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Verifiable Random

Verifiable Random Function (VRF)
 is a cryptographic primitive that maps inputs to verifiable
pseudorandom outputs
 the concept was introduced by Micali, Rabin, and Vadhan
 is a pseudo-random function that provides publicly
verifiable proofs of its outputs' correctness.
 used in various cryptographic schemes, protocols, and
systems - Algorand Blockchain
Verifiable Random Function (VRF)
Uses two key pair: Verification key (VK) and Secret key
Given any input value x,
 Can compute and Proof of Correctness ⍴
Proof convinces every verifier that is correct w.r.t VK and
of VRF.
Create VRFs such that proofs/keys small and constant size
w.r.t message size.
Verifiable Random Function (VRF)
A VRF is a triple of algorithms:-
 Keygen
Evaluate, and
Verifiable Random Function (VRF)
Keygen(r) → (VK, SK). On a random input, the key generation
algorithm produces a verification key VK and a secret key SK pair.
Evaluate(SK, X) → (Y, ⍴). The evaluation algorithm takes as input
the secret key SK, a message X and produces a pseudorandom
output string Y and a proof ⍴.
Verify(VK, X, Y, ⍴) → 0/1. The verification algorithm takes as input
the verification key VK, the message X, the output Y and the
proof ⍴. It outputs 1 if and only if it verifies that Y is the output
produced by the evaluation algorithm on inputs SK and X.
Verifiable Random Function (VRF)
Given an input value x,
 the owner of the secret key SK can compute the function
value and the proof .
 Using the proof and the public key PK, everyone can check
that the value was indeed computed correctly, yet this
information cannot be used to find the secret key.
Properties of VRF
Uniqueness :
), ) such that
 Provability :
if then
= true.
Properties of VRF
The output Y is pseudorandom, which means that it
looks “random” to any third party that does not see the
associated proof ⍴.
Assignment 1
1. Read the article on Zero Knowledge Proof
2. Explain in your own words how Zero Knowledge Proof
3. The assignment can be submitted by the 15th March,

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