Miguel Pinheiro

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Objective: Hypertrophy work and muscle definition


2. What is muscle definition? 11, Why is it important to have professional support?
3. Muscle definition vs. Hypertrophy 12. What are the main villains of definition training?
4. Who are these workouts recommended for? 13. Going to the pot very thirsty
5. What are the main muscle definition exercises? 14. Don't create small goals
6. Burpee 15. Not resting muscle groups
7. Lunge 16. Having an unbalanced diet
8. Squats 17. Not drinking enough water
9. Abdominal
10. Plank

There is no shortage of benefits to exercising for your health, sleep, mood, etc. But what about self-esteem? Let the truth be told: one of the biggest motivations for
working out is leaving the gym with the body of your dreams. That's where muscle definition training comes in.
Here, the focus is not so much on weight loss or hypertrophy (muscle growth), but on toning the muscles with the aim of making them more evident and beautiful. After
all, not everyone has the same goals, but one thing is certain: there are ways for everyone to achieve what they want, as long as the right training is done!
In this text, we will talk a little about the main doubts regarding the subject and show some tips with the aim of optimizing your training for muscle definition. Follow

19. What is muscle definition?

The definition consists of toning the muscles, drying the fat and highlighting the shape of the body. The goal is to become a “muscular skinny guy” and say goodbye to
sagging skin. Therefore, the pillars of muscle definition training are burning fat and moderate gain in muscle mass, without the muscles appearing “swollen”.

20. Muscle definition vs. Hypertrophy

Defining your muscles doesn’t mean getting “bulky”, but just having the shape of your muscles evident and without flaccidity. This does not necessarily require an
increase in muscle mass, but rather a reduction in the body's fat layer — the thinner it is, the more the muscles underneath will “appear”.

Hypertrophy, in turn, is the goal of anyone who really wants to gain muscle mass, increasing the diameter of their muscles. To this end, training focuses a lot on
strength and intensity, and diets are less restrictive, as eliminating fat is not the point of greatest attention.
21. Who are these workouts recommended for?

The workouts are recommended for people who want to have visible muscles, but without necessarily experiencing any growth.

Different types of gym training have different focuses and objectives. In fact, this is the main reason for the frustration that many people have: either because they wanted to lose weight and couldn't, or because they
trained like crazy and didn't gain muscle mass. Aspects such as intensity, number of repetitions, type of exercise and even rest time between them cause different effects on the body.

This is precisely why the role of the physical educator is essential throughout the process. After all, he will be able to put together training that helps him achieve his goals! In the case of definition training, the main path
is to reduce the percentage of fat in the body and increase resistance. To achieve this, there is a combination of practices, including:

• strength and intensity — it is important to do moderate strength exercises, but with more repetitions, as fewer repetitions (and more load, also known as weight) generate hypertrophy;

• aerobic exercises — it is worth associating training with swimming, running or other aerobic exercises, as they are mainly responsible for burning fat;

• food — the diet needs to aim to lose fat accumulation, with a reduction in carbohydrate consumption, an increase in protein intake and the lowest possible amount of fat;

• rest — periods of active rest between exercises, and in the interval between each series, you run or do jumping jacks, for example.

22. What are the main muscle definition exercises?

It is common for muscle definition training to be done in circuits with intense sessions. Therefore, don't focus so much on weights, but rather on exercises that consume more calories and on a variety of locations, so
that all areas of the muscle are toned. Check out some examples of exercises for muscle definition below!

23. Burpee

• The burpee is a great ally for muscle definition.

• It is a movement that works as follows: start in a squatting position, with your legs wide apart;

• quickly get into a plank position, placing your hands in front of your body and your legs behind you;

• return to the squat position;

• jump with your arms in the air.

This needs to be done quickly. The burpee works several muscle groups simultaneously.

24. Lunge

To define your lower limbs, invest in lunges. It is a different type of squat, in which the practitioner takes a kind of “step” forward and lowers the body, using the back leg as support.

25. Squats

The classic squat is also a great way to define your lower muscles, making them strong and toned.

26. Abdominal

To work the central region of the body, invest in abdominal exercises. There are several types — lateral, oblique, classic, among others — and your exercise instructor will choose the ones that best suit your goals.

27. Plank

The plank is a strength exercise that consists of maintaining a position for as long as possible. It works muscles in the abdominal region, back and legs simultaneously. Remembering that, to develop a training
routine, it is essential to have the help of a professional.

Based on a physical assessment, he will define the best sessions and the appropriate pace of the circuits, so that you can define your muscles without harming your health. Oh, and don't forget to combine it with
aerobics at least three times a week. This way, fat loss will occur more quickly. Another tip is not to neglect your diet. It must be well controlled, so that the results are faster and longer lasting!

28. Why is it important to have professional support?

Again, the tip is: always count on professional support. This applies both to the exercise routine, guided by Physical Education teachers, and to the diet and supplementation, which must be guided by nutritionists.
Only then will you get the body you so desire.

After all, as we have seen, different objectives with physical exercise can completely change the type of series, rest period and recommended diet. It's no different with definition training! You need to know what you
are doing if you want to have a toned body, without gaining excess mass or having muscles that appear bloated.

29. What are the main villains of definition training?

Now, let's look at some mistakes commonly made by those trying to define their body. Let's go?

30. Going to the pot very thirsty

One of the main mistakes is to go too heavy at the beginning of training. Increase the intensity progressively, avoiding frustration, fatigue and even the occurrence of injuries.
31. Don't create small goals

Another tip is to always create small goals that can be achieved quickly. This generates a feeling of achievement, also avoiding frustration, which can be very common
at the beginning of sports practice.

32. Not resting muscle groups

Even if your focus is not on hypertrophy, it is interesting to rest the muscle groups, so that the cells can recover and, thus, the muscles become more resistant.
Repeatedly training the same group can cause results to be delayed.

33. Having an unbalanced diet

Nutrition is an essential part of the process of defining and gaining muscle power. It is important that weight loss occurs simultaneously with strength gain, so that the
result is as expected.

34. Not drinking enough water

Hydration should also be part of your routine. After all, your muscles need it to regenerate. Your cells also need a good amount of fluids to carry out their functions and
give you the energy you need to train.

As we can see, training for muscle definition is essential to guarantee a sculptural body. However, they must be defined by a healthcare professional in order to
optimize your results and avoid problems, such as sports injuries.

Exactly for this reason, training apps are not the best solution. In fact, enjoy and read our post about how exercise apps can be dangerous. With this reading, you will
discover a little more about this important topic!
Months January February March April May June

Semanas 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Metabolism Metabolism Strength + Endurance +

Phase Adaptation Resistance Strength Metabolism Acceleration
acceleration Acceleration + Strength

Mesocycl Endurance + Cardio + Cardio + Strength + Burpee +

Resistance Cardium + Circuit Burpee Strength + Burpee
e Strength Circuit

Objective Start of Adaptation + Strength + Endurance +
Acceleration + Strength + Endurance Strength + Endurance Strength
training Strength Metabolism Acceleration
s Endurance

3 s de 10 r 5 s de 10 r 5 s de 12 r 5 s de 15 r 7 s de 15 r 7 s de 15 r 7 s de 15 r 10 s de 20 r

% RM 5% 10% 20% 25% 35% 45% 50% 70%

Medium Medium
Intensity Very light Lightweight Moderate Moderate Heavy Little Heavy Very heavy
Heavy Heavy

Volume 3x por week 3x per week 5x per week 5x per week 3x per week 3x por week 3x per week 5x per week
Bibliography consulted: Internet

Author: Miguel Rodrigues Pinheiro

•Producer: Miguel Rodrigues Pinheiro

•Date: 03/11/2023

•Trainer: Joana Carvalho


•Pedagogy Course

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