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AYU HARTINA SARI & ANITA LESTARI _ Free PowerPoint Templates, Diagrams and Charts

Definition of Intercultural Communication

“communication” is the mutual creation of meaning and “culture” is the coordination of meaning
and action in a group, it follows that “intercultural communication” is the mutual creation of
meaning across cultures. This means that intercultural communication is the mechanism whereby
people of different groups perceive and try to make sense of one another. Intercultural communi-
cation is a discipline that studies communication across different cultures and social groups, or
how culture affects communication. It describes the wide range of communication processes and
problems that naturally appear within an organization or social context made up of individuals
from different religious, social, ethnic, and educational backgrounds
Barriers of Intercultural Communication

• Language Difference
Language differences are an obvious barrier to intercultural communication
• Body Language
People sometimes take offense because of differences in body language across cultures
• Anxiety
Anxiety is usually defined as a state of human condition where a person has a feeling of
unease and nervousness
• Ethosentrism
Ethnocentrism happens when we implicitly believe our way of doing things and seeing
things is the right and only way. As a result, we negatively judge behaviours that don’t con-
form to our world vision
• Negative Stereotypes and Prejudices
Stereotypes and prejudices about people from other cultures can cause communication
problems and give offense. Ethnocentrism, or a belief that your own culture is better than
that of others, can lead to acting superior toward other groups and not treating them well
Cultural Learning

Cultural learning is an active engagement with the creation of our arts and heritage. ‘The arts’ is
a broad term that includes a wide range of disciplines from theatre, dance, literature, storytelling,
music, craft and visual arts to film, spoken word, digital media, photography and beyond. The
term ‘heritage’ encompasses an individual’s understanding of themselves, their material culture
and the world around them
Dealing with the difference of Intercultural Communication

There are three important things that need to be considered in understanding intercultural com-
munication :
• Perception : Perception is the process of expressing the meaning of social objects and the
events that we experience in our environment Social perception is not as simple as the percep-
tion of the physical environment. Social perception, which appears in communication contains
several important principles, namely: (a) perception based on experience; (b) perception is se-
lective; (c) perceptions are conjectural; (d) perceptions are evaluative; and (e) perception is con-
• Verbal Communication
Language as a system of verbal codes, is formed from a set of symbols, with rules for
combining these symbols, which are used and understood by a community
• Nonverbal Communication
In simple terms, nonverbal messages are all gestures that are not words. As words, most nonverbal
cues are also not universal, but are culturally bound, so they are learned, not innate
Improving Intercultural Communication

• Participate in intercultural group interactions

• Improve cultural sensitivity and awareness
• Be open-minded and receive feedback
• Learn from classes and training
• Go travel! Physically or virtually

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