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Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation

Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic

Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University
Medical Faculty

Stages of adaptation of foreign students to

the educational process in KRSU

Fulfilled by 3rd year

students of KRSU MF :
Ryazantsev Bogdan
Abdyldaeva Zhanna
Scientific director

Bishkek, 2023 Shidakov Y.M.

Adaptation is a multi-level, dynamic process with a certain
sequence and characteristics, so the adaptation process needs to be
divided into several stages: preventive (before entering the country),
initial (first month in the country) and basic (all further stay in the
The goal of the study: analysis of the adaptation process among
foreign students of the KRSU and its features, based on the initial
position of the student.
The object of the research is the process of adaptation of foreign
Subject of study - development of measures to improve the
adaptation of foreign students
As a research method, the survey method was used, which
includes three parts: a questionnaire by own authorship, a
questionnaire by the methods of Spielberg and Khanin and a
questionnaire by the methods of Eisenk.
The adaptation processes are implemented
on three functional levels: physiological,
psychological and social. Usually physiological
adaptation to the learning process lasts about
two weeks, psychological adaptation lasts up to
two months, social adaptation lasts up to three
Results and discussion
The respondents were foreign students studying at the medical
faculty of the KRSU. They were presented with a Google form. The
survey process was attended by 306 people from such countries as:
India, Syria, Egypt, Jordan.
The first part of the questionnaire set out tasks to analyze the
main problems of adaptation of foreign students, which revealed that
in the total of the listed problems more often point to the language
barrier - 41.6%, less often to the cultural - 23.3%. The other problems
noted include payment systems, climate, it is worth mentioning that
17.5% of the foreigners surveyed before arrival lived in the city less
than Bishkek, they are more likely to note problems with
communications and infrastructure. 88% of respondents
communicate with their foreign friends in English, 37.5% in their
national language - Hindi or Arabic.
First part

Based on the answers to the first question, foreign

female students predominate in the student
population: 46.7% are men and 53.3% are women. The
average age of respondents who took part in the
sociological survey is 19-20, according to age groups:
18-19 (60%), 20-21 years - 30.8% and 22-23 years -
5.8%, 24-25 years - 0.9% and under 18 years - 2.5%.

Of the foreign students surveyed, 58.3% are

students of the 1st year from India, 18.3% are students
of the 2nd year from India and 8.3% are students of
the 3rd year, and 15% are students of the 2nd and 3rd
year from Syria and Jordan.
The analysis of the second block of the
Second part
questionnaire – the assessment of anxiety Spielberg’s anxiety test
according to the methods of C. D. Spielberg
and Y.L. Khanin. This test is intended for
an informative way of self-assessment of
the level of anxiety at a given moment
(reactive anxiety as a state) and personal
anxiety (as a stable characteristic of a
person). It was found that only 5.8% of
respondents had an elevated rate of
situational anxiety, whereas 53.3%
respondents had an elevated personal
anxiety rate. It is worth noting that 67.1% of
these applicants are first-year students.
Third part
G. Eisenk’s
"Self-assessment of mental

Anxiety rates are above average (average 9.175) 44.1% (83% of first-year students) and elevated
5.8% (100% of first-year students).
Based on the data obtained in the second part of the questionnaire, the data on the high level of
anxiety among students are confirmed. 51.6% (75.8% of the total number of students in the first
year) who were surveyed also had a higher level of frustration than average (average 8.3), with
1.6% of foreigners (100% of the total).
The aggressiveness rate is 54.1% (with an average of 8.8 and 69.2% of the
first year), while 5% has a high aggressiveness rate (83% of this is the first year).
The above-average stiffness rate is 33.3% (average 10.2, 70% for first-year
students) and 8.3% for first-year students (60%). It should be noted that based
on the methodology, the increased level on the 20-point system is in the range of
8 to 14 points, and high from 15 to 20.
On the basis of the results obtained, 94% of those surveyed for 3 of the 4
indicators of the third block of the questionnaire have a higher average result,
and only 6% of the first-year foreigners have adaptive indicators that are
approximate to the norm. It can be concluded that the anxiety indicator is not
the only one that can fully reflect the effectiveness of the adaptation process.
In the correlation analysis, the following patterns were found: for personal and
situational anxiety indicators, a weak direct correlation with the indicator gender (at 5%
level of significance R = 0.231 and R=0.18), due to the fact that in a detailed study among
boys and girls, the latter have a 13% higher level of personal anxiety, and the former have
a 1.6% higher level of situational anxiety. Returning to the previous statements, a weak
direct correlation of age with the desired language of learning was found (at 5% level of
significance R = 0.231 R=0.18). Some of the undergraduate students would like to gain
experience and test their knowledge in classes where they would be taught by a Russian-
speaking teacher.
Conclusion and
Our research team offers "open lessons" where students of English-
speaking groups will meet periodically at classes with students of Russian-
speaking groups. In addition, it is proposed to involve students of English-
speaking groups and foreigners studying in Russian-speaking groups. Creating
both bilingual teams or groups of speakers and events where presentations can be
heard not only in Russian. It is also advisable to involve foreigners in active
student life when organizing extracurricular activities.

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