BRICS-Summit GRAND Presentation

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BRICS Summit

The BRICS Summit is an annual gathering of the leaders of Brazil, Russia,

India, China, and South Africa. It provides a platform for these major emerging
economies to discuss and coordinate on global and regional issues.

By Sandipan Sarkar
Jasmine Kaur
Introduction to BRICS
What is BRICS? Economic Powerhouses Geopolitical
BRICS is an acronym for an Together, the BRICS countries BRICS members seek to
association of five major account for over 40% of the
emerging economies: Brazil, world's population and nearly reshape the global order and
Russia, India, China, and South 30% of global GDP. challenge the dominance of the
Western powers.
Economic Cooperation and Trade
Trade and Investment Shared Economic Cooperation
Interests Initiatives
The BRICS nations are
major trading partners, with The BRICS economies are BRICS members have
significant investments and complementary, providing established mechanisms like
trade flows between them. opportunities for the New Development Bank
They aim to expand market collaboration in sectors like and Contingent Reserve
access and economic manufacturing, Arrangement to facilitate
opportunities. infrastructure, and economic integration and
technology. They seek to financial stability.
leverage their collective
Political Cooperation among BRICS
1 Coordinated Positions
The BRICS nations work to coordinate their positions on major global issues,
leveraging their collective influence on the world stage.

2 Multilateral Partnerships
BRICS has established various multilateral mechanisms to facilitate cooperation,
including the New Development Bank and the Contingent Reserve Arrangement.

3 Geopolitical Alignment
The BRICS countries aim to counterbalance Western dominance and advocate for
a more multipolar world order that reflects their interests.
Cultural and People-to-
People Exchanges
The BRICS nations have fostered deep cultural ties through rich exchanges in
art, music, cuisine, and more. Citizens from these countries regularly gather for
vibrant festivals and events, celebrating their shared heritage and promoting
mutual understanding.

People-to-people interactions, such as student and academic exchanges, have

also strengthened bonds between BRICS citizens, exposing them to diverse
perspectives and catalyzing innovation.
Security and Counterterrorism
Strengthening Intelligence Sharing
BRICS countries collaborate to enhance intelligence sharing and coordinate efforts
against transnational terrorist threats.

Combating Terrorist Financing

BRICS members work together to disrupt terrorist financing networks and
implement robust anti-money laundering measures.

Cyber Security Cooperation

BRICS nations cooperate to bolster cyber security and defend critical infrastructure
against malicious online attacks.
Digital Transformation and Innovation
BRICS nations are embracing digital transformation
to drive innovation and economic growth. From e-
governance to fintech, the bloc is leveraging
emerging technologies to enhance efficiency and
improve public services.

BRICS countries are also collaborating on digital

infrastructure, cybersecurity, and fostering a vibrant
startup ecosystem to stay competitive in the global
digital landscape.
BRICS New Development Bank
The BRICS New Development Bank (NDB) was
established in 2015 as an alternative to the World
Bank and International Monetary Fund, with the
goal of financing infrastructure and sustainable
development projects in BRICS and other emerging

The NDB has an authorized capital of $100 billion

and is headquartered in Shanghai, China. It aims to
provide loans, guarantees, equity participation, and
other financial instruments to support public and
private projects.
BRICS Contingent Reserve Arrangement

Mutual Support Financial Stability Equitable Distribution

The BRICS Contingent Reserve The CRA allows the BRICS The CRA aims for an equitable
Arrangement (CRA) is a nations to access emergency contribution and distribution of
framework for providing funds to mitigate balance of resources among the BRICS
protection against global liquidity payments pressures. members.
BRICS Expansion and Membership
Expanding Membership Recent Challenges to
Membership Criteria Expansions Expansion

BRICS has expressed Key criteria for In recent years, Expanding BRICS
openness to BRICS membership BRICS has added membership faces
expanding its include being a large new members such as challenges, such as
membership, emerging economy, South Africa, aligning diverse
recognizing the value having a significant cementing its status national interests and
new members could global influence, and as a major ensuring new
bring. Potential supporting the group's geopolitical bloc. The members fully
members are agenda of reforming group is now commit to the group's
evaluated based on global financial exploring further core principles and
economic size, institutions and expansion to enhance agenda.
geopolitical promoting multipolar its global clout.
influence, and world order.
alignment with
BRICS principles.
BRICS Role in Global Governance
As a group of major emerging economies, BRICS seeks to reshape global governance by advocating
for a more multipolar world order. BRICS countries aim to challenge the dominance of traditional
Western powers and institutions, such as the World Bank and IMF, by promoting alternative
frameworks like the New Development Bank.

Influence on Global Institutions BRICS countries have pushed for greater

representation and decision-making power in
global institutions, challenging the existing power

Promoting Multilateralism BRICS promotes a multipolar, cooperative

approach to global governance, emphasizing
multilateral cooperation and the role of the UN.

Reforming Global Financial Architecture BRICS has called for reforms to the global
financial system, including the creation of the New
Development Bank and the Contingent Reserve
Arrangement as alternatives to the IMF and World
Sustainable Development and Climate

Climate Change Renewable Energy Global Environmental

Collaboration Initiatives Leadership
The BRICS nations are BRICS countries are investing As major emerging economies,
working together to address the
heavily in renewable energy the BRICS nations are taking a
critical issue of climate change,
aligning their sustainable sources, such as solar, wind, leadership role in shaping
development policies and and hydroelectric power, to international climate change
strategies to mitigate global reduce their carbon footprint agreements and driving
warming. and build a more sustainable sustainable development on a
future. global scale.
Innovation and Technology
Driving Economic Driving Economic Driving Economic Driving Economic
Growth Growth Growth Growth

The BRICS nations From AI and renewable BRICS countries are

have become global leveraging advanced
leaders in energy to e-commerce and Development Bank has
fintech, BRICS countries digital infrastructure
technological invested heavily in
innovation, fueling are pioneering to provide more
research and
economic equitable access to
transformative development, enabling
development and
technologies that are education, healthcare,
prosperity across the cross-border
region. reshaping industries and financial services.
collaboration and the
worldwide. sharing of best practices.
Geopolitical Influence and
As major emerging economies, the BRICS nations wield significant
geopolitical influence on the world stage. However, they also face complex
challenges in balancing their individual interests and asserting their collective
voice amid global power dynamics.

Regional disputes, ideological differences, and economic rivalries can strain

BRICS unity, requiring adept diplomacy and strategic cooperation to navigate
these geopolitical hurdles.
Challenges and Opportunities for BRICS
Geopolitical Tensions
Balancing national interests and collective goals

Economic Disparities
Bridging the development gap among members

Governance Reforms
3 Strengthening institutional framework and decision-

The BRICS alliance faces geopolitical tensions as members navigate their individual national priorities. Overcoming
economic disparities and uneven development among the countries is another key challenge. Reforming the
governance structure to enhance collective decision-making and institutional strength is crucial for the group's future
Strengthening Cultural Ties

Cultural Exchange Educational Promote Tourism Celebrate

Collaboration Diversity
BRICS nations foster BRICS members work BRICS organize joint
cultural exchange Universities and to facilitate tourism and cultural festivals,
programs, showcasing research institutions travel, allowing their festivals, and events to
their diverse arts, music, across BRICS citizens to experience celebrate their unique
and traditions to collaborate on joint each other's vibrant heritages and promote
strengthen mutual programs, student cultures and landmarks. cross-cultural
understanding. exchanges, and appreciation.
The Way Forward: Priorities and

1 Strengthening Economic 2 Advancing Sustainable

Cooperation Development
Deepen BRICS trade and investment ties, Coordinate efforts to address climate change,
promote joint projects, and harmonize promote renewable energy, and ensure
economic policies to create new opportunities equitable and inclusive development across
for growth and prosperity. BRICS nations.

3 Fostering Innovation and 4 Reforming Global Governance

Advocate for a more representative and
Collaborate on cutting-edge research, digital democratic international system that better
transformation, and the development of reflects the growing influence of BRICS
emerging technologies to drive progress and countries.
Conclusion and the Way Forward
Enhance Cooperation and Innovate and Adapt
Strengthen economic, political, and cultural Harness the collective expertise and creativity

ties among BRICS nations to promote shared of BRICS to develop new solutions for

prosperity and global influence. emerging global challenges.

Elevate BRICS' Voice Empower People-to-People

Amplify the collective voice of BRICS on the Facilitate greater cross-cultural understanding
international stage to shape the global agenda and collaboration among the citizens of BRICS
and drive reform of international institutions. nations to deepen the bonds of the bloc.

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