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Internet and its applications

 It is possible to connect these small networks (LANs) within an organization or between

organization using different methods depending on distance, efficiency etc.

 Intranet

Connections of networks, communicating using (TCP/IP) the protocols of the Internet, within an

organization where by the organization have an overall authority (control) of the media

 Extranet

are therefore the interconnection of Intranets, based on an agreement between organizations for the

purpose of sharing resources.

Uses of Internet are:
Browsing information from world wide web (WWW)
Electronic mail (E-mail)
File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
Telnet to any Internet Host-remote login
USE NET and So on.
WWW is:

• A set of protocol and software that allows the global computer network called the Internet to
display multimedia documents.

• The information on WWW is spread over computers all over the world.

• WWW is sometimes called web.

Language of the internet - Terminologies
 Web Page: A single Web document

 Web Browser: The piece of software that runs on your computer.

 Web Site: A set of Web pages that are logically connected.

 Home Page: The starting, introductory or welcome page for a Web site.

 Link, Hot Link, Hyper Link: A part of a Web page that can be clicked to get somewhere else.

 Hypertext: Text that can contain links.

 HTML: Stands for Hypertexts Markup Language.

 URL: Stands for Uniform Resource LocatorServer

 Cyberspace
Requirements for Internet connection
Hardware Requirements -Dial up connection
 A computer with a serial port for modem or computer with built in modem

 Modem

 Cables, and cable connector (RJ – 11 )

 Telephone line

Hardware Requirements –Broad band connection

 A computer with NIC- Network interface card

 Cables, and cable connector (RJ-45)

 Intermediary devices (hub or switch)

Software Requirements- both for dial up and broadband
 Windows XP (OS)

 Browser or (Internet Explorer)

 Some additional software (MS – outlook 2000, yahoo Messenger, etc)

 An account with an Internet Access Provider


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