ANUJ Decision Trees in AI

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Madhav Institute Of Technology

and Science

Subject - Artificial Intelligence

And Machine Learning

Submitted By –
Submitted To – Anuj Kumar Soni
Dr. Sunil Kumar Shukla (0901AI223D01)
Course Outcomes of AI&ML

•CO1. Define basic concepts of Artificial Intelligence & Machine

•CO2. Illustrate various techniques for search and processing
•CO3. Identify various types of machine learning problems and
•CO4. Analyze various techniques in Artificial Intelligence, ANN &
Machine Learning
•CO5. Apply AI and ML techniques to solve real world problems
•CO6. Build AI enabled intelligent systems for solving real world
Exploring Decision
Trees in AI/ML
A decision tree is a powerful machine learning algorithm that uses a tree-like
model to make decisions based on a series of features or attributes. It's a
popular tool for both classification and regression tasks, helping to make
complex decisions in a clear, structured way.
How Decision Trees Work

 Feature Selection
 The algorithm examines the available features and chooses the most
informative one to start the decision tree.
 Node Creation
 The selected feature becomes the root node, and the data is split into
branches based on the feature values.
 Recursive Growth
 The process continues recursively, splitting each branch further until a
stopping criterion is met.
Advantages of Decision Trees

 Interpretability
 Decision trees are highly interpretable, making it easy to understand how the model
arrives at its predictions.
 Flexibility
 They can handle both numerical and categorical data, and can be used for both
classification and regression tasks.
 Robustness
 Decision trees are relatively robust to outliers and can handle missing data
 Scalability
 They can handle large datasets and are computationally efficient, making them
suitable for real-time applications.
Disadvantages of Decision Trees

 Overfitting
 Decision trees can easily overfit the training data, leading to poor
generalization on new, unseen data.
 Overfitting
 Decision trees can easily overfit the training data, leading to poor
generalization on new, unseen data.
 Instability
 Small changes in the training data can lead to significantly different tree
structures, making the model less stable.
Applications of Decision Trees in AI/ML

 Classification
 Decision trees are widely used for classification tasks, such as spam detection,
credit risk assessment, and medical diagnosis.
 Regression
 They can also be used for regression problems, such as predicting sales, stock prices,
or energy consumption.
 Feature Importance
 Decision trees can be used to determine the relative importance of different
features in a dataset, which is useful for feature selection and model interpretation.
 Recommendation Systems
 Decision trees can be employed in recommendation systems to make personalized
recommendations based on user preferences and behavior.

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