Sharing Session - PDM

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Sharing Session:

• Type of BHA
• Directional BHA
• Downhole Motor
• Positive Displacement Motor (PDM)  focus of this sharing session
Type of BHA
• Rotary BHA
• Slick
• Pendulum
• Fulcrum
• Packed Hole
• Directional BHA
• Turbine Motor
Slick BHA
• No stabs used
• Bit, DC, HWDP, DP only
• Tendency : Dropping (hard to control)
• Difficult to predict position of tangent point
Pendulum BHA
• Use stabs and DC
• Tendency : Dropping
• DCs above bit provide pendulum effect
• Number of DC affects the dropping tendency
• Stab above DC acts as tangent point
• Drop is effective at high inclination, less effective at low inclination
• Lower WOB, increase drop tendency
• Higher RPM and GPM, higher drop tendency
Pros and Cons of Dropping BHA
Pros Cons
Slick • Low Cost • Less Predictable (unclear tangent length)
• Higher contact area due to no stabs
(Higher risk of getting differentially stick)
Pendulum • Higher Cost (due to stabs) • More Predictable (clear tangent length)
• Stabs reduce contact area • Applying more stabs increase the risk of

• Both are commonly used in vertical well

• In WK Rokan operation, slick BHA is used
as cleanout BHA
Fulcrum BHA
• Use stabs and DC
• Tendency : Building
• Stab above Bit acts as fulcrum/pivot
• Number of DC affects the build tendency
• Build is effective at high inclination, less effective at low inclination
• More WOB, higher build rate (increase buckling)
• Reducing RPM and GPM will increase build rate
Packed Hole Assembly BHA
• Multiple stabs
• Maintain angle (Holding BHA)
• Adding WOB will not affect tendency (only increase ROP)
Rotary BHA Tendency
• Determined by:
• Inclination
• Bit side force
• Bit tilt
• Hydraulics
• Formation dip
• Formation Rock Properties
Directional BHA
• When sliding, apply side-force (on toolface direction)
causing deflection
• Toolface direction is monitored using MWD
• Deflection technique:
• Point-the-bit (Bent sub/bent housing)
• Push-the-bit (Offset Stab)
• Involved downhole motor
• Positive Displacement Motor (PDM)
• Turbine Motor
• Downhole motor  convert hydraulic energy
(differential pressure) to mechanical energy (rotation)
PDM + Bent Sub/Bent Housing
• Typical configurations: Bent sub

• Bent sub + motor Dump sub/valve Dump sub/valve

Bent sub

• Motor + bent housing  typical config. Dump sub/valve

for directional well in WK Rokan
• Bent sub + motor + bent housing

(double bent) Motor

Bent housing Bent housing

Bearing Bearing Bearing

Bit Sub + Bit Bit Sub + Bit Bit Sub + Bit

Components of PDM Assembly
• Dump Sub/Valve
• Motor/Power Section
• Transmission Unit/Universal Joint + Bend Housing
• Bearing Assembly
• Bit Sub/Connection
• Bit
Dump Sub/Valve
• Has radial valves
• Radial valves allow communication between
string and the annulus when pump-off
(tripping and pulling)
• When pump on with sufficient rate,
increased pressure applied to piston and
forced it down closing the radial valve
• It is used when pump-out is required
without activating the motor (pumps below
piston activation pressure)
Motor/Power Section
• Basically a reversed progressive cavity pump
• PDM power section consists of
• Rotor – metal
• Stator – elastomer or rubber
• Housing – metal
• Both stator and rotor are in helical shape
• Stator always has 1 extra lobe
• Rotor fits in a way within stator which forms
pressure-tight cavities/chambers inside
Motor/Power Section
• Each cavity is sealed, causing differential
pressure across cavities when mud
pumped into stator
• The differential pressure drives the rotor
to rotate eccentrically within the stator
Motor/Power Section
• More lobes increase Torque
• More lobes decrease RPM
• More lobes decrease Power Efficiency,
Due to internal fluid leaks along contact

• More stages increase Torque,

at the cost of increasing motor length
• Stages are numbers of complete
rotation of a lobe of stator.
Transmission Unit/Universal Joint
• Stator and Rotor have different center
• Rotor rotates eccentrically
• To rotate the bit, this movement needs to be converted
into concentric one
• Transmission Unit absorbs some portion of power
generated by motor
Motor Performance (Halliburton Sperry)
Bent Housing
• Most PDMs nowadays come with adjustable
bent housing
• It houses the universal joint and connects
bearing assembly to power section
• It enables the PDM to be set on a desired
bend to achieve the predicted build/drop rate
Bend – Surf. RPM (Halliburton Sperry
Motor) RPM W/ Top Motor Stab RPM W/O Top Motor Stab
Motor Size Bend
(in) (deg) On Bottom Reaming CHC On Bottom Reaming CHC

1.15 80 40 80 80 40 80
9 5/8 1.5 60 30 60 40 20 40
1.83 30 15 30 20 10 20
1.15 90 50 90 80 40 80
8 1.5 80 40 80 60 30 60
1.83 40 20 40 30 15 30
1.15 90 50 90 90 50 90
6 3/4 1.5 90 50 90 80 40 80
1.83 80 40 80 40 20 40
1.15 90 50 90 90 50 90
4 3/4 1.5 90 50 90 80 40 80
1.83 60 30 60 40 20 40
Bend – Surf. RPM – Motor Output
(Halliburton Sperry Motor)
Bend – Surf. RPM – Motor Output
(Halliburton Sperry Motor)
Bend – Surf. RPM – Motor Output
(Halliburton Sperry Motor)
Bend – Surf. RPM – Motor Output
(Halliburton Sperry Motor)
Bearing Assembly
• 2 main functions of Bearing Assembly:
• Transfer axial load to bit (thrust bearing)
• Maintain central position of drive shaft (radial bearing)
• 2 types of Bearing Assembly:
• Sealed bearing
• No flow restrictor
• Oil lubricated
• Mud-lubricated bearing
• Has flow restrictor
• 4-10% fluid diverted to bearings for lubrication and cooling
• Bearings are critical (especially thrust bearing)
• Bearing wear is determined by bearing gap
• It must be measured before and after drilling
Turbine Motor (Brief Information)
• Based on reversed dynamic pump
• Has stator and rotor, both are in bladed-shape
• Stators are fixed to the body
• Rotors are mounted to vertical shaft
• Number of stage is determined by number of
stator-rotor pair
• Commonly use offset stab

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