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Biochemistry Lecture:


Alfred Patisenah, S.Si., M.Si.

IG: alfredpatisenah
What are enzymes
 Enzymes are protein catalysits that speed up the rate of chemical reactions
in living organisms.
Some enzyme require “add-ons” to work
Enzymes Are Powerful and Highly Specific Catalysts

Enzymes are biological catalysts that provide an alternative reaction route,

and can stabilize reaction intermediates for an overall reaction.

True Catalysts
 Enzymes are not consumed or
permanently altered during the
 Enzymes do not alter the
chemical equilibrium between
the reactant and products.
How do they do it?
 Catalysis by induced fit/conformational selection
 Mechanism of transition state stabilization
o Bond strain
o Proximity and orientation
o Proton donors/acceptors (acid/base catalysis)
o Electrostatic catalysis
o Covalent catalysis
o Quantum tunneling
Induced Fit
 Enzymes are flexible, can undergo vibrations, rotations, and domain
 Some enzyme undergo major structural rearrangements when binding
substrates or inhibitors.
Dynamics of Noncovalent Intermolecular Interaction
Dissocation reaction
Contoh Soal
Substrate Binding Is the First Step in Enzyme Catalysis
Michaelis-Menten Equation
Double-Reciprocal Plot: Lineweaver-Burk

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