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Air Pollution

Group members:
Dua Ijaz, Mariam Saeed, Umaiza Fatima, Ghazia Waqas,
Zuha Imran
Pollution is the introduction of harmful
materials into the environment. These
harmful materials are called pollutants.
Pollutants can be natural, such as
volcanic ash. They can also be created
by human activity, such as trash or runoff
produced by factories. The main types of
pollution : Air pollution, Water
pollution, Land pollution , Visual
pollution and Noise pollution but today
we will be talking about Air pollution.
What is Air pollution?
Air pollution is the contamination of air due
to the presence of substances in the
atmosphere that are harmful to the health of
humans and other living beings, or cause
damage to the climate or to materials. There
are many different types of air pollutants,
such as gases, particulates, and biological
Normal components of our atmosphere
• Nitrogen - 78.1%
• Oxygen - 20.9%
• Carbon dioxide – 0.03%
• Everything else – 0.07
• Noble gases(krypton, xenon, argon, helium)
• Methane
• Sulfur dioxide
The causes of Air pollution
The following are a few causes of Air pollution :
• The Burning of Fossil Fuels
• Industrial Emission
• Indoor Air Pollution
• Wildfires
• Microbial Decaying Process
• Transportation
• Open Burning of Garbage Waste
• Construction and Demolition
How does Air pollution affect us?
Air pollution could affect us in the following ways:
• Respiratory and Heart Problems
• Child Health Problems. Air pollution is detrimental to your health
even before you take your first breath
• Global Warming
• Acid Rain
• Eutrophication
• Effect on Wildlife
• Depletion of the Ozone Layer
Indoor Air pollution
Indoor air pollution is dust, dirt, or gases in the air inside buildings
such as your home or workplace that could be harmful to
breathe in. Poor indoor air quality has been linked to lung diseases
like asthma, COPD and lung cancer. It has also been linked to
increased risk of heart disease and stroke. The causes are fuel-
burning combustion appliances, tobacco products, products for
household cleaning and maintenance and central heating and cooling
systems and humidification devices.
Outdoor Air pollution
Outdoor pollution primarily results from the combustion of fossil
fuels by industrial plants and vehicles. This releases carbon
monoxide, sulfur dioxide, particulate matter, nitrogen oxides,
hydrocarbons and other pollutants. The causes are emissions
caused by combustion processes from motor vehicles, solid fuel
burning and industry. Other pollution sources include smoke from
bushfires, windblown dust, and biogenic emissions from vegetation
(pollen and mould spores).
How to reduce Air pollution?
We could reduce Air pollution by :
1. Reducing the number of trips, you take in your car.
2. Reducing or eliminating fireplace and wood stove
3. Avoiding burning leaves, trash, and other
4. Avoiding using gas-powered lawn and garden

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