Motion Simulation Package - Reduced

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Motion Simulation Package

Eli Richards
Assembly Motion
Door Assembly Videos
- Small lip allows
door to stay shut,
while it can still
be opened
through the
minimal flexibilit
y required to pass
over the lip.
Assembly Motion
Clamp Motion Animation The clamp allows the storage to fit most desks with a minimum thickness of ~0.6"
(this could also vary based on the thickness of the nuts and washers used).
Motion Design Intent

The intent with Dynamic elements of the Under Desk

Storage was to facilitate convenient, easily portable storage
which functions with the school computer desks. The Clamp
allows the storage to fit any desk thickness between ~0.6 to
~1.75 inches. The Door allows the storage to be more
secure, completely encasing the items inside. The storage
also supports more counterweights on the front to better
balance the design when used for increased weight.
Videos (Use if the videos on slides 1 and 2 don't work)

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