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Algorithm Design and Analysis

Week 3
Divide and Conquer
• Main Textbook
• S.Sridhar, 2015
Design and Analysis of Algorithm. Oxford
University. India.
ISBN: 978-0-19-809369-5
• LO2 : Compare several algorithm design methods
1. Introduction
2. Merge Sort
3. Quick Sort
4. Binary Search
• Given a function to compute on n inputs the divide and conquer
strategy suggest splitting the inputs into k distinct subsets
where 1 < k ≤ n and k is subproblem.

• If a subproblem is still relatively large, then divide and conquer

can possibly re-apply to the subproblem.

• Each subproblem must be solved, and then a method must be

found to combine subsolution of each subproblem into a
solution of the whole.
Merge Sort
• Sorting algorithm that in the worst case its complexity is O(n log n)
• Given a sequence of n elements (a[1],…,a[n]).
• General idea, split the elements into two sets a[1],...,a[] and
• Each set is individually sorted, and then the resulting sorted
sequences are merged to produce a single sorted sequence of n
Merge Sort Algorithm
void MergeSort(int low, int high)
if (low < high)
//if more than one element
//find where to split the sets
int mid = (low + high)/2;

//solve each problem

MergeSort(low, mid);
MergeSort(mid + 1, high);

//combine the solution

Merge(low, mid, high);
Merge Sort Algorithm
void Merge(int low, int mid, int high)
//a[low:high] is global array containing to sorted subsets in
//a[low:mid] and a[mid+1:high]. The goal is to merge these two sets
//into a single set residing in a[low:high].
//b[] is an auxiliary global array.
int h = low, i = low, j = mid+1, k;
while ((h <= mid) && (j <= high)){
if (a[h] <= a[j]) {b[i] = a[h]; h++;}
else {b[i] = a[j]; j++;}
if (h > mid)
for (k=j; k<=high; k++){
b[i] = a[k]; i++;
for (k=h; k<=mid; k++){
b[i] = a[k]; i++;
for (k=low; k<=high; k++) a[k]=b[k];
Merge Sort Illustration
Quick Sort
• Quicksort is a divide and conquer algorithm.
• Divide: Rearrange the elements and split the array into two
subarrays and an element in between such that so that each
element in the left subarray is less than or equal the middle
element and each element in the right subarray is greater than
the middle element (pivot).
• Conquer: Recursively sort the two subarrays.
• Combine: None.
Quick Sort Algorithm
//aaray A[1:n]
void Quicksort(A; n) {
Quick (A; 1; n);

void Quick(A; p; r) {
//array A[p:r] split to A[p:q-1] and A[q+1:r]
if p ≥ r then return;
q = Partition(A, p, r);
Quick (A, p, q-1);
Quick (A, q+1, r);
Quick Sort Algorithm
int Partition(A; p; r) {
x = A[r];
i = p-1;
for(j=p; j ≤ r-1;j++)
if(A[j] ≤ x) {
i = i + 1;
Exchange(A[i+1], A[r]);
Exchange(A[i+1], A[r]);
return i+1;
Quick Sort Illustration
• Suppose we have a series of numbers [2,45,8,9,32,15,27] and
want to find whether there are number 8 in a row.
• Sequential Search
o The most basic technique in the search
o The algorithm needs to check one by one the contents of the series and
compare it with the number 8 which sought
o Perform a search in order (sequence)
o If until the entire array have been compared and the data has not been
found, the search fails
o Sequential search is flexible because it can be used under any conditions, the
contents of the array should not be in a state of sequential
o Complexity Ο (n)
Binary Search
• Characteristics of Binary Search
Binary search techniques is searching data by Divide and Conquer technique.
- The contents of the array must be in a state of sequential/sorted
- Steps:
1. Suppose we'll find the data X in the array A
2. Define Ak where Ak is an element that is located right in the middle of the array A
3. If X = Ak, the data found set j = k
4. If X < Ak, then look to the left Ak,
do a recursive loop
5. If X > Ak, then look to the right Ak,
do a recursive loop
6. If X is not found set j = 0, the data does not exist
• Binary Search algorithm complexity is Ο(log2 n)
Binary Search Algorithm
1 A=[2,8,9,15,27,32,45]
2 display “Search X = ? "
3 read X
4 iLow=1
5 iHigh=N
6 j=0
7 while (j=0) and (iLow<=iHigh) do
8 iMid=(iLow+iHigh) div 2
9 if A[iMid]=X then
10 j=iMid
11 else if A[iMid]>X then
12 iHigh=iMid-1
13 else if A[iMid]<X then
14 iLow=iMid+1
15 end if
16 end while
17 if j>0 then
18 display “X = ",X," is found in index ", j
19 else
20 display ”X = ",X," is not found"
21 end if
Binary Search Illustration
• Levitin, A. (2012). The Introduction to The Design and Analysis
of Algorithms (3rd ed.). Pearson. Chapter
• Sridhar, S. (2015). Design and Analysis of Algorithms. Oxford
University Press. Chapter 8
• Divide & Conquer: Convex Hull, Median Finding,

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