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Date : Topic – Light and Shadow
LO - Recognize that they need light in order to see things and that dark is the absence of light

Success Criteria
• I can explain why we need light .
• I can write what I know about Light and dark.
• I can give reason for the absence of light for plants and humans .
• I can justify how nature and daily activites without light.
• I can create a cartoon concept for light and dark .

Absence – lack of something

Beam – the light from a torch
Blurred – not clear
Source – where something come from
Must task – Identify the dark and light place at home or around the school – work
book – page 5 - 5 min

LO - Recognize that they need light in order to see things and

that dark is the absence of light
Independent Learning -12min
Understanding Q2
Apply- How would the absence of light affect the growth
Work page 5 -
of plants in an ecosystem?

Analze – How would the food chain be affected if there

was no sunlight for plants to make food?

Evaluate - Imagine a world without sunlight. How do you

think it would change nature, living things, and our daily
activities? Share your thoughts and reasons, using what
you already know or do a research.

Create – concept cartoon

LO - Recognize that they need light in order to see things and that dark is the absence of light
Date: Topic – Light source and
Success Criteria Key words
• I can identify a range of light sources. Reflect
• I can sort object based on sources and reflectors of light. Reflector
• I can sort natural and artificial light Reflection
• I can give reason for a surface of an object that reflects
light. Artificial
• I can justify the light comes from the moon.

Luminous bodies are those which emit light of their own such as sun, stars and

Non luminous bodies are those which do not have their own light such as moon,
book etc.

Bioluminescence is light emitted by living things through chemical reactions in

their bodies .
Sort the images that are sources of light and not sources of light - workbook pg 4

LO-To identify the sources of light and reflectors

Independent learning – 12 min –science journal

Understanding – wk Apply- How can you make a surface that reflects

bk page 6 -Q 2 and 3 light or other energy really well?

Analze -Why does the shiny steel scissor look

bright? Think about what makes the steel special
and how light plays with it?

Evaluate -Justify why looking at the moon is

considered to be safer than looking at the sun.

Create – wk bk page 6 –Q 1

LO-To identify the sources of light and reflectors

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