Structure 2

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By : Mrs. Ulan Nopita Sari S.Pd
01 Adjective
What are adjective clause ?

Digunakan untuk menjelaskan orang. Setelah
kata “who” diikuti Verb

I meet the man.

That man wears black jacket.

I meet the man who wears black

Digunakan untuk menjelaskan orang. Setelah
kata “whom” diikuti Subject +Verb

I see the man.

The man is a doctor

The man whom I see, is a doctor

Digunakan untuk menjelaskan
benda/hewan/sesuatu selain dr manusia.
Setelah kata “which” diikuti Subject / Verb

I bring some books.

Those books are new

Those books which I bring, are new

I bring some books which are new
digunakan untuk menunjukkan kepemilikan
benda/orang oleh suatu subject.

I found anam’s cat.

Anam gives me a gift

Anam, whose cat was found by me, gives

me a gift
digunakan untuk menjelaskan benda/orang
( pengganti which/who/whom)

The man that I see is a doctor

Those books that I bring are new

2. The mount _______ is very explosive is kelud.
3. This girl _______ is very beautiful is singing to me.
4. Suparli married 4 girls, one of _______ is Arabic
5. Indonesia has five big islands, these are Kalimantan, Sumatra, Java, Sulawesi and Irian, The
biggest of _______is Kalimantan.
6. 10 November _______ is my spirit is victory days.
7. Love ______ you told brings peace to all.
8. Didi kempot song’s ______ I listened is very good.
9. I met beautiful girl ________ sweater is black brown.
10. This house is very quite ________ i am interested in.
11. This book, the covers of _______ are red colour, contains a good idea.
12. Samria was enjoying this music ________ music from east Java.
—Someone Famous
Other, Others,
02 Another,the
others (yang
Another digunakan di depan kata benda tunggal yang
bisa dihitung (singular countable noun).

I think you should choose another bag. That

one is too small.
(Aku pikir kamu harus memilih tas yang lain.
Yang itu terlalu kecil) –> menyatakan tas lain
yang berbeda.
other diletakkan di depan kata benda jamak bisa dan tidak bisa
dihitung, atau kata benda tunggal yang tidak bisa dihitung (plural
nouns and singular uncountable noun).

• I prefer other shoes than these ones.

• (Saya lebih memilih sepatu yang lain dibandingkan yang ini)
• –> shoes = kata benda jamak bisa dihitung

• I can’t help you now. There’s other business I need to deal with.
• (Aku tidak bisa membantumu sekarang. Ada urusan lain yang harus aku
• –> business = kata benda tunggal tidak bisa dihitung
Others digunakan sebagai pronoun atau kata ganti dari other. Dengan
kata lain, others adalah bentuk kata ganti dari other. Contoh:
Mari kita ganti “other people” dengan “others”:
Others tidak butuh kata benda setelahnya

Some people like watching action movies, while other people prefer watching comedy movies.

Mari kita ganti “other people” dengan “others”:

Some people like watching action movies, while others prefer watching comedy movies.
The Other
The other bisa diletakkan sebelum kata benda tunggal atau
Kata benda tunggal ataupun jamak ini sudah dibagi bagikan atau
sudah di kelompok kelompokkan (dalam bentuk jamak)

I have two brothers. One lives in Bali, while the other brother lives in Makassar.
(Aku punya dua saudara. Yang satu tinggal di Bali, sementara yang satu lagi tinggal di Makassar)

I have three balloons. One is blue. The other balloons are white.
(Aku punya tiga balon. Yang satu berwarna biru. Yang balon lainnya berwarna putih)
The Others
The others setelahnya tidak diikuti kata benda tetapi
sudah dibagi bagikan atau sudah di kelompok kelompokkan

There are three books on my desk. One here. Where are the others?
(Ada 3 buku diatas meja saya. Satu disini. Dimana yg lain ?)

Grandpa have told us three stories from this book. One he told today.He will tell us the others tomorrow.
(Kakek telah bercerita kepada kami tiga kisah dari buku ini. Satu dia ceritakan hari ini.Dia akan
menceritakan kisah-kisah lainnya besok.)
Degree of Comparison/
03 Comparative degree
Mike is ____ than me
a. More tall
b. Taller

Jack is ______ than Jane.

b.More confident

This book ____ than others.

c. Gooder
d. More good
e. Better
Ghea is the _______ student in the class.
a. More confident
b. Most Confident
c. Confidentest

Pete is the _____ singer ever.

d. Goodest
e. Better
f. Best

Fortuner car is _______ than Ayla car.

g. More expensive
h. Most expensive
i. expensiver
Question Tag
Question tag digunakan untuk menekankan/mengkonfirmasi pernyataan kepada
lawan bicara.

Form : kalimat positive (+) , auxialiary negative (-)

kalimat negative (-), auxialiary positive (+)

She is beautiful (+) Isn’t she ? (-)

(Dia cantik) (kan ?)
She is not beautiful (-) Is she ? (+)
(Dia tidak cantik) (kan ?)
I am busy, aren’t I ?
Don’t sit here, will you ?
Let’s swim to the pool, shall we ?
GO O D G !
Passive Voice
I bring some books
(Saya membawa beberapa buku)

Some books are brought by me

(Beberapa buku dibawa oleh saya)
(TO BE) + VERB 3
Tenses Active voice Passive voice

Present Tense I make a cake A cake is made by me

Present Continuous I am making a cake A cake is being made by me

Past simple I made a cake A cake was made by me

Present Perfect I have made a cake A cake has been made by me

Past Perfect I had made a cake A cake had been made by me

Future Simple I will make a cake A cake will be made by me

Future “be going to” I am going to make a cake A cake is going to be made by
Modals I can make a cake A cake can be made by me

Note : Hafalkan semua to be pada tenses

06 Sentence

If + Simple Present Tense Will, can, may + Verb 1

Verb 1 s/es

• If I study hard for exam, I will get a good score

• If I don’t study hard for exam, I can fail the subject
• If I am a police, I may catch the robber

If + Simple Past Tense Would, could, might + Verb 1

Verb 2

• If I studied hard for exam, I would get a good score

• If I didn’t study hard for exam, I could fail the subject
• If I was a police, I might catch the robber
If + Past Perfect Would/Could/Might have+Verb 3
Had+Verb 3

• If I had studied hard for exam, I would have got a

good score
• If I had not studied hard for exam, I could have failed
the subject
• If I had been a police, I might have caught the robber
07 Conjunction
(kata hubung
Paired conjunction adalah pasangan kata hubung

Paired Conjunction Meaning

Both … and … (Keduanya … dan)

Not only … but also … (Tidak hanya … tetapi juga)

Either… or … (Maupun … atau …)

Neither… nor … (Tidak dengan … ataupun …)

Example :

Both Mr. Smith and Mrs.Smith visit New York

She is not only beautiful but also intelligent as well.

I will buy either blue or red , I can’t decided.

I neither know nor care what happened to him.

Noun Phrase
Noun Phrase adalah gabungan antara
adjective + noun

noun + noun

Example : Young Girl

Old Car

Blue Sky
Expression of Apologizing
Permintaan maaf yang berarti “aku minta maaf” dan umum
1. Sorry
2. I’m sorry
3. I’m so sorry
4. I apologize

Permintaan maaf yang berarti “maafkan aku"

5. Forgive me
6. My apologies
7. Sorry about that (Maaf tentang itu)
8. Please accept my apology (Tolong terima permohonan maafku)

Permintaan maaf yang mengakui “berbuat kesalahan”

9. It’s my fault (Ini adalah kesalahanku)
10.My bad (Aku yang salah)
1. I apologize for coming late
(Aku minta maaf karena datang terlambat)

2. I am sorry for bothering you

(Aku minta maaf karena mengganggumu)

3. I am very sorry for the inconvenience

(Aku minta maaf atas ketidaknyamanannya)

4. Please accept my apologies for what I have done

(Mohon terima permintaan maafku atas apa yang sudah aku lakukan)

5.Please forgive me for my rude manners

(Mohon maafkan aku atas kelakukanku yang tidak sopan)
Expression of Invitation
Let’s …. (ayo)
Would you like to …. (Maukah kamu untuk…)
I’d like you to … (Saya mau kamu untuk …)
How about…. (gimana kalau …)
I’d like to invite you ( Saya mau mengajak kamu …)
Do you want to … (Apakah kamu mau untuk …)

We're having a movie night at my place. Do you want to come?

(Kami akan mengadakan malam nonton film di tempat saya. Apakah kamu ingin datang?)
- I'm going to the beach this weekend. Do you want to come along?
(Saya akan pergi ke pantai akhir pekan ini. Apakah kamu ingin ikut?)
- Would you like to grab lunch with me tomorrow?
(Apakah kamu ingin makan siang bersama saya besok?)
- I'm going to a book launch event this Friday. Do you want to come with me?
(Saya akan pergi ke acara peluncuran buku pada hari Jumat ini. Apakah kamu ingin ikut?)
- Do you want to come to the art museum with me this afternoon?
(Apakah kamu mau datang ke museum kesenian denganku siang ini ?)
Dika: Leo, are you free this Saturday?
Leo: Yeah, I think so. Why?
Dika: ______________to my exhibition this Saturday.
Leo: Oh, you have your own exhibition?
Dika: Yes.
Leo: What time is the exhibition start?
Dika: I’ll prepare at noon but maybe you can come over at five or six.
Leo: OK then, I’ll take my little brother, too. Thank you for inviting me, Dika.
Dika: Yeah, glad you can come over, too.

Mr. Bima: Mr. Tara, do you like barbecue?

Mr. Tara: Yes, I like it so much.
Mr. Bima: I and my wife plan to hold a barbecue party at my backyard.
Mr. Tara: That sounds great! .
Bima: Yes. I’ll invite other neighbors, too. Could you come over on Friday at 7 p.m.?
Mr. Tara: Oh, this Friday? ______________. I’m sorry, I have a meeting with my client. But I’ll ask my
wife and children, maybe they are free on Friday.
Mr. Bima: It’s okay, Mr. Tara. My wife will be happy if your wife and children come over.
Response :
Sure, why not? (tentu saja, kenapa tidak?)
With my pleasure. (dengan senang hati)
Thank you for inviting me (terima kasih telah mengundangku)
Thank you for your invitation (terimakasih atas undanganmu)
It sounds great ( Bagus juga)
I will/would (saya mau)
I’d like to come (saya akan datang)
That would be very nice (itu akan sangat menyenangkan)

Im sorry, but I can’t (maaf, tetapi saya tidak bisa)

I’d like to, but… (saya mau, tetapi…)
Thank you for your invitation but I… (terimakasih atas undanganmu, tetapi saya…) Unfortunately, I
can’t (sayangnya saya tidak bisa)
Expression asking about job
1. Where do you work?
2. What do you do? / What do you do for a living?
3. What’s your job ?
4. What does your job involve ? ( Kamu terlibat pada pekerjaan
apa ?)
Responses :
1. I work at… [Hospital].
2. I’m a/an… [accountant].
3. I’m unemployed. / I’m between jobs at the moment. ( saya
4. I’m looking for work. (saya sedang mencari pekerjaan)
5. I’m a stay-at-home mom/dad. (saya menetap dirumah )
6. I run my own business. ( saya menjalankan bisnis daya sendiri)
7. I’m a freelance… [writer/designer/etc.] (saya kerja paruh
8. I’m retired.( saya pensiunan)
Lintang : What do you do?
Pram : …
Lintang : Do you enjoy your work?
Pram : Yes. I like it a lot.
Lintang : Tell me, what does your job involve?
Pram : Well, I grow vegetables and operate a farm.

Lindsay : What do you do?

Prime : …
Lindsay : Tell me, what does your job involve?
Prime : Well, I care for plants and nurtures growing shrubs and trees in a plant nursery

Keanu : What do you do?

Prime : …
Lindsay : Tell me, what does your job involve?
Prime : Well, I repair electrical wiring, systems, and fixtures in buildings.
Expression of asking
someone condition

Cara Menanyakan Kondisi Kesehatan dalam Bahasa Inggris

- How are you? / Apa kabar?
- Are you okay? / Apa kamu baik-baik saja?

How are you feeling? / Bagaimana perasaanmu?

- Are you sick? / Apa kamu sakit?
- You look pale. Are you alright? / Kamu terlihat pucat. Apa kamu baik-baik saja?
- Does it hurt? / Apa itu sakit?
- Feeling better? / Merasa baikan?
Responses :
I’m pretty well
I got a lot of injuries
I’m sick
I feel not better
My arms injured

Expression of symphaty :
Get well soon
I’m sorry to hear that
1.. Get well soon. Wishing you a speedy recovery."
2. "Sorry to hear you’re feeling under the weather. Hope you feel better soon."
3. "Hope you feel better soon friend, things aren't the same without you around."
4. "I am waiting eagerly to see you healthier and stronger than before. Get well soon."
5. "Sending healthy vibes your way for a speedy recovery!"
6. "Best wishes that you will soon be doing all the things you love again!"
7. "Sending all my prayers to you. May God have mercy on you and help you to get well soon."
8. "Wishing for you to feel better soon! May God grace you with good health and fast recovery!"
9. "We really hope you feel better soon."
Ana : Eli, how are you feeling? I heard you’d been ill.
(Eli, bagaimana keadaanmu? Aku dengar kamu sakit)

Eli : Yes, I had headaches, but now I feel much better.

(Ya, aku sakit kepala, tetapi sekarang sudah mendingan)

Ana: Thanks God.


Jack: Hi Stu, how’s the ankle? (

Hey Stu, bagaimana keadaan pergelangan kakimu?)

Stu: It still hurts a little, but at least I can walk now.

(Masih sedikit sakit, tetapi setidaknya sekarang aku bisa berjalan)

Jack: I’m glad to hear that. I hope the pain will go away soon.
(Aku senang mendengarnya. Semoga rasa sakitnya segera pergi)

Stu: Thanks, Jack. (Terima kasih, Jack)

Eating spicy food makes me have. .

Rina feels a pain in her head.She has a ....

It has many spots in our body …

It cause high temperature. It is ….

It needs wheelchair. It is …
A: Are you a college student? (Apakah kamu seorang mahasiswa?)
B: I got my Diploma last year, I’m working now. (Saya sudah mendapat gelar diploma saya tahun
lalu, sekarang saya bekerja)
A: Oh, what do you do? (Oh, apa pekerjaanmu?)
B: I’m a nurse. (Saya seorang perawat)
A: That’s nice. My mother was a nurse, too. (Bagus. Ibuku dulu juga seorang perawat)

A: So, what kind of work do you do? (Pekerjaan apa yang kamu jalani?)
B: I teach elementary school kids. I’m also a freelance photographer. (Saya mengajar anak
sekolah dasar. Saya juga fotografer lepas)
A: What subject do you teach? (Mata pelajaran apa yang kamu ajarkan?)
B: English and Mathematics. (Bahasa Inggris dan Matematika)
A: Do you enjoy your job? (Apakah kamu menyukai pekerjaanmu?)
B: I do. It’s just, I only have a day off in a week and it makes me overwhelmed
sometimes. (Ya. Hanya saja, saya hanya libur satu hari dalam seminggu dan itu terkadang
membuat saya kewalahan)
Expression of asking for the time
Asking time
What time is it now? (Jam berapa sekarang ?)
What is the time?
What time is it right now?
Do you have the correct time?

Have you got the time? (informal)

Can I have the time?
May I know what time it is? (lebih sopan)
Excuse me, what time do you have ?
What time does this store open?

Asking duration of time :

How long a time will we have to … ( Berapa lama kita harus ….)
How much time does it take ? ( Berapa lama ini berlangsung …? )
How long do you … ? (Berapa lama kamu …)
Responses :

It’s nine o’clock = Sekarang pukul Sembilan tepat

It’s ten o’clock sharp right now = Sekarang pukul sepuluh
It’s almost eight = Sekarang hampir pukul delapan

It’s about 2 hours to get there

It’s about three minutes to do it
Accepting an Invitation
• Thank you for inviting me.
• I would/will ….
• That would be very nice.
• I’d like to love to come.
• That’s fine.
• Sure. Why not?

Declining an Invitation
• I’m very sorry, I don’t think I can.
• I’d like to, but ….
• Thank you for asking me, but ….
• Unfortunately, I can’t ….
Venus Jupiter
Venus is the second planet It’s the biggest planet in the
from the Sun Solar System

Mars Saturn
Despite being red, Mars is a Saturn is a gas giant and
cold place has several rings
Our academic areas

Mercury Venus Mars

It’s the closest planet to the Venus is the second planet Despite being red, Mars is
Sun from the Sun actually a cold place

Jupiter Saturn Neptune

Jupiter is the biggest planet of Saturn is composed of Neptune is the farthest planet
them all hydrogen and helium from the Sun
Our mission and vision
Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun and
the smallest one in the Solar System. It was
named after a Roman god

Venus has a beautiful name and is the second
planet from the Sun. It’s hot and it also has a
poisonous atmosphere
Our values
Venus is the second
planet from the Sun
Mars is actually a cold
place Commitmen
Jupiter is the biggest
Reliability planet of them all

Saturn is a gas giant

with several rings
Big numbers catch your audience’s attention
Our success

Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun
and the smallest one of them al

80% Venus
Venus has a beautiful name and is the
second planet from the Sun
50% Despite being red, Mars is
actually a cold place

20% Neptune is the farthest planet
from the Sun

30% Saturn is composed of
hydrogen and helium

Follow the link in the graph to modify its data and then paste the new one here. For more info, click here
Our teachers

Jenna Doe Timmy Jimmy Susan Bones

You can speak a bit about this You can speak a bit about this You can speak a bit about this
person here person here person here
Our goals

Jupiter Mars
It’s the biggest planet in Despite being red, Mars is
the Solar System a cold place

Venus Saturn
Venus is the second planet Saturn is a gas giant and
from the Sun has several rings
Student progress

Venus Mars
Venus is the second Despite being red,
planet from the Sun Mars is a cold place

Jupiter Saturn
It’s the biggest planet Saturn is a gas giant
in the Solar System and has several rings
Enrollment process
1 2 3

Download our Choose your

Start the course
Venus is the second planet school
Mercury is the smallest Jupiter is the biggest planet
from the Sun planet of them all of them all
Visit our website

You can replace the image on the

screen with your own work. Just
right-click on it and select “Replace
Visit us

Mercury is the closest planet to the

Sun and the smallest one in the Solar
System—it’s only a bit larger than the
Moon. The planet’s name has nothing
to do with the liquid metal since it
was named after the Roman
messenger god
Special reminders
Do you know what helps you make your point clear?
Lists like this one:

★ They’re simple
★ You can organize your ideas clearly
★ You’ll never forget to buy milk!

And the most important thing: the audience won’t miss the
point of your presentation

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