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Name: Cpl Louie James G Dumayas 922170 (Inf) PA
Address: Magsaysay, Davao del Sur
College: Computer programming – Systems Technology Institute

Unit Assignment
64DRC, 6th Infantry Division, PA - 2016
7IB, 6ID, PA - 2016
DPAO, 6ID, PA - 2016
HPA, Office of the Vice Com, PA - 2016
Office of the Commander ARESCOM, PA – 2016-2020
11RCDG, S7 Section – 2020
1105CDC – 2021 up to present

Military Schooling
Candidate Soldier Course CL 392-2015, 6th Division Training School, PA
Water Search and Rescue Training (WASART)
Disaster Response and Rescue Operation Training (DRRO)
Pekiti Tersia Kali Course
Scout Ranger Orientation Course (SROC)
Explosive Ordnance Reconnaissance Agent Training – 3EOD, ASCOM, PA
Air to Ground Operations Seminar (AGOS)
Urban Combat Training
 Those who will attend personal necessity can go out silently.

 Those who are sleepy can proceed at the back and have some

 Turn cellular phones to silent mode

 Questions will be entertained right after the lecture.

 Follow emergency exits/drill in case of fire, earthquake and

other emergencies
Safety precautions
 In the occurrence of an earthquake:
- Do not panic, find a table or a chair to tuck into

while the earthquake is ongoing.

 In the occurrence of a fire:

- Do not panic, walk fast to the nearest open area if

not knowledgeable of putting out the fire and call
the fire department.
 Atthe end of this lecture, the students
would be able to learn about what cyber
security is and apply the preventive
measures to mitigate the risks in being
attacked online.
 Cyber Security Definition
 Types of Cyber threats
 Safety Tips against Cyber-attacks
 10 Steps to Cyber Security
 Cyber Crime in the Philippines
Phishing scams dominate the Philippines cybercrime landscape (techwi
What are the 10 steps to cyber security? - IT Governance UK Blog
Cybercrime on the rise over the last 6 years | Inquirer News


(Cyberspace Management Division, J6, AFP)
What is Cyber Security?
 Cyber security is the practice of securing networks, devices, and data
against unauthorized access or illegal usage, as well as the art of
maintaining information confidentiality, integrity, and availability.

 Cyber security involves protecting information and systems from

major cyber threats, such as cyber terrorism and cyber warfare.

 It is the protection of internet-connected systems such as hardware,

software and data from cyber threats, is therefore critical part of the
AFP security strategy.
What is a Cyber Threat?
 A cyber threat is a malicious act that seeks to steal
data, damage data, and disrupt digital life in general.
Being said that, the different types of cyber threats
include data breaches, computer malware, and
viruses, and Denial of Service attacks among others.

 Cyber threats also aim to gain unauthorized access to

systems and networks to steal, damage, or disrupt
intellectual property or other forms of sensitive data.
Classifications of Cyber Threats

 Web-based Threats
 System-based Threats
Web based threats
 These are threats that occur on a website or a web

Systems based threats

 These are attacks which are intended to compromise a
computer or a computer network.
Types of Cyber Security Threats
 Viruses  Trojan Horse
 Malware/Spyware  Botnet
 Hackers  Public Wi-Fi Hotspots
 Identity Thieves  Ransomware
 Social Engineering  Distributed Denial of
 Rogue Security Software Service (DDoS)
 Spam  Online Scams
 Phishing  Filesharing
 Rootkit
Viruses – typically infect computers
through email attachments and file
sharing. They delete files, attack
other computers and make your
computer run slowly. One infected
computer can cause problems for all
computers on the network.
Malware/Spyware – are software that
ride on programs you download,
gathers information about your online
habits, and transmits personal info
without your knowledge. They may
also cause a wide range of other
computer malfunctions.
Hackers – are people who “trespass”
into your computer usually from a
remote location. They may use
your computer to send viruses,
host a website or do other
activities that cause computer
Identity Thieves – people who
obtain unauthorized access to
your personal information, such
as credit cards and financial
account numbers. They then use
this info to commit crimes such
as fraud or theft.
Social Engineering – an attacker uses
human interaction (social skills) to
obtain or compromise information
about the organization or its
computer systems.

Rogue Security Software – designers

create legitimate looking pop-up
windows that advertise security update
software. These windows that might
appear on your screen while you surf
the web, then trick you into installing
or purchasing fake security softwares.
Spam – electronic spamming is the
use of electronic messaging
systems to send unsolicited
messages, especially advertising, as
well as sending messages
repeatedly on the same site.

Phishing – most methods of phishing

use some form of deception
designed to make link in an email
appear to belong to the spoofed
organization or individual.
Misspelled URLs or the use of sub-
domains are common tricks used by
Rootkit – a collection of tools that are
used to obtain administrator-level
access to a computer or a network
of computers. It hides the attacker’s
presence and create backdoors for

Trojan Horse – computers are infected

with Trojan horse software by
downloading an application that
seems legitimate but is in fact
Botnet – a malicious piece of software with
the ability to communicate with a
command-and-control (C&C)
infrastructure. A collection of
compromised machines running
programs, usually referred to as worms,
Trojan horses, or backdoors, under a
common C&C infrastructure.
Public Wi-Fi Hotspots – public Wi-Fis are
convenient, but often they’re not
secure. If you connect to a Wi-Fi
network, and send information through
websites or mobile apps, it might be
intercepted by someone else.
Ransom ware – holds a computer
system, or the data it contains,
hostage against its user by
demanding a ransom. Encrypts
some of the user’s personal files
and the victim has to pay the
attacker for the restoration.
Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) –
seek to render target systems
inaccessible by exhausting all network
resources. It is an orchestrated traffic
jam to shut down a site. Most common
DDoS attacks use thousands of
computers infected with malwares as
“zombies” or “bots”.
Online Scams – scammers use emails,
online ads, pop ups, and search
results to trick you into sending
them money and personal

File sharing – can expose your

computer to a number of security
risks. Viruses and Malware can be
transmitted by file sharing software.
Improperly configured file sharing
software can allow others to access
your file in your computer.
Safety Tips against
Cyber Attacks
Safety Tips against Cyber Attacks

1. Use a different password for each account

-Suppose you use the same password for sites like
Gmail, Facebook and Twitter and your password for
Facebook gets revealed to someone. That person can
then access your Gmail and Twitter accounts as well. To
avoid this, use different passwords at least for all
important sites like email, social networking and online
payment accounts. Prefer random text over meaningful
words as password.
Safety tips against cyber attacks
2. Important software like browser, payment wallet
apps should be updated regularly

-Browsers may contain some vulnerability which

attackers can exploit to steal information. The
developers of these software keep repairing such flaws
thorough updates to these software. So it is important
to update these software regularly.
Safety Tips against Cyber Attacks
3. Avoid opening links of lotteries, prizes, gifts,
-It is rightly said, “If you are not paying for the
product, then you are the product.” Next time you
get an email telling you have won a huge amount in
the lottery (even though you did not purchase any
lottery ticket), or telling you that you have won an
iPhone, do not open any link from the email and
report the email as spam.
Safety Tips against Cyber Attacks
4. Download all software from authentic sources,
avoid downloading software from torrent sites.

-Software from non-authentic sources may be modified

by attackers to steal user information. Always download
software from authentic sources.
Safety Tips against Cyber Attacks
5. While using third party computers or mobiles for
browsing use the private/incognito mode.

-The browser’s private/incognito mode does not

store browsing history and user credentials preventing
the attacker from obtaining personal data of the user.
Safety Tips against Cyber Attacks
6. While using computers, use an on-screen
keyboard while entering important details

-There are software known as key loggers which

capture all the data entered by the user using the
physical keyboard. It is possible that third party
computers might have these keyloggers installed and
might steal data like passwords you enter using the
keyboard. Using an on-screen keyboard bypasses these
Safety Tips against Cyber Attacks
7. Use a good anti-virus software suite
-Choose a good antivirus software (free or
paid) that provides protection against viruses,
malware, worms and internet threats. Each
time a USB stick is inserted into PC, make sure
to scan it before using it. Turn on the safe
browsing feature of antivirus, to avoid
accidentally visiting malicious websites.
Safety Tips against Cyber Attacks
8. While logging in to any site, check the URL (the one in
the address bar), it should be exactly the same as the site
you want to log in to

-Attackers sometimes create a fake login webpage

similar to that of standard websites and ask users to enter
their login credentials. However, when entered, the login
username & password go to the attacker instead of the
intended website. This attack is known as phishing. To
identify fake web pages, check the URL (website address)
of the webpage. Fake webpages have a different URL that
that of the site you intend to visit.
Safety Tips against Cyber Attacks
9. Ensure the URL of the site contains HTTPS instead of

-HTTPS is a protocol for browsing internet that uses

encryption techniques and is more secure than HTTP. So,
ensure that important sites like those for email and financial
payments contain “https://' rather than “http://”.
Safety Tips against Cyber Attacks
10. Tips for Gmail

-Most of us use Gmail accounts. Gmail provides

something known as Two Factor Authentication method.
When this option is enabled, each time you login to Gmail, it
sends a One Time Password (OTP) to your registered mobile.
In this way, even if your password is revealed, your account
cannot be accessed.
Cyber Crime in the Philippines
as of the moment
Cyber crime in the Philippines as of the
In the Philippines, the pandemic has brought out
the worst in some opportunists, and in the virtual realm,
it appears phishing attacks are the cyber weapon of
choice. The Philippines has been trying to enforce
legislation on engineered phishing scams for years now,
but with so many Filipinos online all the time during the
pandemic, the National Bureau of Investigation’s
Cybercrime Division recorded a 200% increase since the
lockdowns started back in March.
Phishing scams attempt to take advantage of a
perceived lack of digital literacy in the country, sending
emails, calls, or text messages from (often near-
identical to the source they are imitating) false or stolen
identities, in order to convince the victim to click on
fraudulent links, or otherwise divulge personal
information somehow including data such as
passwords, bank account information, and other
confidential data.
"Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012″
 a law in the Philippines that was approved on
September 12, 2012. It aims to address legal
issues concerning online interactions and the
Internet in the Philippines. Among the cybercrime
offenses included in the bill are cybersquatting,
cybersex, child pornography, identity theft, illegal
access to data and libel.
 Cyber Security Definition
 Types of Cyber threats
 Safety Tips against Cyber-attacks
 10 Steps to Cyber Security
 Cyber Crime in the Philippines
We are now end of our subject matter, I hope
everyone of you got the knowledge concerning Cyber
security can be described as the collective methods,
technologies, and processes to help protect the
confidentiality, integrity, and availability of computer
systems, networks and data, against cyber-attacks or
unauthorized access

Hope everyone must be aware, specially in social

Media. That it is not safe.

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