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1. The game master will be showing 4 pictures that are

connected to each other which will reveal a specific word.
2. In the game, there are also boxes that will signify a clue
on how many letters there will be on the word.
3. The game will have 3 sets of pictures and 3 answers.
4. The students will be called randomly/they can just
Reporter: Jhea B. Cawayan
1 Define modern period.

Demonstrate understanding of
2 the topic through Action
Relay with a Twist.

Value the significant events

3 during the modern period.
Modern Period
 The term "modern" was coined shortly
before 1585 and describes the beginning
of a new era.
 The Modern Period is also known as the
age of machinery. It was a historical time
period that spanned the years 1500 to
1945, it describes the historical timeline
after the Middle Ages.
Modern Period

The Late Modern era

was primarily focused
on key historical events
that happened in the
19th and 20th
centuries, concluding
with the end of World
War II in 1945.
Literary Achievements
• Modern Novels
• Modern Poetry
• Poetry and Imagism
• Drama and the Absurdist Movement
• Political and Dystopian Novels
Modern Novels
• Reign the literature in the initial three
decades of the twentieth century, these years
are known as the golden period of
modernist novels.
• It is an embodiment of the era’s literary
innovation, and disrupted traditions, and
provides a fresh approach to dealing with
the human
Modern Poetry
• a sort of revolution against the traditional
thoughts and types of Victorian-era poetry.

• a style of writing that is defined by two distinct

characteristics. The first is technical innovation
in the writing, exemplified by the liberal use of
free verse. The second is a departure from the
Romantic idea of an unproblematic poetic
‘self’ speaking directly to an equally
unproblematic ideal reader or audience.
Poetry and Imagism

• This movement placed a lot of focus on

using clear, vivid language to
communicate ideas that are immediate and
• The emphasis on concise language and
clear imagery marked a change from the
extravagant and flowery vocabulary of
earlier times.
Drama and the
Absurdist Movement
• a genre that explored complex existential
concepts and the intrinsic absurdity of
human life, defined the dramatic terrain of
the Modern Period.
• This theatrical movement questioned
traditional storytelling and frequently
featured characters debating life’s
pointlessness and futility.
Political and
Dystopian Novels
• Encompassed the rise of incisive political and
dystopian literature that functioned as sharp
criticisms of dictatorship and societal control.
• Offered significant observations on the nature
of power and control in the contemporary
world and analyzed the effects of repressive
regimes and the erosion of individual
Notable Figures of
the Modern Period
 D.H. Lawrence II
 Joseph Condrad
 Thomas Stearns Eliot
 Virginia Woolf
 James Joyce
David Herbert Lawrence II September
1885 – March 1930)

He was an English novelist, short story writer, poet and

essayist. His modernist works reflect modernity, social
alienation, and industrialization while championing
sexuality, vitality, and instinct.

Famous works include;

 Sons and Lovers
 The Rainbow
 Women in Love
 Lady Chatterley’s Lover
Joseph Condrad
December 1857 – August 1924

He was a Polish-British novelist and short story writer. He

is regarded as one of the greatest writers in the English
language. He wrote novels and stories, many in nautical
settings, that depict crises of human individuality in the
midst of what he saw as an indifferent, inscrutable and
amoral world.

Famous works include;

 Heart of Darkness
 Lord Jim
 The Secret Agent
Thomas Stearns Eliot
September 1888 – 4 January 1965

He was a poet, essayist, publisher, playwright,

literary critic, and editor. He is considered to be
one of the 20th century's greatest poets, as well as
a central figure in English-language Modernist
poetry. His trials in language, writing style, and
verse structure reinvigorated English poetry.

Famous works include;

 The Waste Land
 Four Quartets
Adeline Virginia Woolf
January 1882 – March 1941

She was an English writer. She is considered one

of the most important modernist 20th-century
authors and a pioneer in the use of stream of
consciousness as a narrative device.

Famous works include;

 The Voyage Out
 Mrs. Dalloway
 To the Lighthouse
James Joyce
February 1882 – January 1941

was an Irish novelist, poet, and literary critic. He

contributed to the modernist avant-garde
movement and is regarded as one of the most
influential and important writers of the 20th

Famous works include;

 Ulysses
 Dubliners
 A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Literary Themes

The feeling of
disintegration Alienation and Confusion and
and existentialism isolation
Literary Themes
This theme illustrates the profound
The feeling of disappointment that World War I caused after it
disintegration ended. The chaos of the post-war world was
and often depicted using non-linear storytelling
techniques, stream-of-consciousness narration,
disillusionment and fragmented stories.
Literary Themes
This theme has its origins in the work of
existentialists like Jean-Paul Sartre and
Alienation and Albert Camus, who proposed that human
existentialism life is fundamentally meaningless and
that people must face this emptiness and
construct their own purposes.
Literary Themes
Literature during the period is confusing
to read because of its fragmentation, the
theme of isolation shows not only in
Confusion and everyday relationships but in the
isolation American people's take on world aff airs.
The U.S. desired to remain neutral
through both World Wars but eventually
was forced into participation.
Social Political Issues
The Modern Period in English literature
marks a signifi cant transition in terms of
1 aesthetic expression and cultural responses. It
came into being as a direct reaction to the
profound socio economic upheavals that
followed World War I.

This period was marked by the impact of

technical developments, such as rapid
2 industrialization and the emergence of mass
media, which altered how people understood
the world. Socio-economic
Action Relay with a Twist
 The class will be divided into two groups.
 They will form a line vertically.
 They will act what the master instructs them
to act.
 The fi rst person and the last person will
perform the act simultaneously.
 The consequence if they act diff erently is to
answer the question that was prepared for
Complete the sentence …

The Modern Age of

Period is also machinery
known as the …
He was an English
novelist, short story
writer, poet and essayist.
His modernist works David Herbert
reflect modernity, social
alienation, and Lawrence II
industrialization while
championing sexuality,
vitality, and instinct.
Give at least one literary theme
in the modern period…

It offers significant
observations on the
nature of power and
control in the Political and
contemporary world dystopian
and analyzes the effects literature
of repressive regimes
and the erosion of
individual liberties.
Quiz Time!

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