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Point: make a statement that relates to the question you are answering.

This is something
that you want to argue or prove, which you can develop further.

• What point am I trying to make? Firstly… (secondly, thirdly, etc.)

• Does this point relate to the question? It can be argued that…

• Is this point consistent with my
argument? One reason for… / Another reason for…

• Am I able to develop this point One idea is that… / Another idea is that…
One effect is… / Another effect is…

A key concept is…

An important point is…

Evaluation: Evidence is an example used to back up your point and
provide proof to develop your point. This is usually in the form of a
direct quote or a paraphrase.
• Does this quote back up my point? For example…

• Is this quote supportive of the An example of this is…

argument I am making?
This is shown through…
• Will I be able to explain this quote in
more detail? This is evident by…

• Is this quote an appropriate length

For instance…
and to the point?
Evidence to support this is…
Explanation: explain how your evidence backs up your point and consider what it
suggests or implies. Explaining your quote shows that you understand what the quote
means and how it relates to your point. It also gives you a chance to show your own
• Why have I chosen this This shows that…

evidence? This implies that…

• What does the evidence This means that…

suggest? This proves that…

• How does the evidence link to This quote/example shows…

my point? It can be seen that…

As a result…

This is because…

This points to the idea that…

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