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FACE – Muscles ,

Vessels and

By : Dr Shikha Garg
Deptt of Periodontics
• Boundaries : Extends superiorly to the hair
line ,inferiorly to the chin and base of
mandible, and on each side to auricle
• Forehead is common to both scalp and face.
• Skin: very vascular
• Due to rich vascularity face blush and
• Wounds of face bleed profusely but heal
• Facial skin is rich in sebaceous gland and
sweat gland.
• Sebaceous gland keep the skin oily but also
cause acne in adults.
• Laxity of skin facilitates rapid spread of oedema.
• Renal oedema appears first in the eyelids and face before spreading to
other parts of the body.
• Boils in the nose and ear acutely painful due to the fixity of the skin to
the underlying cartilages
• Facial skin is very elastic and thick because the facial muscles are
inserted into it. the wounds of the face therefore tend to gape.
It contains
1.facial muscles
2.vessels and nerves

• Deep fascia is absent in the face(except parotid gland and buccinator

• Muscles of facial expression lie in superficial fascia(subcutaneous).
• Embryologically ,they develop from mesoderm of 2 nd branchial arch,
therefore supplied by facial nerve.
• No deep fascia is present in the face.
• The facial skeleton consists of 14 stationary bones and the mandible.
• These 14 bones form the basic shape of the face, and are responsible
for providing attachments for muscles that make the jaw move and
control facial expressions.
Muscles of the face
(muscles of facial expression)
• They are in the superficial
fascia , with origin from
either bone or fascia , and
insertions into the
skin(subcutaneous muscles).
• These muscles control
expressions of the face.
• They act as sphincters and
dilators of the orifices of the
face(i.e. the orbits ,nose ,and
Muscles of the face
1. muscles of scalp
2.muscles of the eyelid(orbital
3.muscles of auricle
4.muscles of nose(Nasal group)
5.muscles around mouth(oral
6.Muscles of neck
Muscles of scalp
• Occipitofrontalis
• Two bellies • Occipitalis / frontalis • Both
inserted into epicranial aponeurosis
• Occipital belly arises from lateral two
thirds of superior nuchal lines
• Frontalis belly arises from skin of
• Action of frontalis : surprise,
Orbital group
3 muscles are:
• Orbicularis oculi
• Corrugator supercilli
• Levator palpebrae superioris
• 3 parts-
• Orbital part(outer)
Originate - from medial part of medial palpebral
ligament and adjoining bone. Orbicularis oculi
Insertion- form concentric rings, return to point of
Action –closes the lids tightly, wrinkling
• Palpebral part(Inner)
Originate - from lateral part of medial palpebral
Insert - into lateral palpebral raphe
Action-closes the lids gently, blinking
• Lacrimal part(Small)
Originate - from lacrimal fascia& lacrimal bone
Insert -into upper &lower eyelids
Action-dilate lacrimal sac, support lower eye lid
• Origin : superciliary arch
• Insertion: skin of the
• Action: produces vertical
wrinkles of the forehead in
frowning as an expression
of annoyance
• Origin: lesser wing
of sphenoid bone
• Insertion : upper
• Function : lid
Nasal group
muscles associated with the
nasal group:
• Procerus
• Compressor naris
• Dilator naris
• Depressor septi nasi

• Origin :nasal bone

and lateral nasal
• Insertion: skin
between the eyebrows
• Action: – pulls down
the medial end of the
eyebrow – wrinkles the
skin of the nose
transversely in frowning
Compressor naris

• Origin: Frontal process of

the maxilla
• Insertion: Aponeurosis
which crosses the bridge of
the nose
• Action: Compresses the
mobile nasal cartilages
• Origin : Maxilla bone
• Insertion: Ala of the nose
• Action: Widens the nasal
aperture (by pulling the alar
laterally) in deep
inspiration; is also a sign of
Depressor septi
• Origin : maxilla above central incisor

• Insertion : mobile part of nasal septum

• Action : depress the nasal septum,

expression of anger acts along with dilator
Oral group
• The muscles in the oral group move
the lips and cheek:
• Orbicularis oris
• Buccinator
Lower group of oral muscles
• depressor anguli oris
• depressor labii inferioris
• Mentalis
Upper group of oral muscles
• risorius
• zygomaticus major and zygomaticus
• levator labii superioris
• levator labii superioris alaeque nasi
• Action- it aids in mastication by preventing accumulation of food in
vestibule of mouth. It is used every time air expanding the cheeks is forcefully
• Action : whistling along with orbicularis oris
Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi
• Arises- frontal process of
maxilla near nasal
• Inserted-ala of the nose by
one slip
-To skin of upper lip by
another slip
• Action-elevates and everts
the upper lip and dilates the
Depressor anguli oris
• Arises- posterior part of the oblique
line of the mandible
• inserted-angle of mouth Extends
further into the skin of upper lip upto
the midline
• Action-draws the angle of mouth
downward and laterally ,expression-
sadness , grief
Levator labii superioris
• Arises-lower margin of orbit Just
above the infraorbital foramen
• Inserted-upper lip
• Action-elevates and everts the
upper lip increase the nasolabial
furrow, sadness
Zygomaticus major
• Arises-zygomatic
• Inserts- angle of mouth
• Action-draws angle of
mouth upward and
laterally as in laughing -
smiling and laughing
• Spasm- risus
Zygomaticus minor
• Small muscle

• Extending from
zygomatic bone to the
upper lip
• Action-elevates and
everts the upper lip
increase the nasolabial
Depressor labii inferioris
• Muscle attached to lower
• Arises-oblique line of
• Quadrilateral sheet
• Inserted into skin of
lower lip
• Action-it draws the lower
lip downward and
• Expression-irony
• arises-Parotid fascia,as a
continuation of posterior
fibers of platysma
• Insert-angle of mouth
• Muscle of chin
• Conical in shape
• Arises-incisive fossa
• Insert-skin of chin
• Action-puckers the chin
• Protrudes the lower lip in
• Expression of disdain
Muscles of auricle
• Auricularis anterior

• Auricularis posterior

• Auricularis superior

§Functionally unimportant

 Insert into epicranial

Muscles of neck: Platysma
• Origin- upper part of pectoral and deltoid

• Insertion– base of mandible, skin of

lower face and lip

• Action– releases pressure of skin on the

subjacent veins, depress mandible, pulls
angle of mouth downwards.

• Action-terror,fright,horror
Sensory Nerves of the Face
 The skin of the face is supplied by the
trigeminal nerve (V), except for the small
area over the angle of the mandible and
the parotid gland which is supplied by the
great auricular nerve (C2 and C3)

 three major divisions-the ophthalmic

(V1), maxillary (V2), and mandibular
(V3) nerves.

 Also supplies nasal cavity, sinuses,

eyeball, mouth, palate, cheeks, gums,
teeth, ant two third of tongue and the
supratentorial part of dura mater.
Applied A
Trigeminal neuralgia
–usually Maxillary and
mandibular nerve are
– Excruciating pain in the
region of distribution of
these nerve
Motor nerve of
the Face
 • Motor supply: – Facial nerve
 • Facial nerve divides into five
terminal branches for muscles of
facial expression:
 – Temporal
 – Zygomatic
 – Buccal
 – Marginal mandibular
 – Cervical
Arteries of face
• 1. Facial artery
• 2. Transverse facial artery
• 3. Arteries that accompany cutaneous nerves
Facial artery
• Enters the face by winding around the base of the mandible
• By piercing the deep cervical fascia at the anteroinferior
angle of the masseter muscle
• Runs upwards and forwards to a point 1.25 cm lateral to the
angle of the mouth • Then it ascends by the side of the nose
up to the medial angle of the eye , terminates by supplying
lacrimal sac, anastomosing with the dorsal nasal branch of
the ophthalmic artery
• It lies between superficial and deep muscles of the face
• Branches : Anterior branches
1. Inferior labial
2. Superior labial
3. Lateral nasal
Transverse facial artery
 Branch of superficial temporal artery

 After emerging from parotid gland, it runs forwards over

the masseter between the parotid duct and zygomatic arch

 Supplies parotid and its duct , masseter and overlying skin

and ends by anastomosing with neighbouring arteries
Veins of face
•Veins on each side forms a W-
shaped arrangement

• Facial vein is the largest

• Begins as angular vein at the

medial angle of the eye,
Continues as facial vein.

• Joins with retromandibular vein

(ant divi) forms common facial
• Facial vein communicates with
cavernous sinus ; infections from
face can spread in a retrograde
direction and can cause thrombosis
of the cavernous sinus .
• This is specifically likely to occur
in the presence of infection in the
upper lip and in the lower part of the
• This area is called the dangerous
area of the face.
Lymphatic drainage o
f face
• Pre- auricular: greater part of forehead,
lateral halves of the eyelids , the conjunctiva,
lateral part of cheek and parotid area.
• Submandibular: strip over the median part of
forehead, external nose, upper lip, lateral part
of lower lip, medial halves of eyelids, medial
part of cheek and greater part of lower jaw
• Submental: central part of lower lip, chin

• Buccal glands
• Molar mucous glands
• Labial glands
• Gray’s Anatomy 40th edition.
• B.D. Chaurasia human anatomy 4th edition vol 3 head and neck.
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