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Vision Phase

Eli Richards & Craig Cox

Convenient Under-Desk Storage

This storage will be non-permanent meaning it clamps to

the desk without any non-reversable effects on the desk
itself. This storage will be designed to work with the
desktop desks in the drafting and design class. This design
would allow convenient storage in the for resources
needed in this class.

Problem) Due to the anatomy of the desk the storage unit would only be able the attach to the front of the desk.
This would cause the structure to be unbalanced and less stable, while also being more difficult to design.
Solution) A: This could be avoided with counterweight placed at the front of the storage unit, causing the center
of mass to be closer to the point of connection. B: Another option would be to attempt to design a system which
attaches to the barrier on the back of the desk. C: Test if the desk is magnetic if so, magnets could attach it to the
desk without balance problems.
Problem) Designing a clamping mechanism strong enough to support the storage.
Solution) The use of stronger materials and researching stronger clamping/vise mechanisms. We could also
increase the amount of connection points/magnets to spread the pressure among them. (Current amount:
2clamps/4 magnets).
Problem) The desk must be able to support the weight of the storage.
Solution) The actual storage would be designed with lightweight materials, and we could test the desk with
weight concentrated into few points.

Our design would be fixed to the desk with a

For the body of the design, we will use
mechanism like Dutyhook's (
large plastic panels either glued together vise/desk
or connected with 3D printed frame
clamp, depicted below. This design was described as a
pieces. The front of the storage will
"small modular Machine Vise with integrated clamp
contain more weight. This could be done
for desk edge attachment." Dutyhook is credited with
with a laser-cut panel which mounts to the
being a skilled 3D designer while running the
front of the design, but not on the drawer
following website: Using
itself. This would avoid drastic changes in
a modified version of his design we will fix the storage
the center of mass when the drawer is
to the desk. Our final will contain multiple clamps like
opened. As shown to the left the clamps
In Dutyhook's design he
used a M5x25 mm screw and (plastic) will be our own 3D printed
a M8x13 mm hexagon head If the desk
design withispre-existing
magnetic, we could(metal).
for the vise clamping to the
desk. he also describes that
use strong toggleable magnets like
if the desk is thinner that is the image shown. Toggleable
20mm to use a screw longer magnets allow the design to be
than M5.
easily removed from the desk.

Tests: We'll run various tests regarding the stability,

portability, and convenience of our product. Side View [left] – Idea
The Strength Test: Tests the weight the storage can hold
without falling off the underside of the desk.
The Magnet Test: Tests how strong the magnets are to
the desk (assuming the desks are magnetic).
The Clamp Test: Tests how fragile the 3D printed clamps Tabl
are. If they are unable to support the design, then we
could use a stronger clamp design based on a metal.
Balance Test: Tests the location of the center of mass of
the structure compared to the clamps (only applies for Storage Body
clamps). Counterweight

If the design unsuccessfully satisfies these tests, then we

will make the necessary changes to make it functional.

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