
What is state 1 and what is state 2?

AFL:profit is important to a business.
Students will be able to explain why
The diagrams represent the molecules in two different
states of matter. The arrows show the motion of the



Kinetic particle
model of You will be successful when
You should be able to distinguish the
properties of the three states of matter.

LO 3
Describe the relationship A Why is this important?
between the motion of What’s next?
particles and temperature You can understand the terms
related to the changes of states of
LO 2 matter and then describe the
relationship between the motion
Understand the terms for B of particles and temperature
states of change of matter
How can I challenge myself
Distinguish the properties of today?
solids, liquidsLoand
1 gases and How can you identify the
describe the particle material as a solid / liquid/gas
arrangement in these states
Changes of state :

LO 2
Understand the terms for states of change of matter
Changes of state :

• When solid changes its state to liquid by the help of heat it

is known as Melting
• When a liquid is heated, particles can escape from its
surface by a process called evaporation.
• When sufficient heat is supplied to the liquid boiling occurs
and the liquid turns into a gas.
• When a gas is cooled sufficiently it will return to the liquid
state in a process known as condensation

LO 2
Understand the terms for states of change of matter
Activity :


Kinetic particle
model of You will be successful when
You should be able to distinguish the
properties of the three states of matter.

LO 3
Describe the relationship A Why is this important?
between the motion of What’s next?
particles and temperature You can understand the terms
related to the changes of states of
LO 2 matter and then describe the
relationship between the motion
Understand the terms for B of particles and temperature
states of change of matter
How can I challenge myself
Distinguish the properties of today?
solids, liquidsLoand
1 gases and How can you identify the
describe the particle material as a solid / liquid/gas
arrangement in these states
Temperature and kinetic energy
• In a solid at room temperature, the particles vibrate about
fixed positions.
• When heat is supplied to the solid and its temperature
increases, the particles vibrate more strongly and the
average kinetic energy of the particles increases.
• When the temperature is reduced, the average kinetic
energy of the particles reduces, and eventually a
temperature is reached where particle motion ceases and
the kinetic energy of the particles is zero.
• We call this temperature absolute zero and it occurs at
LO 3:
Describe the relationship between the motion of particles and temperature
Temperature and Pressure
• At a constant temperature the average force
and hence the pressure exerted on the
surface is constant, since pressure is force
per unit area.
• When the temperature rises and the rate at
which collisions with the surfaces of the
container increases, so does the average
force and hence the gas pressure.

LO 3:
Describe the relationship between the motion of particles and temperature

Kinetic particle
model of You will be successful when
You should be able to distinguish the
properties of the three states of matter.

LO 3
Describe the relationship A Why is this important?
between the motion of What’s next?
particles and temperature You can understand the terms
related to the changes of states of
LO 2 matter and then describe the
relationship between the motion
Understand the terms for B of particles and temperature
states of change of matter
How can I challenge myself
Distinguish the properties of today?
solids, liquidsLoand
1 gases and How can you identify the
describe the particle material as a solid / liquid/gas
arrangement in these states
Extension Activity
1. a) State what happens to the molecules of a gas in a
sealed container when the temperature of the gas is
b) A quantity of gas is contained in a sealed
container of fixed volume. The temperature of the
gas is increased.
State, in terms of molecules, two reasons why the
pressure of the gas increases.
Critical Thinking
Challenge/ Stretch yourself
• Explain, in terms of energy, the process which
takes place as a solid at its melting point
changes into a liquid at the same temperature.

How can I challenge myself today?

Ans :
Lesson Re-Cap - Plenary

Write any two key words / facts on the board and try to
explain it to the class .

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