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Research Methods in Social Sciences

Introduction to Research

After completing Chapter 1 you should be able to:

1. Understand what is Research
2. Describe and define business research.
3. Distinguish between applied and basic research, giving
4. Explain why managers should know about research and
discuss what managers should and should not do in order
to interact effectively with researchers.
5. Demonstrate awareness of the role of ethics in business
Research Meaning
 Common meanings of Research are
 To investigate, To inquire, To study, To explore, To examine and To prob.
 We all involve ourself in research as a consumer, as a explorer
 Research may help managers in organizations to make decisions
 The purpose is to “search for knowledge”.
 Scientific and systematic search for relevant information on specific topic.
Scientific : In compliance with the principles or methods used in science (a
scientific approach)
Systematic: Carried on using step-by-step procedures.

Research is simply the process of finding solutions to a problem after a thorough

study and analysis of the situational factors
Business Research

“Business Research is organized, systematic, data based, critical, objective,

scientific inquiry or investigation into specific problem, undertaken with the
purpose to finding answer or solution to it. ”
Steps in Business Research:
 To know where the problem areas exist in the organization and to identify
clearly and specifically the problems needed to be studied and resolved.
 To determine the factors that are associated with the problem,
 To gather most relevant information,
 To analyze the data,
 To develop an explanation for the problem at hand
 To solve it by taking the necessary corrective measures
Business Research
• Systematic and organized effort to investigate a specific
problem encountered in the work setting.
Steps The Manager Follow
• Where the problem area exist in the organization.
• Identify clearly, that need to be study.
• Gathered information
• Analyze the data
• Determine factors
• Taking necessary corrective steps.
Types of Research
Applied Research
 A research done with the intention of applying the result of findings
to solve specific problems currently being experienced in an
organization. For example, Sales of a product is declining
 Involves using existing knowledge and methodologies to solve
practical problems or improve processes.
 It typically focuses on addressing specific challenges faced by
businesses, organizations, or financial institutions.
 Developing and testing new methodologies or software tools to detect
and prevent fraudulent activities in financial transactions.
 investigating the factors that contribute to absenteeism
Types of Research
Fundamental (Basic or Pure) Research
 Research that is carried out to increase understanding of fundamental
 Research that aims to expand our understanding of fundamental
principles and concepts
 It is driven by curiosity and the desire to explore the underlying
mechanisms of natural phenomena,
 Used to formulate the theory
 This type of research generates a body of knowledge
 Such as how this world operates, what makes things happen, why
social relations are a certain way, and why society changes.
Which of the types of Research
followings are?
 Apple’s iPod drove the company’s success in recent years, helping to increase
sales from $5 billion in 2001 to $32 billion in the fiscal year 2008. Growth for
the music player averaged more than 200% in 2006 and 2007, before falling
to 6% in 2008. Some analysts believe that the number of iPods sold will drop
12% in 2009. “The reality is there’s a limited group of people who want an
iPod or any other portable media player,” one analyst says. “So the question
becomes, what will Apple do about it?”

 The existing machinery in the production department has had so many

breakdowns that production has suffered. Machinery has to be replaced.
Because of heavy investment costs, a careful recommendation as to whether it
is more beneficial to buy the equipment or to lease it is needed. 8
Which of the types of Research
followings are?
 A study of how stress affects labor productivity.
 Studying the best factors of pricing strategies.
 Understand the client's level of satisfaction before
certain interactions with the company providing
 The understanding of the leadership style of a
particular company
Types of Research
Qualitative & Quantitative Research
Quantitative research deals with numbers and
statistics, Quantitative methods allow you to
systematically measure variables and test hypotheses.
Quantitative research is based on the measurement of

Qualitative research deals with words and meanings.

Qualitative methods allow you to explore concepts
and experiences in more detail Qualitative research is
based on the qualitative phenomena.(Human
Manager and Research
 Not doing research but having knowledge about research.
 You will have to understand, predict and control events that dysfunctional to
 How these events can be controlled

 Manager is not a researcher.

 Needs Organizations are complex
 Help manager, would sense, spot and deal problem before get out of hand.
 Process should help manager.
 Manager  Minor problems and Outsider Major problems.
 Business journals  Sifting (To examine and sort carefully)
• Important for application for scientific journals.
• He can implement such information which the
research suggest for business.
• Manager can handle with success their own
problems at considerable cost saving method.
1. Sharpness the manager to the myriad
2. Calculated risk
3. Vested interest inside and outside will not be
able to prevail.
Manager and Consultant-- Researcher
• If more complex or time consuming problems.

How to Locate & select Researcher ?

• Internet
• Directory

• Require credentials
• Projects
• Experience
Manager-- Researcher Relationship
• Necessary to deal with consultants.
• Academicians
• Manager use academics information Scientific information.

• Outside researcher
• Interaction will be effective
• Inform researcher about information (No record)
• Easily foresee the information that researcher require.
Internal Consultants
• Accepted by employees
• Less time to understand the structure.
• Easy to implement their recommendation.
• Less cost in term of time
• Stereotyping way of looking
• Conceal, distort or misinterpret the information.
• Not perceived as experts
• Sometime make the findings less objective and less scientific.
External Consultants
• Wealth of experience
• Think both contingently and divergently
• More knowledge through periodic training program.
• Cost of hiring external consultant is high.
• Cost in term of time
• Charge extra fees

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