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family day

Good morning everyone and welcome to my group

presentation. First of all, let me thank you all for
listen my group presentation
My team consists of 11 members

Dương Quang Anh Phạm Thế Hiếu Vũ Đình Đôn

Hoàng Minh Phương Nguyễn Quốc Bản Nguyễn Phương Ngân

Nguyễn Phương Linh Nguyễn Quốc Việt Luyện Thị Hương Giang

Nguyễn Hồng Quỳnh Lương Như Ý

In my group presentation focus on four major

1 Family and Vietnamese

2 History and Vietnamese
family day

3 Meaning of and Vietnamese

family day
4 Activities of each member on
Vietnamese family day

Things to do on Vietnamese
5 family day
1 Family and Vietnamese family day

Family is the original cell of social life and is a
place where the race is maintained. Family culture is
an important environment in the education,
orientation and formation of human personality. in
preserving and promoting good traditional culture,
and in fighting against social evils, thereby creating
human resources to serve the cause of national
construction and defence.

Vietnamese Family Day

It is a holiday honoring the Vietnamese

family and the core values ​of the
Vietnamese family such as prosperity,
equality, progress, and happiness. On this
day in Vietnam festivals and different types
of cultural and sports activities are
encouraged for all families. There are also
campaigns to give gifts to orphans and
disadvantaged children

2 History and Vietnamese family day

"Vietnamese Family Day occurs on the

28th of June each year, having been
established in 2001. Family-oriented
activities and events are organised
throughout the country, though it is not
a public holiday."

3 Meaning of and Vietnamese family day

Vietnamese Family Day carries with
it a sacred and important meaning.
This is an opportunity for everyone to
remember love, care and solidarity in
the family. Family is where each
person forms their personality,
practices life values and perceives
Quang Anh

Vietnamese Family Day has a very noble and

meaningful, a day for us to honor the good
values of family. At the same time, through this
day we also want to remind the traditions of our
ancestors from the past, educate our children
and grandchildren to love our homeland,
country, people, and always protect each other
no matter the circumstances. any. any.
Activities of each member on Vietnamese
family day
On Family Day, many people plan and take
part in activities aimed at the whole family.
These include visiting art exhibitions,
watching movies, skating on outdoor ice
rinks, playing board games, and taking part
in craft activities. Some communities plan
special public events, and art galleries and
museums may have reduced price or free
entry. These are all of our findings.

On Vietnamese Family
Day, my family went
on a trip to a beach. We
played together, bathed
together and joked on
the beach, at that time
my family was very

Vietnamese Family Day is also an opportunity for

families to discuss future goals, plans and dreams.
Families can together identify common goals and
create plans to realize them, engaging and supporting
each other along the way.

5 Things to do on Vietnamese family day

Giving gifts to parents is a way to show gratitude and

appreciation for their contributions and love.

It was a very happy and meaningful memory for my

parents. When children give their parents a gift on their
birthday, this is definitely something they will never

Family meals are an opportunity

for everyone to gather together
and share joys and sorrows.
Take the time to make a cozy
meal and gather around the
counter, talk and enjoy
memorable moments with your
family on this special day.

Taking commemorative photos is a way to

preserve beautiful and meaningful family

Through that, it is like a memory that helps

you reminisce about family happiness. In
addition, family photos are also a symbol of
solidarity and attachment to loved ones
question -> Giang
What day is Vietnamese family day?

A. 20/5 B. 26/8

C. 28/6 D. 28/9

Key: C
What do families usually do on this day?

A. Go out with friends B.Sleep

C. Gaming D. Gather with family

Key : D
What is the song about family day?

A. Home is the place to B.The box


C. Day by day D. Go girl

Key : A ( Nhà là nơi để về )

Where is our group's Vietnam family day tour

A. At home B. Go on beach

C. Go climbing D. All are correct

Key: B

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