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Digital signal Processing

A. Anand Kumar


Chapter 1: Discrete – Time Signals and Systems

Chapter 2: Discrete Convolution and Correlation
Chapter 3: Z-transforms
Chapter 4: System Realization
Chapter 5: Discrete – Time Fourier Transform
Chapter 6: Discrete – Fourier Series (DFS) and Discrete Fourier
Transform (DFT)
Chapter 7: Fast Fourier Transform
Chapter 8: Infinite duration Impulse Response (IIR) Filters
Chapter 9: FIR Filters
Chapter 10: Multi-rate Digital Signal Processing
Chapter 11: Introduction to DSP Processors

Discrete-Time Signals and Systems

 Introduction
 Representation of Discrete-time Signals
 Elementary Discrete-time Signals
 Basic Operations on Sequences
 Classification of Discrete time signals
 Classification of Discrete time system


 Signals: Any physical phenomenon that carries or convey

information from one place to other and represents as a
function of independent variables such as time,
temperature, position, pressure, distance etc.

 One Dimensional Signals: Function depends on a single

variable i.e. speech signal

 Multi-dimensional Signals: function depends on two or

more variable i.e. image

 Analog Signal: Continuous with independent variable

 Digital Signal: Discrete with independent variable


 Systems process input signals to produce output signals

 A system takes a signal as an input and transforms it into

another signal:

 System is a cause and effect relation between two or more


 A systems may be single input and single output or multiple

input multiple output systems.

What is signal Processing

 Signal Processing is a method of extracting information

from the signal which in turn depends on the type of signal
and the nature of information it carries.

 Signal Processing is the analysis, interpretation and

manipulation of like sound, images, time-varying
measurement values and sensor data etc.

 Types of Signal:
 Analog Signal Processing
 Digital Signal Processing

 The short form of digital signal processing is called DSP

Digital Signal Processing

 Digital signal processing has so many advantages over

analog signal processing. Some of these are given below:

 Digital circuits do not depend on precise values of digital

signals for their operation. Digital circuits are less sensitive
to changes in component values and to variations in
temperature, ageing and other external parameters.

 In a digital processor, the signals and system coefficients

are represented as binary words. This enables one to
choose any accuracy by increasing or decreasing the
number of bits in the binary word.

 Digital processing of a signal facilitates the sharing of a

single processor among a number of signals by time
sharing. This reduces the processing cost per signal.

 Digital implementation of a system allows easy adjustment

of the processor characteristics during processing.

Digital Signal Processing

 Linear phase characteristics can be achieved only with

digital filters. Also multi-rate processing is possible only in
the digital domain. Digital circuits can be connected in
cascade without any loading problems, whereas this cannot
be easily done with analog circuits.

 Storage of digital data is very easy. Signals can be stored on

various storage media such as magnetic tapes, disks and
optical disks without any loss. On the other hand, stored
analog signals deteriorate rapidly as time progresses and
cannot be recovered in their original form.

 Digital processing is more suited for processing very low

frequency signals such as seismic signals.

Limitations Digital Signal Processing

Though the advantages of DSP systems are many but some

limitations are associated with DSP systems.

Frequency Limitations
Consuming power is more

Block diagram of Digital Signal Processing

The block diagram of a DSP system :

Applications of Digital Signal Processing

DSP has many applications. Some of these are:

Speech processing
Consumer electronics
Image Processing

Representation of discrete time signals

Discrete-time signals are signals which are defined only at

discrete instants of time. For discrete-time signal the
independent variable is time n, and it is represented by x(n).

There are following four ways of representing discrete-time

1. Graphical representation
2. Functional representation
3. Tabular representation
4. Sequence representation

Graphical Representation

Consider a signal x(n) with values

X(-2)=-3, x(-1)=2, x(0)=0, x(1)=3, x(2)=1 and x(3)=2

This discrete-time signal can be represented graphically as shown

in Figure 1.2.

Functional Representation

In this, the amplitude of the signal is written against the values of

n. The signal given in section 1.2.1 can be represented using the
functional representation as follows:

Tabular Representation

In this, the sampling instant n and the magnitude of the signal

at the sampling instant are represented in the tabular form.
The signal given in section 1.2.1 can be represented in tabular
form as follows:

Sequence Representation

A finite duration sequence given in section 1.2.1 can be represented

as follows:

Sum and product of discrete-time sequences

The sum of two discrete-time sequences obtained by adding the

corresponding elements of sequences

The sum of two discrete-time sequences obtained by adding the

corresponding elements of sequences

The multiplication of a sequence by a constant k is obtained by

multiplying each element of the sequence by that constant.


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