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English homework

day 1 of my diary. My first video and the name of the channel was titan gamers. The video was about playing among us. Among us was a game that
had impostor and crewmates. The impostor could kill the crewmates when the crewmates were doing a mission. if you report a person's body or called

9 November 2020
an emergency meeting, you had to be in front and in front of you, there was a mic. You used the mic to speak but have to take turns. So there were 7
participates that were going to play. the people were Vincent, grace, Tong en, sierra, hakim, ren yi xiang and dan. In The first game, the impostors were
Vincent and Sierra. in the middle of the game, grace was killed by Vincent and sierra reported. Vincent was lying and he accused Tong en that he was
the impostor and every body agreed. So Tong en was voted out and he could not talk because he was already dead. So the game continued. in the 2nd
round, hakim suddenly called an emergency meeting to accused ren yi xiang that he was the impostor. So every one agreed and voted ren yi xiang out.
when ren yi xiang was voted out, Vincent and sierra won the game. The next game, the impostor was Vincent and Tong en and they won the game. The
video was 16:06 minutes. the second video that I watched was adi fishman. The channel was about pranking people. the video that I watched was when
he pranked his friend whose name was Jason. The Prank was about adi ignoring his friend whose name was Jason for 24 hours . Adi was ignoring
Jason until Jason was annoyed. Then Jason offered a Gucci shirt to adi but adi must talk to Jason. Adi actually wanted the Gucci shirt but for the video
content, he still ignored Jason and didn't get the Gucci shirt. In the evening, Jason told him that if he talked to him, Adi would get a large amount of
money and go to New York with him. When adi heard that, Adi immediately spoke to Jason and got the money. The second video was 20:36 minutes.
The third video, the name of the channel was free time. The channel was about prannking people. The prank was paused that there was a pause
challenge, When everybody knew they were all running away. The person who was going to pause them was tall. The first person to be paused by Tall
was Jojo. when he was refilling the water, he was paused by tall and the water spilled everywhere. After a few seconds, tall unpaused him and let him
go. The second person that being paused was Jason. Jason was the person tal l paused the longest and jason was annoyed because of it. When he was
paused, his food was eaten by his friends and he also got annoyed by his friends. The third video was 13 minutes. The last video that I watched was
free time. the video was about 3 boys who pranked their girlfriends. The prank was about pretending to be missing and made their girlfriends panicked.
at night, when the girlfriends found out that their boyfriends were missing, they panicked and their friends pretended to be panicked too. After an hour
or 2 hours, the boyfriends decided to go and met their girlfriends. when the girlfriends found out that this was just a prank , they were very mad at their
boyfriends. The duration of the fourth video was 16 minutes. The fifth video was free time. The channel was about pranking people. Anthony put the
baby powder in the hair dryer. Then he waited for someone to go to the closet. When a guy came in to the closet, he took a hair dryer because he was
from the bath room taking a bath. When en took the hair dryer, he turn the hair dryer on and the baby powder hit his face. He was very angry to
Anthony because of that. The second person that Anthony pranked was jojo. He put the toothpaste in oreo. he ate the cream first and then he put the
toothpaste inside it. Then jojo came down to the kitchen and ate the oreo. When he ate the oreo, he vomitted the oreo and immediately chase Anthony.
The third person that got pranked was michael. He put a quarter on the ground when the quarter was already glued with a hot glue. The next person
that was pranked by Anthony was nick. Anthony took nick’s phone when nick was sleeping and changed his wallpaper into a breaking wall paper.
when nick woke up and he looked on his phone, He was very shocked and asking Anthony to exchange his phone into a new one but when nick knew
it was a prank, he was really mad to Anthony. The video was 16 minutes.
10 September 2020
day 2 of my diary. The first video that I watched was free time. The channel was about the last person to remove their hand from the car,
wins the car. The car was i8. there were 7 participants. The participants were adi, tall, nick, Anthony, caylus, Jason and jojo. when they
started the challenge, Jason suddenly took his hands away from the car and he said that he didn’t need that car. After 1 hour, the second
person to take his hands off the car was nick because he wanted to pee and he could not hold it anymore. The third person who took his hand
off the car was Jojo because he let go of his hand while he was sleeping so he had to lose in this challenge . The fourth person to take his
hands off the car was adi because he made a reservation for him and his girlfriend. when his girlfriend came, she pulled adi’s hand and adi
took his hand off the car. there were 2 people left. the last person to take his hand off the car was anthony because he was tricked by caylus .
the winner of this challenge was caylus and he got the car. The video was 11:23 minutes. The second video that I watched was free time. the
video was about a challenge. The rule was they could not say no to tall. the first person that can’t say no was adi. He had to put the airpods
in blender. because Adi couldn't say no to James, so Adi had to do it. when the airpod was in the blender, the airpod was not damaged but
dirty. The second person that can’t say no was Anthony. he was being groomed by tall while anthony was sleeping but once he realized it, he
enjoyed it The third person that can’t say no to tall was jojo. he was told by tall to lick the closet and anthony just used the toilet for
pooping. The last person that can’t say no to tall was Jason. he was told by tall to run from the house to the street and went back to the house
but in the condition of naked . After he came back, he immediately changed his clothes. The video was 13 minutes. The third video was free
time. The video was about went back to school for a day. There were 7 participants. There were tall, adi, Emily, Anthony, jojo, nick and
Maddie. Tall was the teacher. Emily was the hot girl. Adi was the hot guy. Anthont was the athlete. Maddie was the teacher’s pet. Nick was
the jock. Jojo was the nerd. They were learning the lesson of the school from grade 1 until grade 5. the winner of the competition was jojo.
The video was 14 minutes. The last video that I watched was free time. The video was about them throwing things from the 2nd floor and
they wanted to know if the items will be damaged or not. Firstly, they threw things that they didn’t use. But in the end, they took tall’s
diamond play button box and hid the diamond play button. Then they threw the box from 2 nd floor and when tall knew, he was very scared
and open the box. When he opened the box, there was no diamond play button. The video was 11 minutes. The next video was free time.
The video was about pranking people. There were 8 participants. There were Jason, tall, michael, jojo, adi, , Anthony, and others. The first
person to participate was James . he called panda express. When they called them, it was very funny because tall didn’t know what he
supposed to say. The people at panda express immediately hang up the phone. The second person that participating was Anthony. He called
the pet store. The third person that participating was jojo. he called a korean barbeque restaurant. Then the people in the Korean barbeque
restaurant were annoyed because of jojo and immediately hung up the call The duration of the video was 15 minutes
Day 3 of my diary. The first video that I watched was the general. The video was about breaking tall’s diamond play button. He did that because he
wanted to revenge on tall. Tall paused him for a long time so he wanted to revenge. He went to tall’s office and took tall’s diamond play button. Then
he put some pieces of glass that were broken. Then he put it on the diamond play button so it looked like the diamond play button was broken. The
video was 6 minutes. The second video was adi fishman. The video was about pranking. At the end when adi wanted to sell diamond play button, tall
knew that it was a prank and he caught the camera already so adi failed to prank tall. The video was 13 minutes. The third video was adi fishman. The
video was about making adi’s girlfriend flirt with Jason and see Jason’s reaction. When adi’s girlfriend was flirting with Jason, Jason was so confused

11 November 2020
and refused her. And in the ned, adi came and say that it was a prank. When adi said to him that it was a prank, he was very confused for like2 minutes,
then finally he understood. The video was 12 minutes. The fourth video that I watched was free time. The video was about hide and seek and the
winner will get 10000 dollars. There were 6 participants. Jojo, nick, adi, Anthony, Anthony mayorga, michael and cena but cena was the cameramen
and others were the hiders. Tall was giving them chance to hide for 1 minute. Adi was the first person tall caught because he didn’t have enough time to
hide. When he went upstairs, everybody was going upstairs so he went down again and he was found by tall. The second person that was found was
Anthony mayorga. He was been found by adi. When tall passed him, he didn’t see him but adi saw him so he was caught by adi. Nick was the third
person tall caught. Michael was the fourth person tall caught because he was locking the door and when tall was trying to open the door, the door was
locked so tall immediately knew that there was a person inside there. Anthony was the fifth person tall cought because Anthony was near michael. So
when tall already wanna leave that place, adi and nick felt that there was a person so they checked and there was Anthony behind the door. The last
person that got caught was jojo. He was hiding inside the kitchen drawer. So the winner of the game was jojo and he got 10000 dollars. The video was
14 minutes. The next video was free time. The video was about a challenge. There were 6 participants. There were adi, mike, Anthony, Anthony
mayorga, jojo and nick. When it was already a hour, Anthony mayorga decided to leave the hot pool because he had to do something. at night, Anthony
mayorga asked if someone wanted cookies or not. At first, they didn’t come out from the pool but after 10 minutes, Anthony and nick came out from
the pool because they wanted to have cookies. Then jojo left the pool because he squatted and it was not allowed so he must go out from the pool. So
there were 2 persons left. After a long time, mike asked adi to go out from the pool because if adi didn’t get out from the pool, mike will poop in front
of adi so adi left the pool. The winner of this challenge was mike and he got 10000 dollars. The video was 12 minutes. The next video was free time.
The video was about a challenge. There were 6 participants. There were jojo, mike, Anthony, tall, adi and nick. So you must always jumping in the
trampoline until someonecame out from the trampoline. The rules of the challenge were you could not touch other people’s hand and you couldn’t stop
jumping. The first person to step off the trampoline was Jojo because he stopped jumping so he had to get out from the trampoiline. After a long time,
The second person to step off the trampoline was mike because he he stopped jumping so he had to go out from the trampoline. The third person to step
off the trampoline was nick because he touched tall’s hand so he had to go out from the trampoline but he said he needed the money so he joined back.
The fourth person that went out of the trampoline was Anthony because he touched tall’s body so he must go out from the trampoline. Adi got the third
place because he fell down and stopped jumping. Nick got the fourth place because he touched tall’s body. So the winner of this challenge was tall and
he got 10000 dolla
12 November 2020
Day 4 of my diary. The first video that I watched was 2hype. the video was about 2 hype going back to school. There are 7 participants.
There are zack, jesser, james, mopi, cash, michelle and Christopher. Zack was the teacher and the rest are the students. The first subject was
history. Everyone failed the subject except for Christopher and james. Christopher got 70% and james got 100% in the history subject. in the
middle of the class, Cash got mad at Christopher for speaking bad words to him but their teacher managed to calm them down. The second
subjects was english. The one who passed the english was only christpher who get 70 % and mocchie. In this lesson, james cheated so he
immediately got a zero. In the middle of the lesson, cash went out to the toilet and everybody was breaking his pencils and writing a note
about the teacher that the teacher was not smart and many more. So when the teacher found out and cas went back to the classroom, the
teacher was angry to him and he was very confused. Cash also hit Mopi until Mopi fell down to the floor and Mopi also brought a coke so
the coke spilled. The next lessons were math and science. James got 90% and the one who didn’t passed was michelle, cash and mopi. The
next lesson was speaking or listening. In this lesson, no one passed and all failed. In the middle of a lesson, Chris brought a piece of paper
and the paper was on fire Christopher was very shocked because of that and everybody were panicked. the teacher immediately stepped on
the paper with his shoe so that the fire was extinguished . The last subject was reading. they could all read well except mopi and james.
when they were reading, they always got disturbed by everyone and when it was james’s turn to read, james was so afraid to read because he
was scared that he would get disturbed. The video was 51 minutes. The second video that I watched was 2 hype. the video was about a
challenge . The first person that presented the video was mopi. Mopi’s video was about skateboarding. the second video was shown by zack.
His video was about cooking. The third video was presented by jesser. The video was about heaven and hell. The fourth video was presented
by james. The video was about star wars but while playing basketball. The fifth video was presented by Christopher. the video was about a
story. The last video was shown by cash. The video was 36 minutes. The third video was 2hype. The video was about a challenge. So there
were a few basketball challenges The first challenge was free throw. The winner of the challenge was jesser and he got a sock. the second
challenge was little bit further than the first challenge. The winner of the challenge was jesser again and he got pairs of socks. The third
challenge was very far. The winner of this challenge was zack and he could choose 3 pair of socks. The last challenge was in the half court
and it was the furthest. The winner of this challenge was jesser and he may buy everything in the vip store. when jesser won the challenge,
he went to the vip store and bought everything he wantedt but he didn’t only buy for himself but also for his friends.
13 November 2020
The first video that I watched was james. The video was about designing basketballs. First he designed a ball with a Louis Vuitton logo.
Second he designed a ball with a picture of the planets and astronauts. third he designed a ball with green color and he drew some portals.
Fourth he designed a ball with the picture of cartoons. Last one he designed a ball with many colors to that ball. Firstly, james gave it to
zack. He gave a ball that he drew planets and astronauts. the interesting one was when you dribble, the paint would not get ruined. So when
james gave the ball to zack, zack was very happy. The second one, he gave it to mopi. When james gave it to mopi, mopi was very shocked
because of the paint and because the paint won’t get ruined. The third one was michelle. When james gave the ball to michelle, He was very
happy because the ball was very nice. The fourth one, james gave it to jesser. When james gave the ball to jesser, jesser was very happy
because he could dribble the ball. The last one was Christopher. When james gave the ball to Christopher, he was shocked because the paint
didn’t get ruined when he dribbled the ball. The video was 12 minutes. The second video that I watched was 2 hype. The video was about
designing an outfit for 2 hours. There were 6 participants. There were mopi, james, jesser, zack, Christopher and cash. Jesser, james and
mopi were upstairs because they were really good at designing. but zack, Christopher and cash were down stairs because they were not
really good at designing. The first person to show their outfit was zack. Zack designed a black and white shirt with a pair of fire socks and
designer shoes. The judge and his friends were very impressed at zack. The second person to show their outfit was Christopher. He designed
a lv shirt and he draw a fire on his pants. His shoe was black-orange color. The third person to show their outfit was cash. He drew a virus
corona at the shirt and he drew a corona virus too at the pants. Then the judge chose cash because it was very nice and very clean. Then the
three person came forward again. The first person to show their outfit was mopi. The color of his shirt and shoes were black. The judge like
mopi’s outfit. The second to show their outfit was james. He draw a designed clothes and colorful shoes. The judge liked jame’s outfit. The
last person to show their outfit was jesser. He drew the spongebob’s house at the shirt and he drew a spongebob at his shoes. The judge
chose jesser’s outfit because it was very nice and spongebob was judge’s cartoon. So the remaining was cash and jesser. The judge choose
cash’s outfit because it was nicer than jesser’s outfit. The video was 27 minutes. The third video was 2hype. The video was about a
challenge There were 5 participants. There were james, jesser, zack, mopi and moochie. There were many singers to choose and lyrics to
complete. The easy one was 100 points and the hardest one was 500 points. The winner of the competition was james.

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