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Human Resource Management

Fifteenth Edition, Global Edition

Chapter 5
Training and Development
Chapter 6
Career Development

Chapter 8
(Martocchio, 2019)

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Learning Objectives
8.1 Define training and development (T&D)
8.2 Describe the training and development process.
8.3 Summarize some human resource management training
8.4 Explain the concept of careers and career planning
approaches and methods.
8.5 Describe management development.

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Orientation (Onboarding)
• Initial T&D effort designed
for employees
• Goal is to inform them
about company, job, and
• Helps them decide
whether to stay at a
company within their first
six months

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Contents of Orientation
1. Employment situation

2. Company policies and rules

3. Compensation and benefits

4. Corporate culture

5. Team membership

6. Employee development

7. Socialization

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Training and Development Elements

Blank Short term Long term

Groups/ Organizational Organizational
Organization Development Learning
Individuals Training Career Management

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Training and Development
Training: Development:
• Provides learners with the • Involves learning that goes
knowledge and skills beyond today’s job and
needed for their present has a more long-term
jobs. Designed to improve focus
competencies and

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Training and Development (T and D) Process

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Step 1: Determine Specific Training and
Development Needs
• Must take a systematic
approach to addressing
bona fide needs:
– Organizational
– Task analysis
– Person analysis

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Step 2: Establish Specific Training and
Development Program Objectives
• Desired end results must be determined
• Clear and concise learning objectives must be formulated

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Step 3 (part 1):
Selecting Training and Development Methods
• Classroom method
• E-learning
• Case study
• Behavior modeling and tweeting
• Role playing
• Training games
• In-basket training
• On-the-job training
• Apprenticeship training
• Team training

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Step 3 (part 2): Selecting Training and
Development Delivery Systems
• Corporate universities
• Colleges and universities
• Community colleges
• Online higher education
• Vestibule system training provider
• Video media
• Simulators training provider
• Social networking

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Step 4: Implementing Training and
Development Programs

• Often difficult
• Many managers are
action-oriented and feel
they are too busy to
engage in T&D efforts
• Qualified trainers must be
• T&D requires a high
degree of creativity
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Step 5: Evaluating Training and
Development Programs

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Takeaways: Factors Influencing Training
and Development
1. Top management support
2. Shortage of skilled workers
3. Technological advances
4. Global complexity
5. Learning styles
6. Other human resource functions

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Chapter 6
Career Development

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• Career: General course that

a person chooses to pursue
throughout working life
• Career path: Flexible line of
movement through which
person may travel during
work life

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Types of Career Paths

1. Traditional career path

2. Network career path

3. Lateral skill path

4. Dual career path

5. Adding value to your career

6. Demotion

7. Free agents (being one’s own boss)

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Career Planning Approaches
• Career planning: Ongoing process whereby an individual:
– Sets career goals
– Identifies means to achieve them
• Self-assessment
• Formal assessment

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Career Development
• Career development: Formal approach used by
organization to ensure people with proper qualifications
and experiences are available when needed
• Career planning rests with the employee. However, career
development must closely parallel individual career
planning if a firm is to retain its best and brightest workers.
• Career Development Methods:
1. Manager/employee self-service
2. Discussions with knowledgeable individuals
3. Company material
4. Performance appraisal system
5. Workshops
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• Greenhaus et al. (2000) presents a model that depicts the
decisions and activities involved in the process.
• Model states the effective career management begins as
individuals responds to the need to make a career

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Source: Greenhaus et al. (2000)
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Mentoring and Coaching
• Mentoring: Approach to advising, coaching, and nurturing
– Mentor can be located anywhere
– Relationship can be formal or informal
• Coaching: Often considered responsibility of immediate
boss or supervisor
– Coach provides assistance much like a mentor would
– Customized employee development

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