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The name of subject –

Transport safety


GROUP – 222.23 E
General information about transport.
• Transport - is one of the key sectors of the market economy.
• In the current period of globalization, the further development of the
economy is inconceivable without clear and timely transport support
2 along the entire supply chain - production and distribution.

The work rhythm of industrial enterprises, construction, agriculture,

largely depends on the reliability of transport.
 What is the vehicle?
 Vehicles
- devices designed for the transport of people, goods or
equipment installed on them on the roads.
 Transport can be

enterprises and
1. personal, (automobile and


 There is no absolutely safe transport.

Dangerous situations
 On any type of transport, the following dangerous situations are possible:

a)collisions with vehicles,


c)emergency braking,

d)criminal conflicts,
The aims of transport
 The aims of transport can include:

overcome obstacles
attributes of goods,
based on distance,
people or
time, administrative
information delivery
from the initial
space to the final

to satisfy the
demand for
play the role of an
mobility, so if
element of
people, goods, and
"inactive" transport
information move
 The transport value

Transport value are the following:

4.Political value lies in the

2.Social significance is fact that transport 5.Scientific value is
3. The defensive value lies
reduced to increasing the physically unites the nation, manifested in the
1.Economic value - lies in in the transfer of troops,
efficiency and productivity forming economic ties formulation of new tasks
ensuring communication supplies, as well as the
of citizens by reducing between individual regions and requirements for
between individual regions population and production
transport fatigue during of the country and the science in the field of
of the world facilities in time of war.
daily trips peoples living on its improving technology
Significance of transport

Political significances

Economic significances

Defense significance

Scientific significance
Political significances
 Political significances are:

the development of transport

physically connects nations
systems, including international states play an important role in
through the formation of
transport corridors, is in the transport as a source of
economic links between different
interest of neighboring countries investment and as a regulator;
regions of the country and the
and international multinational
peoples living on its territory;
Economic significances
 Economic significances are:

transport development has always been linked to economic development

construction of transport infrastructure is related to the development of

relevant areas of the transport industry (car industry, air transport
companies, etc.);

transport sector is an economic factor of production and service products;

Defense significance
 Defense significance - contains the movement of troops, supplies, as well as
population, and productive forces from one place to another in time of war. For
instance, in Russia 95% of military transport is carried out by railway;
Scientific significance
 Scientific significance - appears in science by raising the issues of improving transport engineering and technology;
Classification of modes of transport
 It is produced according to the following signs and discharges.
1. According to the
3. According to the 5. By the geographic
constructive specificity 2. According to the
object of 4. By type of stream. length of transport
and physical nature of natural environment
transportation. lines.
the movement.

7. By the period of use 8. According to the

6. By the coverage of 9. By the coverage of 10. By the form of
due to natural and composition of
space (territories). the territories of states: ownership.
climatic conditions. transportation objects:

11. In order of use:

1.According to the constructive specificity and physical nature of the movement

- road transport is the following

-- sea transport, sometimes referred to
- interrior waterway transport, material objects intended for the
as external water transport, is the
sometimes called river transport, is transportation of people and goods:
following material objects intended for
railway transport, sometimes called the following material objects intended road rolling stock, terminals and
the transportation of people and cargo:
rail transport for the transport of people and goods: artificial and naturally improved
sea rolling stock , sea terminals ,
river rolling stock, river terminals , tracks, as well as economic and other
natural sea routes and economic
naturally improved and artificial ways organizations operating these
facilities operating these objects

- air transport, sometimes referred to

as aviation, is the following material - pipeline transport carries out
objects intended for the transportation transportation through special devices - space transport. This relatively new
of people and goods: aircraft , air - pipelines of liquid and gaseous cargo transport has turned into an
terminals , natural ways and at any distance, less often - solid
economic and other organizations cargo. independent transport industry
operating these objects;
2. According to the natural environment
1) land transport is subdivided into
a)surface( railway)

2) marine (water) transport - is subdivided


3) air transport – airplanes, helicopter ;

4) space transport -spaceship .

3. According to the object of transportation.
 The transport sector, depending on the type of
transportation object, is divided into:
1. passenger transport;

2 freight (cargo) transport;

3. cargo-passenger transport -is a type of transport that carries out both

passenger transportation and delivery of goods.
4. By type of stream.

 Sometimes transport, depending on the type of passenger and freight flows, is divided into the
following types:

1 discrete transport - any transport on which objects of transportation

(cargo and passengers) move along the lines in units or separate groups
(parties) with the help of independently moving transport units (cars,
trains, ships, airplanes, etc.);

2 continuous transport - transport where objects of transportation move in

the form of a continuous flow using various kinds of flexible belts, augers,
scrapers, escalators, etc., as well as pipelines.
5. By the geographic length of transport
 Within the framework of modern public transport, depending on the
geographical length of transport lines, main and non-main modes of
transport are distinguished:

- mainline transport - relatively long transport lines connecting

transport terminals of the most important cities and industrial centers of
the country or its regions;

- non-highway transport (local lines). Represents small

branches from the main highways. The specified type of non-
main transport provides transport services for the population
of cities and their suburbs, transporting passengers to places
of work, recreation, as well as delivering goods necessary for
the life of people.
6. By the coverage of space (territories).
 An important characteristic of transport networks (modes of transport) is their
rather not territorial, but spatial organization. The scheme of mutual placement
of individual elements of the transport network at various hierarchical levels:

1 space
2 planetary; 3 country;

5 sub-
4 regional;
7. By the period of use due to natural
and climatic conditions.
 In accordance with the degree of influence of the natural and climatic factor on
the possibility of operating transport, it is divided into the following types:

- year-round transport. Includes pipeline (absolutely

independent of climatic conditions), railway automobile
and air , sea transport;

- seasonal transport - mainly inland water transport of

northern and southern countries and, to a lesser extent,
maritime transport, in the absence of icebreakers in the
very cold season.
8. According to the composition of transportation objects:

A)universal transport is a type of transport capable of carrying passengers and various

cargoes. Railway, sea, river, road and air transport, as well as the corresponding types of
urban transport are universal types of transport;

B)specialized transport - adapted and designed to perform only one type of transportation
(freight or passenger) or to move only one type of cargo (bulk, liquid). Modern pipelines for
both main and industrial purposes, as well as rope and conveyor modes of transport are
specialized, although promising designs (projects) can be adapted to transport passengers
and a wide range of goods.
9. By the coverage of the territories of states:

interior transport (carrying

out transportation within
the country); external transport (mostly sea,
carrying out transportation
mainly abroad).
10. By the form of ownership.
By belonging to a category of owners, the corresponding types of public transport are

1.federal (state) 2.municipal

3.private transport.
transport., transport.
11. In order of use:

B)non-public transport - in-house transport, as well as

a)public transport is a transport that is obliged to carry vehicles of all types, with proper non-transport
out the transportation of goods and passengers, no enterprises; is, as a rule, an integral part of any
matter who they are presented: a state enterprise, a production systems. Industrial transport of industrial
public organization, a company or a private person. enterprises is called industrial transport.
Public transport includes: railway, sea, river, road, air, Non-public transport includes railway, automobile, sea,
all types of urban transport. Public transport acts as an river, pipeline, conveyor, cable, pneumatic transport and
independent branch of material production; a number of others under the jurisdiction of enterprises.
Transport safety concept
 Modern transport is an area of ​increased danger. The main reasons are ignorance and non-
compliance with a number of simple rules that apply in any transport situation. The following
concepts of transport security can be distinguished:

threat to with
transport transport
security: safety:

-provision of
- transport
transport - security
security zone:
security level:
Transport safety concept
The goal of transport security ?

The goal of transport security is to achieve reliable human security in the environment

The purpose of transport security is to achieve reliable security of a person in the environment:
industrial, operational, transport, environmental, airfield and airport facilities, bus and railway
stations, river and sea ports, unloading and loading terminals, as well as ensuring safety for
passengers and service personnel in traffic accidents, disasters and emergencies.

This goal is achieved on the basis of the identification of environmental factors, as well as the
development of methods and means of protection against various kinds of dangers inherent in any
transport activity, including from terrorist acts.
The principles of ensuring transport security.
 The main principles of ensuring transport security are:

3) mutual 6) interaction of
2) maintaining a
responsibility of 5) integration subjects of
balance of
the individual, into transport
interests of the
1) legality; society and the 4) continuity; international infrastructure,
state in the field security state authorities
society and the
of transport systems; and local
security; authorities.
The object of transport security
 The object of transport security is the environment and conditions of human activity in this
environment. The object of transport security can be classified as the following

1.productional, 2 operational, 3.informational 4 non-

The main tasks of ensuring transport security

3) assessment of the
1) normative legal 2) determination of threats
vulnerability of transport
regulation in the field of to commit acts of unlawful
infrastructure objects and
ensuring transport safety; interference;

10) certification of technical 9) information, material and

technical, scientific and technical
4) categorization of means for ensuring support of transport security;
transport infrastructure transport safety.
objects and vehicles;

8) implementation of 6) development and

federal state control 7) training and certification implementation of
(supervision) in the field of of transport security forces; measures to ensure
transport security; transport security;

5) development and
implementation of
requirements for ensuring
transport security;

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