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Common Injuries and

First Aid Treatment


• Overuse, direct impact, and the application of

force greater than the body part can
structurally withstand are the common causes
of sports injuries can be classified into an;
acute or chronic injury.
• ACUTE INJURY is usually associated with a
sudden, traumatic event such as clashing into
another player during the game or fall from a
bike. A traumatic impact can cause your bone
to crack, muscle tear, and ligament snap.
• CHRONIC INJURY is caused by repeated overuse
of the muscle groups or joints. Poor technique and
structural abnormalities can also contribute to the
development of chronic injuries. Medical
investigation of any sports injury is important
because you may hurt more severely than you
think. For example, what you may think is an ankle
sprain may actually be a bone fracture.
Examples of Injuries
• Here are some examples of common injuries.

• 1.Abrasion is an injury caused by something that rubs or

scrapes against the skin.

• 2.Bruise involves the rupture of small blood vessels, and

discoloration without a break in the skin.
• 3.Concussion is a mild reversable brain injury from a
blow to the head, which may be associated with loss of

• 4.Cut is a wound caused by a sharp object or instrument.

• 5.Groin Strain is a tear or rupture to any one of the

adductor muscles resulting in pain in the inner thigh.
• 6.Hamstring Strain is a strain or tear to the tendons or
large muscles at the back of the thigh.

• 7.Knee Joint Injuries affect the bones, cartilage,

ligaments, and tendons of the knee. Common examples
are fracture, dislocations, sprains and ligament tears.
• 8.Nose Injuries are injuries to the nose or the areas that
surround and support the nose, causing bloody or broken
nose, pain, swelling and bruising of the nose.

• 9.Sprain is sudden or violent twist of a joint with

stretching or tearing of ligaments.

R. I. C. E. Strategy

REST – keep the injured area supported and avoid

using it for 48-72 hours.

ICE - apply ice to the injured area for 20 minutes every

two hours for the first 48 – 72 hours.
COMPRESSION – apply a firm elastic bandage
over the injured area, extending above and
below it.

ELEVATION – Raise the injured area above the

level of the heart at all times.
No H.A.R.M. Strategy

No HEAT. Heat will increase bleeding.

No ALCOHOL. Alcohol increases bleeding

No RUNNING. Running or exercise increases flood flow which

delays healing.

No MASSAGE. Massage increases swelling and bleeding and

also delays healing.

• 1.Stop any activity.

• 2.Sit with your nose leaning forward.
• 3.Pinch your nostrils and breath through your
• 4.Hold your nose for at least 10 minutes.
• 5.If bleeding continues past 30 minutes, seek
medical advice.

• Call for an ambulance for:

• 1.Prolonged loss of consciousness,
• 2.Neck or spine injuries,
• 3.Broken bones,
• 4.Injuries on the head or face,
• 5.Eye injuries,
• 6.Abdominal injuries.

Treatment varies according to the type and severity of the injury.

Nevertheless, always see a doctor if pain persists for more than two
days. What may seem to be a common sprain may really be a
fractured bone.
Physiotherapy or physical therapy can help rehabilitate the
injured part and, depending on the injury, may include exercises
that promote strength and flexibility. Returning to sport after in jury
depends in your doctor’s or physiotherapist’s evaluation and
Trying to play before injury is properly healed will only cause
further damage and delay in recovery.

• Painkillers, such as paracetamol, can be used to

lessen up the pain. Non-streroidal anti-
inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen, can also be
used to ease the pain and reduce any swelling.
Aspirin should not be given to children under 16
years of age.

• Immobilization, the reduction or elimination of

motion of the body or any part, can help
prevent further damage to the injured area. It
can also help reduce pain, muscle swelling
and muscle spasm.

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