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• The basic unit of streamflow rate is in the metric system is called cubic metre per
second (m3/s) often written as cumec.
• Sometimes the flow rate may also be expressed in m3/s/sq. km which is nothing but
the flow rate per unit area of the contributing catchment.
• This unit is particularly convenient when the flow rates of different streams with
different catchment areas are to be compared.
• When the streamflow hydrograph is to be compared with the rainfall hyetograph
which caused it, the flow rate may be expressed in cm/h or mm/h as the ordinate of
the rainfall hyetograph has such units. A flow rate of 1cm/h from a catchment of A
sq. km is therefore equivalent to 2.78 A m3/s.
• This unit must always be used in association with a specific drainage area
• The volume of water discharged in a period of 24 hours at a rate of 1 m3/s is
called one cumec-day.
• That is, one cumec-day is equal to 1x 24 x60 x 60 =86400 m 3 .
• The other large units of hour are cumec-hour (3600m3), cumec month
(2592000 m3) and cumec-year (31536000 m3)
• Hectare-metre is also one of the commonly used volume unit.
• 1ha-m = 10000 m3 .
• With a similar interpretation, sq. km-cm may also be used as a volume unit
and again 1sq. km - cm = 10000 m3 .
The conversions among the various volume units just now mentioned may be
listed as given below.

• 1 cumec-day=86400 m3 =8.64 ha-m .

• 1 cumec-month = 259.2 ha-m
• 1 million m3 = 100 ha-m =11.574 cumec-days
• 1 cumec-year= 31536000 m3 = 31.536 million m3 =3153.6 ha-m
• 1 ha-m = 1sq. km-cm=10000m3 =0.01 million m3

• Q) The mean daily flows at a gauging station for a period of 7 days

are 7,27,58,41,31,20 and 13 m3/s respectively. What is the total
volume of streamflow at the site in cumec-days and in hectare-
metres? What is the mean flow rate for the week. If the drainage
area at the site is 100

Total volume of flow
=7+27 + 5 8 + 4 1 + 13 + 02 + 31 = 197 c u m e c - d a y s
=197 ×86400 =17020800 m3
= 1702.08 ha-m
Mean flow for the week =
=28.143 m3/s
Depth of runoff =
=0.170208 m
=17.021 cm
Q) What volume is represented by 57mm of runoff depth from a
basin of area 3300 km2? Give the answer in m3,cumec-days, ha-m
and million cubic metres.

Volume of runoff =basin area x depth of runoff
= (3300 × 106) × (57 × = 1881× m3
=188.1 million m3
= =18810 ha-m
==2177.08 cumec-days
A drainage basin has an area of 210 km2. The average depth of
rainfall received by it during a monsoon period is computed as
65 cm, while the runoff measured at its outlet during the same
period is estimated to be 5.68 x m3. Compute the depth of
runoff. What percentage of rainfall has become runoff? If all
this runoff volume is stored and used to irrigate a crop which
requires 60 cm of water. How many hectares can be irrigated?

Depth of runoff= = = 0.2705 m
=27.05 cm
% of the rainfall that became runoff =
Area of crop that can be irrigated =

= = 9.467 * m2
= 94.67 km2 =9467 hectares

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