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Passive Voice
(Edilgen Cümleler)
Mr. Yılmaz waters the flowers every day.
The flowers are watered every day.

A boy painted the walls.

The walls were painted.
 USE:

 1. Yapılan eylem yapan kişiden daha önemli ise.

Cotton is grown in Çukurova in Türkiye.

 2. Bir eylemi yapan bilinmiyorsa veya belli ise.

My wallet was stolen.

The thieves were caught.
 HOW:
1. Nesne cümlenin başına alınır, özne çıkarılır.
2. Yardımcı fiil varsa getirilir.
3. “to be” fiilinin doğru hali (be, am / is / are, was / were, been,
being) kullanılır. Etken cümledeki fiil ne halde ise be fiili de o
halde olur.
4. Fiilin 3. hali kullanılır.

Ex: I clean the house every day.

N The house is cleaned every day.
BE: will, can, may, would, should, could, going to
AM, IS, ARE: geniş zaman.
WAS, WERE: geçmiş zaman. (Fiilin 2. hali)
BEEN: had+f3, have/has+f3
BEING: continuous tenses (şimdiki zaman)
Many students have watched Spiderman 2.

Spiderman 2 has been watched.

» İşi yapanı söylemek için "by" kullanırız.

Postman delivers the letters every morning.

>>>>>> The letters are delivered every morning by the postman.

» Özne zamirse object pronoun hali yazılır.

I >> me, You >> you, He >> him, She >> her, It >> it, We >> us, They >> them

He repairs cars.
>>>>>> Cars are repaired by him.

I visit my grandparents every weekend.

>>>>>> My grandparents are visited every weekend by me.
1. The Simple Present S+V+O
A picture is drawn. (Resim çizilir.) O + am / ise /are + V3
The boy draws a picture. (Çocuk resim çizer.)
2. Present Continuous S + am / ise /are + Ving + O
A picture is being drawn. (Resim çiziliyor.)
The boy is drawing a picture. (Çocuk resim çiziyor. ) O + am / ise /are + being + V3
3. Simple Past S + V2 + O
A picture was drawn. (Resim çizildi.) O + was / were + V3
The boy drew a picture. (Çocuk resim çizdi.)

4. Future Tense S + will + V1 + O A picture will be drawn. (Resim çizilecek)

The boy will draw a picture. (Çocuk resim çizecek.) O + will + be + V3
5. Modals (may. might. could, must, should, would, has to,
used to, ought to) S + MODAL + V1 +O A picture can be drawn. (Resim çizilebilir.)
O + MODAL + be + V3
The boy can draw a picture. (Çocuk resim çizebilir.)

6. Present Perfect S + have / has +V3 + O A picture has been drawn. (Resim çizildi.)
The boy has drawn a picture. (Çocuk resim çizdi.) O + have / has + been + V3
1/They built this house in 1466
2/ This house was built in 1466

1/ Channel islanders speak French & English

2/ French & English is spoken by Channel islanders

1/ This book will change your life

2/ Your life will be changed by this book
1/ They have cut the grass
2/ The grass has been cut

1/ My mother is going to give me a present

2/ I am going to be given a present by my mother

1/ Susan wrote an e-mail to him

2/ He was written an e-mail by Susan
2/ An e-mail was written to him by Susan.
1/ They can’t answer your question
2/ Your question can’t be answered

1/ Someone had to take her to hospital after this

2/ She had to be taken to hospital after the crash

1/ They shouldn’t allow the children to do these things

2/ The children shouldn’t be allowed to do these things

1/ Someone must tell him if we want him to know

2/ He must be told if we want him to know.

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