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Marcos Alcocer

Nucleotide Biosynthesis – Lectures Marcos Alcocer

Marcos Alcocer

School of Biosciences
University of Nottingham
Main learning objectives Marcos Alcocer

Purines de novo synthesis
Purines salvage synthesis
Pyrimidines de novo synthesis
Biosynthetic regulation
Degradation -
Clinical applications

Main text for references: Stryer et al. - Biochemistry


Where do they come from? Marcos Alcocer

de novo:

Methenyl Glutamine
Methenyl Aspartate


de novo Synthesis of Purines Marcos Alcocer



Clinical applications Marcos Alcocer

Can be caused by problems in the synthesis of the neurotransmitter
Serotonin. This can be due to:
• Tryptophan is precursor of nicotinate and serotonin
• Endocrine tumour that consumes large amount of tryptophan
• lack of tryptophan in the diet (pellagra)

ATP PPi Gln Glu

Nicotinate (Vit B3, niacin)


Marcos Alcocer

Marcos Alcocer

Uric acid crystals can deposit in tiny fluid-filled sacs (bursae) around the joints. These urate crystals
can incite inflammation in the bursae leading to pain and swelling around the joints, a condition called
bursitis. In rare instances, gout leads to a more chronic type of joint inflammation which mimics
rheumatoid arthritis. In chronic (tophaceous) gout, nodular masses of uric acid crystals (tophi) deposit
in different soft tissue areas of the body. Even though they are most commonly found as hard nodules
around the fingers, at the tips of the elbows, and around the big toe, tophi nodules can appear
anywhere in the body. They have been reported in unexpected areas such as in the ears, vocal cords, or
(rarely) around the spinal cord!

Clinical applications Marcos Alcocer

Lesch-Nyhan syndrome

• Problems in the nucleotide syntheses can lead to accumulation of intermediarie

• Children with L-N syndrome begin to bite their finger and lips and will
chew them off if unrestrained. They also will be very aggressive towards
others. Elevate levels of urate will lead to the formation of kidney stones
early in life. It is a sex-linked recessive disorder.
Salvage pathway: phosphoribosyl transferase)

Guanine + PRPP  Guanylate + PPi

Hypoxanthine + PRPP  Inosinate + PPi

Overproduction Urate

Clinical applications Marcos Alcocer

Anticancer drugs

• Rapid dividing cells require abundant supply of thymidylate for DNA synthesis
• Inhibitors of TMP synthesis such as Fluorouracil, aminopterin and
methotrexate are largely employed. Trimethoprim has high affinity for
bacteria and protozoa.

Clinical applications Marcos Alcocer

Selection pathways - MAb

“Long life” X
Malignant cells

TK- Cell A

Cell Death !!!
Nucleotide Biosynthesis Marcos Alcocer

Precursors of RNA and DNA, Currency of energy, Activators of biosynthesis

• Functions:
Signal transduction pathways, Activators of Biosynthesis, components of co-enzymes
Nucleotide - Functions Marcos Alcocer

Activated precursors of DNA and RNA

Universal currency of energy (ATP, GTP, NAD)

Activated intermediates in many biosynthesis (UDP-glucose,

Essential components of signal-transduction pathway
(cAMP, cGMP second messengers within and between cells,
ATP =donnor of phosphoryl groups by kinases)

Components of major coenzymes (NAD, FAD, CoA)
Nucleotide Biosynthesis Marcos Alcocer

Precursors of RNA and DNA, Currency of energy, Activators of biosynthesis

• Functions: Signal transduction pathways, Activators of Biosynthesis, components of co-enzymes

• Nomenclature: Adenine, Adenosine, Adenylate or adenosine triphosphate

Nomenclature Marcos Alcocer


Nomenclature Marcos Alcocer

Nitrogenous base alone:

Nomenclature Marcos Alcocer


Nitrogenous base + a sugar:

The 5’ hydroxy=

Nomenclature The 2’ = deoxy… Marcos Alcocer

Nitrogenous base + sugar + phosphate ester:

Adenylate (ATP) or adenosine 5’ -triphosphate

Guanylate (GTP)
Urydylate (UTP)
Cytidylate (CTP)
Nucleotide Biosynthesis Marcos Alcocer

Precursors of RNA and DNA, Currency of energy, Activators of biosynthesis

• Functions: Signal transduction pathways, Activators of Biosynthesis, components of co-enzymes

• Nomenclature: Adenine, Adenosine, Adenylate or adenosine triphosphate

• Energy: Chemical, Transport, mechanical…

Marcos Alcocer

Why energy??? Marcos Alcocer

Chemical energy –
For synthesis of complex biological molecules.
“to make more of themselves”.

Transport –
Cells often live in dilute environments. They need to expend
energy to transport that nutrient into the cell.

Mechanical Energy –
Cells may be able to change their physical location. All cells need to
move structures (DNA replication, wound repair etc…) within them.
Marcos Alcocer
Marcos Alcocer
Nucleotide Biosynthesis Marcos Alcocer

Precursors of RNA and DNA, Currency of energy, Activators of biosynthesis

• Functions: Signal transduction pathways, Activators of Biosynthesis, components of co-enzymes

• Nomenclature: Adenine, Adenosine, Adenylate or adenosine triphosphate

• Energy: Chemical, Transport, mechanical…

• Biosynthesis of purines: De novo: Components, intermediaries…

Where do they come from?
Salvage reactions
Biosynthesis Marcos Alcocer

 Nucleotides are some of the largest monomers that have to be made

by the cell and understandably their synthesis involves many steps and
large amounts of energy.

 Biosynthesis of nucleotides is under tight regulatory control in the cell.

Organisms need to make just the right amount of each base; if too much is
made, energy is wasted, if too little, DNA replication and cellular
metabolism come to a halt. Also, the cell is sensitive to the presence of any
pre-made nucleotides in its environment and will down regulate their de
novo synthesis pathways in favour of using what is already present in the
 Bacteria are capable of interconverting purines (adenine and guanine) and
interconverting pyrimidines (thymidine, cytidine and uracil). Therefore if a
growth medium provides a purine and a pyrimidine, many microbes are
capable of synthesizing the other needed nucleotides from them.
Synthesis of Purines (1950, Buchanan et al.) Marcos Alcocer

- Glycine +
de novo - Aspartate +
- Glutamine +
- Tetrahydrofolate +
- CO2 +
- PRPP = Nucleotide

Salvage Ribose phosphate + purine = Nucleotide

de novo Synthesis of PRPP Marcos Alcocer

All nucleotides contain a ribose sugar and phosphate that form the
backbone of DNA and RNA. These are synthesized from ribose 5-
phosphate, a central metabolite of the pentose phosphate pathway. In
this single step reaction, two of the phosphates of ATP are transferred
to ribose 5-phosphate to form 5-phospho-a-D-ribosyl 1-pyrophosphate
(PRPP). This intermediate is required for the biosynthesis of purines,
pyrimidines, NAD, histidine and tryptophan. It plays a critical role in
de novo Synthesis of Purines Marcos Alcocer

• Purine synthesis starts by the

addition of an ammonia from
glutamine to PRPP.

• In six more step the five

membered ring of purines in
synthesized with a net cost of
five ATP.

• Glycine, tetrahydrofolate (a one carbon

carrier that donates a methyl group),
glutamine, and bicarbonate (HCO3-) all
donate parts of the five membered ring.

• The final product being 5'-phosphoribosyl-5-

aminoimidazole-4-carbonate (CAIR).
de novo Synthesis of Purines – IMP intermediary Marcos Alcocer

In the next series of reactions the 6 membered ring of purine is

added to CAIR creating Inosine 5'-monophosphate (IMP). This
costs an additional ATP with the members of the ring coming
from aspartate and tetrahydrofolate.
de novo Synthesis of Purines–AMP from IMP Marcos Alcocer

In the synthesis of adenosine monophosphate (AMP), IMP first combines

with aspartate and in a second reaction the combination is split into
fumarate and AMP. The cost to the cell is one GTP. It is interesting to
note that synthesis of ATP from IMP requires GTP as an energy source
and not ATP.
de novo Synthesis of Purines–GMP from IMP Marcos Alcocer

Synthesis or guanine or adenine involves the addition of an extra amino

group. To form guanine monophosphate (GMP), IMP is first oxidized to
xanthosine monophosphate. This adds a ketone group (see figure) that is
attacked by the ammonia on glutamine in the next reaction yielding GMP.
The cost to the cell is one ATP.
de novo Synthesis of Purines Marcos Alcocer

| || || NH3
C=O C - O – P – O-
| | |
R’ R’ O-

R | ||
|| 2HN - C - O – P – O-
C – NH2 | |
| R’ O-

A carbonyl oxygen atom is replaced by an amino group, i.e., the activated

phosphoryl ester is nucleophilically attacked by an amine with expulsion
of inorganic phosphate. These are common mechanistic theme.
Nucleotide Biosynthesis Marcos Alcocer

Precursors of RNA and DNA, Currency of energy, Activators of biosynthesis

• Functions: Signal transduction pathways, Activators of Biosynthesis, components of co-enzymes

• Nomenclature: Adenine, Adenosine, Adenylate or adenosine triphosphate

• Energy: Chemical, Transport, mechanical…

• Biosynthesis of purines: De novo: Components, intermediaries…

Where do they come from?
Where do they come from? Marcos Alcocer

de novo biosynthesis of purines




de novo Synthesis of Purines Marcos Alcocer



Synthesis of Purines (1950, Buchanan et al.) Marcos Alcocer

- Glycine +
de novo - Aspartate +
- Glutamine +
= Nucleotide
- Tetrahydrofolate +
- CO2 +
Ribose Phosphoribosyl succinate
5-phosphate amine
Xanthylate GMP
(-) (-)
Where do purines come from? Marcos Alcocer

de novo biosynthesis

Salvage reactions
“Purine nucleotides can be synthesized from the preformed
bases by a salvage reaction which is simpler and much less
energy costly”

Purine PPi

Nucleotide Biosynthesis Marcos Alcocer

Precursors of RNA and DNA, Currency of energy, Activators of biosynthesis

• Functions: Signal transduction pathways, Activators of Biosynthesis, components of co-enzymes

• Nomenclature: Adenine, Adenosine, Adenylate or adenosine triphosphate

• Energy: Chemical, Transport, mechanical…

• Biosynthesis of purines: De novo: Components, intermediaries…

Where do they come from?
Salvage reactions

Nucleotide Biosynthesis Marcos Alcocer

Precursors of RNA and DNA, Currency of energy, Activators of biosynthesis

• Functions: Signal transduction pathways, Activators of Biosynthesis, components of co-enzymes

• Nomenclature: Adenine, Adenosine, Adenylate or adenosine triphosphate

• Energy: Chemical, Transport, mechanical…

• Biosynthesis of purines: De novo: Components, intermediaries…

Where do they come from?
Salvage reactions

• Biosynthesis of De novo: Components, intermediaries…
Where do they come from?
pyrimidines: Regulation
Biosynthesis Marcos Alcocer

Nucleotides are some of the largest monomers that have to be made by

the cell and understandably their synthesis involves many steps and large
amounts of energy.

Biosynthesis of nucleotides is under tight regulatory control in the cell.

Organisms need to make just the right amount of each base; if too much is
made, energy is wasted, if too little, DNA replication and cellular metabolism
come to a halt. Also, the cell is sensitive to the presence of any pre-made
nucleotides in its environment and will down regulate their de novo synthesis
pathways in favour of using what is already present in the surroundings.

Bacteria are capable of interconverting purines (adenine and guanine) and

interconverting pyrimidines (thymidine, cytidine and uracil). Therefore if a
growth medium provides a purine and a pyrimidine, many microbes are capable
of synthesizing the other needed nucleotides from them.
de novo Synthesis of Pyrimidines Marcos Alcocer

• The synthesis of pyrimidines begins

by combining glutamine, 2 ATP and
bicarbonate to form glutamate, 2 ADP
and carbamoylphosphate.

• Aspartate next reacts with carbamoyl

phosphate forming carbamoylasparate.

• In the critical third step,

carbamoyl asparate is cyclized to
form the recognizable 6 membered
ring of pyrimidines.

Ring is synthesized FIRST!!!!
de novo Synthesis of Pyrimidines Marcos Alcocer

• The synthesis of pyrimidines begins

by combining glutamine, 2 ATP and
bicarbonate to form glutamate, 2 ADP
and carbamoylphosphate.

• Aspartate next reacts with carbamoyl

phosphate forming carbamoylasparate.
de novo Synthesis of Pyrimidines Marcos Alcocer

• In the critical third step, carbamoyl asparate is cyclized

to form the recognizable 6 membered ring of pyrimidines.

Ring is synthesized FIRST!!!!

de novo Synthesis of Pyrimidines Marcos Alcocer

• Later PRPP is combined with the six membered ring to form orotidine 5'-
phosphate. Removal of CO2 results in the formation of Uridine
monophosphate (UMP).
de novo Synthesis of Pyrimidines Marcos Alcocer

• An addition of an amino group to UTP results in the formation of CTP. The

synthesis of UTP uses 4 ATP (not counting the formation of PRPP) and making
CTP adds an extra ATP to the cost.
de novo Synthesis of Pyrimidines Marcos Alcocer

• Later PRPP is combined with the six

membered ring to form orotidine 5'-
phosphate. Removal of CO2 results in
the formation of Uradine
monophosphate (UMP). Two kinase
reactions (addition of phosphate)
finally form UTP.

• An addition of an amino group to

UTP results in the formation of CTP.
The synthesis of UTP uses 4 ATP
(not counting the formation of PRPP)
and making CTP adds an extra ATP
to the cost.
Where do pyrimidines come from? Marcos Alcocer

de novo biosynthesis of pyrimidines

+ Bicarbonate
How are Pyrimidine biosynthesis regulated? Marcos Alcocer
dTMP from dUMP Marcos Alcocer
Several well-defined blocking steps Marcos Alcocer
Nucleotide Biosynthesis Marcos Alcocer

Precursors of RNA and DNA, Currency of energy, Activators of biosynthesis

• Functions: Signal transduction pathways, Activators of Biosynthesis, components of co-enzymes

• Nomenclature: Adenine, Adenosine, Adenylate or adenosine triphosphate

• Energy: Chemical, Transport, mechanical…

• Biosynthesis of purines: De novo: Components, intermediaries…

Where do they come from?
Salvage reactions

• Biosynthesis of De novo: Components, intermediaries…
Where do they come from?
pyrimidines: Regulation
• Degradation: Pyrimidines: DNA/RNA to TCA cycle
Purines: Urea
Synthesis of NAD, FAD, CoA etc…
Where do pyrimidines go ?
Degradation of pyrimidines Marcos Alcocer





Methyl malonyl CoA

TCA cycle
Where do pyrimidines go?
Marcos Alcocer

Synthesis of nucleotides
Synthesis of deoxynucleotides

Degradation -> TCA cycle

In contrast, purines go to:
Marcos Alcocer

Synthesis of nucleotides
Synthesis of deoxynucleotides
Synthesis of FAD
Synthesis of CoA
Synthesis of NAD
Synthesis of NADP

Degradation, Urea????? …In some species

Where do purines go?
Synthesis of deoxynucleotides Marcos Alcocer

H+ H2O



adenosine 5’ -diphosphate deoxyadenosine 5’ -diphosphate

Where do purines go?
Synthesis of FAD Marcos Alcocer

Riboflavin + ATP Riboflavin 5’-phosphate + ADP

Riboflavin 5’-phosphate + ATP Flavin adenine dinucleotide + PPi

Where do purines go?
Synthesis of NAD and NADP Marcos Alcocer

ATP PPi Gln Glu

Nicotinate (Vit B6, niacin)


“NADP is derived from NAD by phosphorylation of the 2’

hydroxy group of the adenine ribose moiety (by NAD+ kinase)”
Purines go to:
Marcos Alcocer

Synthesis of nucleotides
Synthesis of deoxynucleotides
Synthesis of FAD
Synthesis of CoA
Synthesis of NAD
Synthesis of NADP

Degradation, Urea????? …In some species

Where do purines go? SCID=Severe combined
Degradation of purines Immunodeficiency (bubble boy)
Marcos Alcocer

Adenylate deaminase Nucleoside phosphorylase


Xanthine oxidase (Mo)

“In humans urate is the final product of purine degradation and is

Excreted in the urine.” A drug called allopurinol is given to prevent patients developing complications,
including gout or kidney failure, as a result of the amount of uric acid released when tumour cells are
killed and protein from them is broken down. Allopurinol is normally started at diagnosis and continued
until most leukaemia has been eliminated.
Where do purines go?
Degradation of purines Marcos Alcocer

Adenylate deaminase Nucleoside phosphorylase

“Urate are highly effective scavenger of reactive oxygen species

May contribute to longer life span and lowering incidence of cancer.”
Is this a lost of function
for the higher organisms
Where do purines go?
or a gain of function for
Degradation of purines
small invertebrates? Marcos Alcocer

(Teleost fish)

Non primates) Allantoicase

(Marine invertebrates)

“Birds and reptile excrete a

paste of uric acid to conserve
How are biosynthesis regulated? Marcos Alcocer

Ribose – 5 Phosphate


Phosphoribosyl amine


Adenylo Xanthylate


Nucleotide Biosynthesis Marcos Alcocer

Precursors of RNA and DNA, Currency of energy, Activators of biosynthesis

• Functions: Signal transduction pathways, Activators of Biosynthesis, components of co-enzymes

• Nomenclature: Adenine, Adenosine, Adenylate or adenosine triphosphate

• Energy: Chemical, Transport, mechanical…

• Biosynthesis of purines: De novo: Components, intermediaries…

Where do they come from?
Salvage reactions

• Biosynthesis of De novo: Components, intermediaries…
Where do they come from?
pyrimidines: Regulation
• Degradation: Pyrimidines: DNA/RNA to TCA cycle
Purines: Urea
Synthesis of NAD, FAD, CoA etc…

• Clinical applications: Pellagra, Gout, anti-Cancer drugs, Leisch Nyhan syndrome, MAb…
Clinical applications Marcos Alcocer

Can be caused by problems in the synthesis of the neurotransmitter
Serotonin. This can be due to:
• Tryptophan is precursor of nicotinate and serotonin
• Endocrine tumour that consumes large amount of tryptophan
• lack of tryptophan in the diet (pellagra)

ATP PPi Gln Glu

Nicotinate (Vit B3, niacin)

Tryptophan to N-formyl-L-kynurenine

N-formyl-L-kynurenine to L-kynurenine Marcos Alcocer

L-kynurenine to 3-hydroxykynurenine

3-hydroxykynurenine to 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid

3-hydroxyanthranilic acid to 2-amino-3-carboxymuconate

2-amino-3-carboxymuconate to Quinolinic acid

Quinolinic acid to nicotinate-D-ribonucleotide
ACE2 links amino acid malnutrition to microbial ecology
and intestinal inflammation
•Tatsuo Hashimoto, et al. Nature 487, 477–481 (26 July 2012)
Marcos Alcocer
Marcos Alcocer
Marcos Alcocer

Pellagra, a loathsome skin disease, it was called mal de la rosa and often
mistaken for leprosy. In the United States, pellagra has often been called the
disease of the four D's -- dermatitis, diarrhea, dementia, and death.
Marcos Alcocer

Clinical applications Marcos Alcocer


High serum levels of urate induce gout a disease which salts of

urate crystallize and damage joints and kidney

Low protein diet and Allopurinol, a inhibitor of Xanthine oxydase,

can be used as treatment
Marcos Alcocer
Marcos Alcocer

Uric acid crystals can deposit in tiny fluid-filled sacs (bursae) around the joints. These urate crystals
can incite inflammation in the bursae leading to pain and swelling around the joints, a condition called
bursitis. In rare instances, gout leads to a more chronic type of joint inflammation which mimics
rheumatoid arthritis. In chronic (tophaceous) gout, nodular masses of uric acid crystals (tophi) deposit
in different soft tissue areas of the body. Even though they are most commonly found as hard nodules
around the fingers, at the tips of the elbows, and around the big toe, tophi nodules can appear
anywhere in the body. They have been reported in unexpected areas such as in the ears, vocal cords, or
(rarely) around the spinal cord!
Clinical applications Marcos Alcocer


In humans urate is the final product of purine degradation.

Urate is a powerful antioxidant. Is it the reason we evolved to have
high levels (near saturation) in our blood???

Is this the reason for our long life span compared to lower primates?
Clinical applications Marcos Alcocer

Lesch-Nyhan syndrome

• Problems in the nucleotide syntheses can lead to accumulation of intermediarie

• Children with L-N syndrome begin to bite their finger and lips and will
chew them off if unrestrained. They also will be very aggressive towards
others. Elevate levels of urate will lead to the formation of kidney stones
early in life. It is a sex-linked recessive disorder.
Salvage pathway: phosphoribosyl transferase)

Guanine + PRPP  Guanylate + PPi

Hypoxanthine + PRPP  Inosinate + PPi

Overproduction Urate
Clinical applications Marcos Alcocer

Anticancer drugs

• Rapid dividing cells require abundant supply of thymidylate for DNA synthesis
• Inhibitors of TMP synthesis such as Fluorouracil, aminopterin and
methotrexate are largely employed. Trimethoprim has high affinity for
bacteria and protozoa.
Clinical applications Marcos Alcocer

Selection pathways - MAb

“Long life”
Malignant cells

Cell A
X =
“Short life” (2-3 days)
Ab producing cells “Long life”
Ab producing cells
Cell B
Clinical applications Marcos Alcocer

Selection pathways - MAb

“Long life”
Malignant cells

Cell A

“Short life” (2-3 days)

Ab producing cells

Cell B
Clinical applications Marcos Alcocer

Selection pathways - MAb

“Long life”
Malignant cells

Cell A


Salvage pathway
Clinical applications Marcos Alcocer

Selection pathways - MAb

“Long life”
Malignant cells

Cell A

HGPRT- or TK- cells

Clinical applications Marcos Alcocer

Selection pathways - MAb

“Long life” X
Malignant cells

TK- Cell A

Cell Death !!!
Marcos Alcocer

Step 1
Select for myeloma mutants “Poison” salvage pathway

Step 2
Fuse My- cell x spleen cells PEG, electro....

Step 3
Block “de novo” force salvage

Spleen cells die Kill myeloma- cells

after 3 days
Hybridomas= cells that are able to
Use salvage and possess long life
Clinical applications Marcos Alcocer

Selection pathways - MAb

X “Long life”
Malignant cells

Cell A
X =
“Short life” (2-3 days)
Ab producing cells “Long life” HGPRG+ or TK+
Ab producing cells
Cell B
Marcos Alcocer

César Milstein (October 8, 1927 – March 24, 2002), an Argentine scientist, was born in Bahia Blanca,
Argentina. He graduated from the University of Buenos Aires and obtained a PhD under Professor Stoppani
(Professor of Biochemistry) in the Medical School on kinetic studies with the enzyme aldehyde
dehydrogenase. In 1958, funded by the British Council, he joined the Biochemistry Department at the
University of Cambridge to work for a PhD under Malcolm Dixon on the mechanism of metal activation of the
enzyme phosphoglucomutase. During this work he collaborated with Frederick Sanger whose group he joined
with a short-term Medical Research Council appointment.
The major part of Milstein's research career was devoted to studying the structure of antibodies and the
mechanism by which antibody diversity is generated. It was as part of this quest that in 1975 he, together
with Georges Köhler (a postdoctoral fellow in his laboratory), developed the hybridoma technique for the
production of monoclonal antibodies - a discovery recognised by the award of the
1984 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine. This discovery led to an enormous expansion in the exploitation
of antibodies in science and medicine.
Milstein himself made many major contributions to improvements and developments in monoclonal antibody
technology - especially focussing on the use of monoclonal antibodies to provide markers that allow
distinction between different cell types. He also foresaw the potential wealth of ligand-binding reagents
that could result from applying recombinant DNA technology to monoclonal antibodies and inspired the
development of the field of antibody engineering.
Nucleotide Biosynthesis Marcos Alcocer

Precursors of RNA and DNA, Currency of energy, Activators of biosynthesis

• Functions: Signal transduction pathways, Activators of Biosynthesis, components of co-enzymes

• Nomenclature: Adenine, Adenosine, Adenylate or adenosine triphosphate

• Energy: Chemical, Transport, mechanical…

• Biosynthesis of purines: De novo: Components, intermediaries…

Where do they come from?
Salvage reactions

• Biosynthesis of De novo: Components, intermediaries…
Where do they come from?
pyrimidines: Regulation
• Degradation: Pyrimidines: DNA/RNA to TCA cycle
Purines: Urea
Synthesis of NAD, FAD, CoA etc…

• Clinical applications: Pellagra, Gout, anti-Cancer drugs, Leisch Nyhan syndrome, MAb…

Main text for references: Stryer et al. - Biochemistry

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