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Welcome to my

Thematic Presentation!
Ally Nicole Baker
April, 6th, 2024
Professor Trista Guzman Glover
Hello and welcome to my thematic presentation!

In these slides, I will be presenting my top 10 themes that illustrate my

life values as well as how my future will be shaped by them. I created
these themes by gathering data from this course and other OGL
courses I have previously taken in the past. During this process I used
a qualitative research approach also known as a thematic analysis. I
was able to find my results on this analysis by participating in a
coding process. I created codes to describe my life values by analyzing
meaningful self-data. This includes self-assessments, interviews, past
assignments, and other academic experiences.
My Data Sources
YellowDig Unit 1 Questions and Values OGL 482 (YDU1): This YellowDig
topic asked students to describe what we value most in our life.
Unit 1 Self Assessment (U1SA): This assessment had us compare
assessments like the Kuder Career Interests, Kuder Skills Confidence
assessment, and our Career Anchors assessment
Unit 2 Inspiration: Leader Identity Narrative (U2LIN): This assignment was
a reflection on how my leadership identity has been formed and I told a story
using my personal experiences.
OGL 360 Final Portfolio (OGL 360 FP): Final portfolio consisting of my main
values, what leadership means to me, where I see myself in the future and the
Leadership Practices Inventory Assessment.
Module 5 Paper OGL 350 Diversity and Organizations (M5P): Paper on my
personal experiences on learning a different culture.
What Matters Most Worksheet OGL 360 (WMMW): Worksheet on what
matters the most to me in life including how many hours per week I will spend
on each value.
My Data Sources Continued
Module 2 Paper OGL 350 Diversity and Organizations (OGL 350 M2P):
Paper on diversity in organizations and my personal experiences on how I
have had to navigate diversity challenges.
OGL 345 Reflection Paper (OGL 345 RP): Reflection paper on
utilitarianism, social contract theory, discourse ethics, etc.
The Future of Humanity Project OGL 340 (FOHP): Final project on the
future of humanity and what I believe needs to change for all of us to have
a successful future.
OGL 200 Course Reflection (OGL200 CF): Reflection assignment on
organizational leadership as well as how my leadership has changed and
will continue to change in the future.
Theme 1: Family
Theme Statement: My family is everything to me. I prioritize them over
everything. I value quality time with my family.
• I love being surrounded by my loved ones and my family. I am naturally
very content spending evenings at home with my boyfriend and cats.
We usually spend time cooking together, playing with our cats, or
watching a show together (YDU1).
• “One strong theme of mine is quality time with family means everything
to me. Regarding choosing a career and moving forward in life, I will
have to strongly consider this theme because it is a large part of my
identity (U1SA).
• Live peacefully with my partner and cats (OGL 360 FP).
• Family matters to me the most (OGL 360 FP).
• “I hope to bring this part of his culture and continue putting an
emphasis on our own family time when the time comes (M5P).
Theme 1: Family Continued
Throughout completing my OGL degree I have been able to
realize that family is the most important thing that I value
in life. The world could be falling apart around me but if I
get to spend that time with my family then everything will
be seen as okay in my eyes. I have also learned that family
being my number one value means that I will have to make
career and life choices to uphold that. Recently, I have
made to make a career change to be able to spend more
time with my partner.
Theme 2: Work Life Balance
Theme Statement: I value having time for myself where I don’t have to
think of work outside of work.
• “My life started to revolve around work. I desperately lacked
work/life balance” (U2LIN).
• I like to relax and prioritize work/life balance in my own
leadership (OGL 360 FP).
• Time matters to me the most (OGL 360 FP).
• “I also learned that others can be negatively affected by you if you
do not ensure you are doing well mentally or physically” (U2LIN).
• Spending 10 hours a week staying active and doing things I like
Theme 2: Work Life Balance
I have come to realize that work/life balance is something
very important to me. In numerous OGL assignments,
papers, and projects I have mentioned how my lowest
moments in life was when my work consumed me. Since
reflecting and learning on this, I know that I will have to
make a continuous effort in my life to keep balance. I will
eventually start a family in the future, and it will become
more challenging to find balance, but I am very
Theme 3: Helping Others
Theme Statement: I enjoy helping others who need help. I feel very fulfilled when I can
participate in volunteer work.
• “I know I would feel more fulfilled in my life if I knew I was helping others”
• “My biggest takeaway was learning how to get others around me motivated for
a cause” (U2ILN).
• “Going forward I will continue to be aware of how individuals are negatively
impacted both intentionally and unintentionally (OGL 350 M2P).
• I will continue to consider the well-being of all my employees and try my best
to ensure everyone is benefiting from the decisions I make at my store (OGL
345 RP).
• “I believe it is critical to start viewing the world as a whole and recognizing how
we are the same not only for survival but also for the sake of humanity
Theme 3: Helping Others Continued
Helping others by volunteering and practicing empathy has
always been something I find very fulfilling. I can’t see my
life without doing this because it has become a part of my
identity. Most importantly, I want to be able to reflect on
my life when I am older and see that I have been able to
make a positive impact on the world.
Theme 4: Stability
Theme Statement: Stability is very important to me because it brings peace
of mind. I have always valued financial stability and relationship stability.
• “Stability and security are two things I value and are necessities for me.
Upon graduating soon, I intend on finding a new career which will
provide stability in my life and my family” (U1SA).
• “I want to invest in more real estate so I can make more passive income
in the future and dedicate a lot of my time to my family” (OGL 360 FP).
• Financial freedom matters to me the most (OGL 360 FP).
• “My highest score in enterprising means I value economic gain and
personal or organizational goals” (U1SA).
• Committing 40 hours a week to ensure financial stability in my life
Theme 4: Stability Continued
Stability is a theme of mine because it is something I have
always chased. I did not have much stability growing up in
life because my family always struggled financially. My
parents also ended up separating while I was in middle
school. Since I struggled with stability for most of my life, it
has become very important to me to have a stable future
for me and my family.
Theme 5: Nourishing Relationships
Theme Statement: Maintaining and nourishing relationships with friends are very
important to me.
• “I want to continue fostering the relationships that are close to me already but
I also want to start some new ones” (OGL 360 FP).
• “Showing my genuine and raw personality has allowed me to develop
meaningful relationships with my coworkers” (U2LIN).
• “I received my highest score in social because I am very empathetic. I am
confident in developing relationships with peers and understanding them on a
deeper level” (U1SA).
• “Sharing our honest feelings shows our differences in perspective and that will
help us all understand each other” (FOHP).
• “Communication between each other is vital when wanting to create an open
atmosphere where all team members can discuss ideas and feel heard” (OGL
200 CF).
Theme 5: Nourishing Relationships
The relationships I make in life will always be a theme
close to me. Whether they are lifelong relationships or
brand-new relationships, they will always be important.
Nourishing relationships is a theme in my life because a lot
of my friends have helped me get though tough times and I
believe that they have become a driving force for me. I keep
going because of the support they have given me.
Nourishing my relationships has also helped me improve
my communication and listening skills, which translates to
many aspects of life.
Theme 6: Organizational Identity
Theme Statement: Having an organizational identify is a theme of mine because fitting in
and feeling like a place is good for me gives me reassurance and confidence.
• I am more likely to thrive in a work environment when I have a boss who respects me
and shows me appreciation. (U1SA).
• Despite the hardships I faced in my career, this was a fresh start, and I was willing to be
vulnerable with my new team. Learning how to be vulnerable is my biggest takeaway
from this part of my life (U2LIN).
• After completing my DISC assessment, I learned that my personality has preferences in
compliance and steadiness. I agree with steadiness because I prefer clear paths and well-
defined expectations (U2LIN).
• “I have recently been promoted to be an assistant store manager and I would be lying if I
didn’t say I felt a little bit lost at first”(OGL 345 RP).
• “One of the most useful things I learned from this text is that I need to have confidence
within myself. I’ve never had that much confidence within myself for many reasons. I
constantly doubt my decisions at work despite knowing what to do” (OGL 200 CF).
Theme 6: Organizational Identity
I have learned that my organizational identity has been
shaped over the years. I realized that I perform best when I
feel like the mission and values of an organization are close
to mine and I feel as if it is a good fit for me. This theme
helped me understand what I now look for in an
organization as well as expectations I have set for myself.
Being confident in my organization has helped me become
a better leader.
Theme 7: Lifelong Learner
Theme Statement: Continuous learning and being open to new knowledge has
always been a way of living for me.
• “I will continue to become a better leader and better person by using what I have
learned” (OGL 200 CF).
• In hopes of understanding how we work as a collective system; one must self-
reflect and ask themselves questions (FOHP).
• “I am forever committed to reflecting on my privilege and how I can hold myself
accountable” (OGL 350 M2P)
• “Throughout my life, I have always done my best at trying to stay open-minded.
This shows in my still life as my pair of glasses. My glasses represent the broad
perspective I keep when assessing situations and meeting new people” (OGL 360
• My increased self-awareness will allow me to continue to develop myself and
others (U1SA).
Theme 7: Lifelong Learner Continued
Lifelong learner is a theme of mine because reflection is
something I practice daily. I often think to myself about
how I could improve both in my personal and my
professional life. While I know I am not perfect, I still strive
to be the best version of myself. Thought my degree,
reflection and continuous improvement have been
reoccurring topics in my assignments, reflections, papers,
etc. I know that staying in a student mindset will be
something I practice often in my life even after graduating
Theme 8: Creativity
Theme Statement: I will always remain creative and promote creativity
around me.
• In the future, I hope to show my creative side rather than
focusing on staying between the lines (U1SA).
• “Working through the ambiguity of owning a house makes me
feel like I can figure anything out. I now have a stronger ability
to think creatively, optimistically, and quickly (U2IDN).
• Thinking outside the box and being challenged in life are
important to me (FOHP).
• “My biggest takeaway is that I should try to get out of my
comfort zone” (U1SA).
Theme 8: Creativity Continued
Being creative is always going to be a theme in my life
because I have lacked it for so long. I have always been a
rule follower and a “stay between the lines” type of person.
I was always afraid of being creative because of the
potential results of that. I have since then learned that
creativity can help me learn a lot. Creativity has also
allowed me to become more skilled in problem solving and
remaining open minded.
Theme 9: Leadership
Theme Statement: Leadership will always be a theme in my life because I understand
my impact on those around me and I want to be a positive influence on others.
• “I plan on building confidence within myself to strengthen me and my teams' abilities. I
want to become a confident leader that my peers can believe in. I will continue to be
conscious of the tone and culture I’m setting at my job in hopes that it is welcoming
and positive” (OGL 200 CF).
• “I overall feel great knowing I have been making the right decisions for the right
reasons” (OGL 345 RP).
• An empathetic approach is a skill that I use often in my own leadership (U1SA).
• Throughout this process of majoring in organizational leadership, I have realized that
reflection is my best friend. Reflection has allowed me to take away a lot from my
firsthand experiences. Without genuinely reflecting on my leadership journey, I may not
have been able to learn as much as I have in my OGL courses (U2LIN).
• Every experience I have mentioned in this reflection has shaped me to be the person
and leader I am today. I am happy to say that I have grown so much and have been able
to gain valuable leadership skills on this journey (U2LIN).
Theme 9: Leadership Continued
I have learned so much from my theme of leadership. I
have learned how to grow, set goals, reflect, and most
importantly understand how what I say and do impacts
others. I will continue to make many decisions in my life
based off the type of leader I am. Living my life by this
theme has ultimately made me a better human being and I
want to continue using my leadership skills to grow.
Theme 10: Futuristic Thinking
Theme Statement: Futuristic thinking is a theme of mine because I feel the most
prepared when I think ahead. I also feel like I learn the most when I set goals for
my future self.
• “I think those who are great at creating a shared vision are able to find a good
balance between thinking about the future while also considering being in the
moment” (OGL 360 FP).
• There have been many events in my life that have specifically impacted on my
leadership qualities as well as the version of the leader I see myself becoming in
the future (U2LIN).
• I can envision my future being a quiet and simple life (OGL 360 FP).
• “Taking what I learned about communication from the Hackman textbook will
shape me into a better person, follower, and leader in the future” (OGL 200 CF).
• Consider the future- Action: Contribute 5% to my 401K per paycheck (OGL 360
Theme 10: Futuristic Thinking
Reflection: I have learned so much from being a futuristic
thinker. One thing I have learned is that I can grow
exponentially if I create a vision for myself. I also learned
that I could bring others along in my journey by creating a
shared vision. Futuristic thinking is something I have been
practicing a lot because my life is moving so fast. The older
I become, the more I realize I must prepare myself for
anything to happen.
My Personal Vision Statement
“No matter what life throws at me, I will continue to find
gratitude and happiness every single day”

Reading the research from Jim Collins and Perry Porras on Good to
Great Companies helped me create my own vision statement. In their
research, they emphasized the importance of having your own vision
statement because that is what drives our existence and our
achievements. I started to ask myself questions like “what am I living
for?” and “what do I want to become?”. I know that no matter what, I
always want to be a grateful and happy person. I also want to be
someone who inspires others to find that peace in their life as well.
My Personal Mission Statement
I dedicate my life to being an empathetic, positive, and passionate
human being that treats everyone with respect and dignity.

During the creation of my personal mission statement, I reflected on

when I am at my best and when I am at my worst. I want to be known
as the best version of myself by friends, family, loved ones, and even
strangers. Treating others how I want to be treated is a core value to
me and that is something that I feel encapsulates my soul. I learned a
lot from this process because I had to envision how I see myself in the
future and how I can uphold that vision. When life becomes
challenging, I will be able to look back on my personal mission
statement and remember how I want to live my life.

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