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Learning Objectives
After reading this topic, you will be able to :
Understand the need for VSAT
Explain different configurations of VSAT networks
Design the communication link using VSAT
Describe VSAT technology
Explain the operation of VSAT network
Describe the access techniques employed in VSAT networks
Present how demand assignment technique enhances the
network channel capacity
Satellite communication traditionally employed large earth stations
carrying huge amount of data, large number of voice channels and
television signals.
Users with small amount of data or with a few numbers of voice
channels find it inconvenient to use the large gateways as they have to
carry the signal from their premises to the distant earth stations from
where the signal is uplinked to satellite.
The concept of using Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT) at the
user premises communicating directly with the satellite emerged in
Therefore , a VSAT is a small, low power, and low data system.
It is in effect, a miniature version of the earth station.
A large number of VSAT networks have evolved since then for
corporate communication by business.
Block Schematic Representation of A Typical VSAT Network:
Geo Satellite

Terminal Hub Earth Station

Outdoor Video Studio

RF terminal
unit Facility

Indoor Unit Host
Data Server
Voice Data Network
Equipment Data
PBX Data

Computer Network

Telephone Equipment
Telephone Equipment
A VSAT network consists of :

High performance hub earth station

A large number of low performance terminals referred as VSATs
Space station (GEO satellite)
Introduction (cont.)
A VSAT is a small fixed earth station, typically with a small antenna
of 30cm to 3.8m diameter.

The terminal is installed on the roof top of the organization


VSATs typically operate in C and Ku bands.

A VSAT has low power transmitter and the transmit power lies in
the range of 1 to 2 Watts.

The maximum data handled by a typical VSAT is in the range of 1-

Advantages of VSAT
The VSAT network is a closed network supporting a small group
of terminals and it has the advantages like :

Being a satellite based network, the range is unlimited, and the

terminals may be located in remote places that are not easily
covered by terrestrial network.

As the signals are uplinked or downlinked from the terminal

placed at the user location, the service is meant for the user
network only, terrestrial loop is avoided.

System reliability is very high

Advantages of VSAT
The network is easily deployed in short time, in hours rather than days.

The network, being a closed network, is easily managed and


The network is flexible and can be easily expanded by adding new

terminals and new services.

The cost to user is low and independent of distance.

User pays only when the system is used, unlike the leased terrestrial
channels, as the channels in VSAT system are pooled amongst many
VSAT Network Configurations
VSAT system is a closed network providing communication
facility with in a user group, such as a corporate business with
distributed offices, etc.

The network has a number of terminals spread over a

geographical area, some in remote and inaccessible locations.
Communication is possible between the terminals via satellite.

The VSAT channels can be

i. One way
ii. Split two way
iii. Two way.
One Way Channels :
Broadcasting is an example of one way channel between hub
and VSAT.

For example, hub transmits TV signals and each VSAT only

receives this program via satellite.

The VSAT in this case does not have the transmit capability .

Another example is that of data collections, where the VSATs

have only transmit capability and can not receive.
One Way Channels :

(VSATs in receiving mode only)

Note : Hub Station broadcasts and VSATs receive via Satellite

Split Two Way Channels :
In this configuration, the hub transmitted signal is received via
satellite by each VSAT, but the VSAT can communicate to the
hub only via a terrestrial network.

Return links are not provided via satellite.

An application of split two way system is the satellite based

internet, in which the data from server is downloaded to VSAT
via satellite while the browsing information is sent on terrestrial
network to the user(s).
Split Two Way Channels :

Internet Source VSAT

VSAT Trail
VSAT To gateway for
Network inbound via
Split Two Way Channels :
The advantage of this approach is that the VSAT terminal does
not require a transmit capability, which significantly reduces its
cost and complexity.

The disadvantage is that the telephone line connection must

usually be through a modem with restricted channel capacity
Two Way Channels :
In this configuration, a VSAT is equipped to transmit and
receive signals via satellite.

Hence, there are two links available for each VSAT.

There are essentially two types of network topologies available

for this type of configuration.
i. Star topology
ii. Mesh topology
Star Network:
In star network, VSATs are connected to a central hub station
via satellite.

A pair of communication links is provided between each VSAT

and the hub.
Star Network:

a n nd

Ch bou



Hub Earth Station

Inbound Channel Via satellite

Network Outbound Channel Via

Star Network:


Hub Earth Station

Star Network:
Star connection is suitable for broadcast or data collection applications.

A major advantage of star configuration is that the size of VSATs in the

network can be small.

This is possible because the hub is a large earth station with bigger

Hence, it can receive the signal from a VSAT with sufficient C/N on
the inbound channel.

Similarly, it transmits higher EIRP on the outbound channel for better

C/N of small VSATs.
Mesh Network:
In a mesh network, a VSAT is connected to another VSAT directly via satellite
without going through the hub.

The major advantage of mesh network configuration is the single hop delay.

It is suitable for voice communication as the delay is less compared to star

A signal from one VSAT to another VSAT goes through the satellite directly
without a hub.

A hub is used in the network for initial call establishment and management &
control of the network.

When a VSAT desires to call another VSAT, it first gets connected to the hub.
Mesh Network:



Control Channel Via satellite

Communication Channel Via satellite

VSAT System elements:
The VSAT terminal is the user side equipment and is essentially a
compact earth station.

Depending on the application , it may have only receiving equipment,

only transmitting equipment, or both.

The terminal is split into two parts:

 Indoor Unit (IU) placed inside the premises
 Outdoor Unit (ODU) placed outside the premises, generally on the

 The antenna is a part of the ODU and RF Subsystems of the receiver

and the transmitter are placed closed to antenna feed.
VSAT System elements:
The RF Subsystem comprises of low noise block converter (LNBC) on the
receiving side and Block Up Converter (BUC) on the transmit side.

Indoor Outdoor
User Interface Unit Inter facility link unit

Antenna and feed

Fig : VSAT user Equipment

The Reason for keeping the RF equipment close to antenna is to avoid losses
in the cable carrying the signal from antenna to indoor unit

The losses at an IF will be lower than at RF. Also, losses after the LNA have
insignificant effect on the performance
Schematic Representation of Outdoor Unit:

Fig : ODU Electronics

 Inter facility link (IFL) is a cable connects the ODU with the IU and carries the signal and

 The signals are either in L-band or an intermediate frequency of 70 or 140 MHz.

 The ODU Electronics is packaged in a weatherproof enclosure as it is exposed to the open

Schematic Representation of Indoor Unit:

Fig 3: Indoor Electronics

Simplest Block Schematic Representation of Hub
Earth Station of VSAT:

Host Baseband Modem Outdoor

Computer Processor FEC unit

LNA/HPA Hub Antenna


Indoor Unit

Fig : Block Schematic of Hub Earth Station of VSAT

Hub Earth Station of VSAT
 There are three types of hub stations
 (i) Dedicated Hub (ii) Shared Hub (iii) Mini Hub
 Dedicated Hub typically has an antenna of 8-10 meter diameter. It supports a
single VSAT network with large number of terminals, ranging from several
hundreds to thousands.

 A Shared Hub supports several VSAT networks operated by different service

providers. This hub consists of a separate host computer for each network. As hub
is an expensive element in the VSAT system, a shared hub reduces the cost of each

 A Mini Hub is a small hub catering to a small VSAT network.

 Apart from the above elements, Network Management system is an important

system integrated with the design of the network. It is a set of administrative,
operational and planning tasks.
Applications of VSAT system:
VSAT system have been used in a variety of applications involving
transmission and broadcasting of voice, data and low rate video.

The following is a list of some of the applications of VSAT Systems

 News broad casting and News gathering
 Distance education and training for continuing education
 Distribution of Financial trends and Analysis
 Introduce new products at geographically dispersed locations
 Distribution of video or TV programs
 Distribution of music in stores and public areas
 Library Networking
 Interactive computer transactions
 Internet
 Video Teleconferencing
 Database Enquiries
 Bank Transactions, ATM
Applications of VSAT system:
 Ticket Reservation system
 Distributed remote process control and telemetry
 VoIP Communications
 Electronic Fund transfer at Point Of Sale (POS)
 E-mail
 Medical Data transfer
 Sales monitoring and Stock control
 Surveillance and Monitoring and many more.

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