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Residential Field Site

Training (RFST)

Dr. Suraiya Jabeen

Objectives of RFST:
1. To find out the common health
problems of the community people;

2. To know the Organogram & activities

of THC, SC & CC;

3. To know how PHC is running in

different levels;
Objectives of RFST:
4. To know how cold chain is maintained
in Thana level & below;

5. To prepare a survey report on

common health problems of the
community people; &

1. To accustom with the community

people and community environment.
Survey Report On-

Knowledge, Attitudes and

Practices (KAP) of Personal
Hygiene among the primary
School Going Children in a Rural
Community of Bangladesh
Research Question:

 What are the levels of Knowledge,

Attitudes and Practices (KAP) of Personal
Hygiene among the School Going Children
in a Rural Community of Bangladesh?
General objective:

 Toassess the level of Knowledge,

Attitudes and Practices (KAP) of
Personal Hygiene among Primary
Going School Children in a Rural
Community of Bangladesh.
Specific objectives:
 To find out the socio-demographic
characteristics of the respondents;
 To interpret their level of knowledge
on Personal Hygiene;
 To assess their attitudes regarding
Personal Hygiene; &
 To assess their practices regarding
Personal Hygiene.
Problem statement
Parent’s literacy
KAP Father’s occupation
Sex regarding
Personal Hygiene


Educational status
Operational Definitions:
 Those students responded correctly
regarding hygiene will be considered
as having knowledge. We scored
knowledge as follows-
 Excellent knowledge- 80- 100 %
 Very good knowledge- 70-79 %
 Good knowledge- 50- 69 %
 Poor knowledge- < 49%
 Student’s feeling regarding personal
hygiene will be considered as his/her
attitude. We scored attitude as follows-
 Very good attitude - 80- 100 %
 Good attitude - 50-79 %
 Poor attitude - < 49%
Practice regarding Personal Hygiene:
 Students practice regarding Personal
Hygiene will be measured by
observing students clothing, finger
nails, face, teeth, hair, foot wear and
skin condition of hands.
 School Going Children: Students of class
I to V among the selected rural areas.
 Age: Age of the respondents in complete
 Parent’s Literacy: Parents who can read
or write letters will be considered as
 Occupation: Type of work performed by
the respondent’s father & mother.
 Clean clothing: Student’s cloth will be
considered clean, without visible dirt on it.
 Clean & trimmed fingernails: Students
having trimmed nails without visible dirt on
 Clean face: When there is no obvious eye
and nasal discharge and without visible dirt
on the face.
 Clean teeth: When there is neither carriage
nor discoloration of teeth will be considered
as clean teeth.
 Clean Hair: Hair without obvious lice,
dandruff and nicely brushed will be
considered as clean hair.
 Foot wear present: Wearing any sort
of foot wear.
 Presence of Scabies/ Fungal infection:
Hands will be checked for skin disease
(scabies or fungal infection)
 Dependent variables
 Independent variable
Dependent variables:
 Knowledge regarding personal hygiene
 Attitude towards personal hygiene
 Practice of personal hygiene
Independent variable:

 Age
 Sex
 Religion
 Educational status
 Parent’s literacy
 Father’s occupation
 Descriptive, Cross-sectional study.

 All the primary school going children, studying in
Class I to Class V and residing in Sreepur upazila
during the study period.
 March to June 2012.
 For this cross-sectional study, sample size will
be calculated by the following formula-
 n=z2 pq/d2,
 Here,
 n = Desired sample size, z = Standard normal
deviation, usually set at 1.96 which
correspond to the 95% confidence level. P=
Proportion of the target population, since
there is no reasonable estimate so it is 50%,
q=1-p , d = Degree of accuracy set at 50%.

 So,
 n= (1.96)2 (.5) × (.5) / (.5)2 = 384
 In our study, due to time constrain 300
samples will be collected.
 Purposive sampling technique

 Semi-structured Interview schedule &
 Check-list


 Face to face interview

 Collected data will be cheeked, verified and edited for
consistency. Then results will be analyzed by using
SPSS (V- 14).
 The process of selecting a number of
individuals for a study in such a way that
the individuals represent the larger group
from which they were selected
…the representatives selected for a
study whose characteristics
exemplify the larger group from
which they were selected
…the larger group from which
individuals are selected to participate
in a study
 Variable is a characteristic that takes on
different values in different persons, places, or
 Variables are characteristics or attributes that
may vary from person to person, place to
place, or from time to time.

For example:
- age, ht, wt, skin complexion
- temperature, BP, education, occupation
- Knowledge, skill, habits, ventilation....etc.
Types of Variables-
Variables can be classified mainly as-

 Quantitative Variable &
 Qualitative Variable
 or,
 Dependent Variable
 Independent Variable &
 Confounding Variable
What is a Dependent Variable?
 The variable that the researcher measures;
it is influenced by the independent variable.

 These are variable of primary interest (e.g.

blood pressure in an antihypertensive drug trial)
 Sometimes called the outcome variable--
measures the effect of whatever experiment
you've performed.
For example: Studying the effects of smoking on
lung cancer. Smoking (Dependent) variable will
be measured to find out the influences of
independent variables.
What is an Independent Variable?
 A variable that precedes, influences or
predicts the outcome of the study.

 The researcher manipulates this variable, or in

the case of preexisting variables that cannot be
manipulated (age, sex, race, etc), selects the
variable for inclusion in the study.
What are Confounding Variables?
 A variable, which affects the research
outcomes & when not controlled.

 There are three types:

 Intervening: other variables such as motivation or
intelligence are at play (our text calls this a moderator
 Organismic: physical traits such as
poor eyesight or hearing are at play
 Extraneous: Fatigue, room temperature,
distractions, etc. are at play
 Definition
 Classification
 Data Collection methods
 Measurement scales

 Data are measurements of one or more
variables made on a collection of
Sources of

Census Surveys

Experiments Studies
Collection & Organization of Data

Regular Ad hoc

(Data- regularly collected) (Data- not regularly collected)

1. Birth & Death registration 1. A survey to estimate prevalence of

2. Cancer registry diarrhoea among under-5 children
3. Disease notification system 2. An investigation of deaths due
4. Registration syst. in Health & FP to neonatal tetanus
5. Monthly activities report 3. A study to investigate birth care
6. Monthly or quarterly Disease practices in rural areas
profile report 4. A survey to estimate the extent of
irrational prescribing of drugs
in Diarrhoea, ARI
Ad hoc survey
1. Defining Population target
2. Defining objectives
3. Data collection procedure
4. Deciding sample size
5. Types of sampling
6. Deciding the data collection
instrument- forms, questionnaire,
interview schedule, checklist etc.
Ad hoc survey...cont.
7. Selection and training of personals
8. Identification of respondents
9. Data collection
10. Data processing, analysis and
Example: A survey to estimate prevalence of
diarrhoea among under-5 children
Methods of data collection
Main methods are-
1. Document review- by review records,
reports etc. to be filled by the interviewers
2. Observation
3. Experiment
4. Mail Questionnaire- by a set of questions,
forms etc. to be filled by the respondents
5. Interviewing- by interview schedule,
check-list etc. to be filled by the interviewers

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